Buckland greater metropolitan area. The airport is fairly new. The runway used to be the long angled road
paralleling the river.

The school is the big building at the top of the picture. The native store is the brown building on the
right. It's like a Walmart Supercenter, only on a smaller scale.


The Yukon River, again.

These stripes were made when the Yukon changed paths several times.

This fire had started not long before I crossed it. They hadn't started fighting it yet. About 10 days later,
it was even larger, and the smoke was about 40 miles across when I took these.

Alaska forest fire

Alaska forest fire

Alaska forest fire

Alaska forest fire

Alaska forest fire

Alaska forest fire

Mt. McKinley

Farewell, Alaska

Farewell, Alaska

Farewell, Alaska - I think the town has been deserted.

Farewell, Alaska - smoke from the fire about 10 miles away.

These are the mountains northwest of Anchorage

The little sticks on the sand bars are larger than they look.

They're logs!

Nice cabin

