Plainview, Texas to Claremore, Oklahoma
Back to Aircam West 2019
The Red River, in Texas
7/8/2019 10:16 AM
The Red River, in Texas
7/8/2019 10:18 AM
The Red River, in Texas
7/8/2019 10:18 AM
How did this get here?
7/8/2019 10:19 AM
The Red River
7/8/2019 10:21 AM
7/8/2019 10:51 AM
I40, in Oklahoma
7/8/2019 12:11 PM
Weatherford swimming pool
7/8/2019 12:35 PM
7/8/2019 12:48 PM
The town of Concho, Oklahoma
7/8/2019 1:01 PM
7/8/2019 1:08 PM
Drumright oil tanks
7/8/2019 2:17 PM
The Cimarron River goes through New Mexico, Colorado, and Oklahoma on the way to Keystone Lake.
7/8/2019 2:23 PM
7/8/2019 2:24 PM
7/8/2019 2:29 PM
Creek's up. (Keystone)
7/8/2019 2:30 PM
Creek's up. (Keystone)
7/8/2019 2:34 PM
7/8/2019 2:45 PM
Tulsa International
7/8/2019 2:50 PM
Tulsa International
7/8/2019 2:51 PM
They make school buses at the old American Airlines maintenance facility.
7/8/2019 2:51 PM
Port of Catoosa
7/8/2019 2:56 PM
Chemical storage at the Port of Catoosa
7/8/2019 2:57 PM
Nitrogen fertilizer plant
7/8/2019 2:58 PM
Claremore Airport!
7/8/2019 3:40 PM