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Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological 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Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological Child Parent Parent Parent Parent Biological Child Parent Biological 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Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) m. 1350 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) m. 1366 Marriage (a child) m. 14-Mar-1394 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) m. 1246 Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (four children) ~1464 William Langston Children
Daughter #1 LANGSTON
Daughter #2 LANGSTON
Daughter #3 LANGSTON
Daughter #4 LANGSTON
Henry LANGSTON b: Abt. 1538 in Sedgeborough, County Worcester, England
William LANGSTON b: Abt. 1540
Nicholas LANGSTON b: Abt. 1542 in England
Roger LANGSTON b: Abt. 1544 in England
George LANGSTON b: Abt. 1546
Elizabeth LANGSTON b: Abt. 1548 in England
Cuthbert LANGSTON b: Abt. 1550 in England
~1434 Amicia Agnes Danvers 1429 John Langston Elizabeth Jane Denton 1409 - 1487 John Langston 78 78 ~1405 Elizabeth Grimby 1374 - 1435 John Langston 61 61 Joane Bruley 1390 - 1448 John Danvers 58 58 1374 - >1395 Anges de Brancestre 21 21 1330 - 1409 Richard Danvers 79 79 Isabel de la Lee ~1295 John Danvers 1262 Alice 1256 - 1331 Simon Danvers 75 75 1225 - >1274 Robert Danvers 49 49 ~1201 Matilda Talesmasche 1197 - 1246 William Danvers 49 49 1172 - 1223 Robert Danvers 51 51 1142 Emma Chevauchesul 1135 - 1197 William Danvers 62 62 1109 - >1145 Robert Danvers 36 36 1087 Geoffrey Danvers le Poure 1061 Ralph Danvers 1118 Mabilia Talesmasche 1116 Awcher Chevauchesul Margaret Mille ~1360 John de Brancestre ~1500 - ~1553 John Barham 53 53 Children
John BARHAM b: ABT 1534 in Broughton, Kent County, England
Nicholas BARHAM b: ABT 1536 in Broughton, Kent County, England
Robert BARHAM b: ABT 1538 in Broughton, Kent County, England
Richard BARHAM b: ABT 1540 in Broughton, Kent County, England
Elizabeth BARHAM b: ABT 1542 in Broughton, Kent County, England
Alice BARHAM b: ABT 1544 in Broughton, Kent County, England
Thomas BARHAM b: 1546 in Broughton, kent County, Eng

John Berham of Woodlande and Buttes in Wadhurst, feoffee of Brookland in Frant 1521, purchased Barkley Mill 21 Dec 1536. Settled reversion of Bengrede and other lands on his son John 1547. His will was dated 1 May 1551, and proved 19 June 1555. P.C.C. He was Iron Master of Woodlande and Buttes in Wadhurst.


a) Birth record abt 1500 - SAC pg137 2nd son of Nicholas.- SAC Vol 2 pg212 Ironworks of Co Sussex by MA Lower - Lamberhurst _ Gloucester Furnace, the largest iron manufactory in sussex was principally in the parish though partly in Wadhurst. Its occupiers were residents in Wadhurst and intimately connected with that parish. The centuries since it was worked by the Barhams of Buttes William Benge Esq of Faircrouch in Wadhurst rebuilt the works and made them the most extensive of any in this part of the kingdom.

1521 SAC pg138 - John also owned Brookland Forge in Frant which he purchased from Humprey Lewknor, Esquire by deed dated 10 Feb 1521 with Barkley Mill and Verredge Forge on the borders of Frant and Wadhurst. 1543 The Subsidy indicated John Barham was by far the wealthiest inhibitant of Wadhurst. 1546 SAC pg138 Burrell Manscripts 5,682 f12 - The Mayfield Rental contains a long list of Chief-rents payable by John Barham, Iern Man in the new book of Sir Edward North lord of the Manor of Maughfeld. The Manor of Mayfield was granted to Sir Edward North on 5 Jan 1546. The schedule of his lands extends to 5.5 closely written pages and includes: 104 acres in the Virgate of Pell called Woodland and Southland together with 157 acres in the Virgate of Stedyngligh and 6 acres in the virgate of Wyke. This entry evidently refers to the estate mentioned in John Berham's will as "Woodlande and Buttes conteyning by estimacon xiiii score (14x20=280 acres) held by John Waller Esquire until his death on 5 Mar 1517. Another entry in the Rental records that "the same John [Berham] holds 2 pieces of land called Bengerede and Bengerede croft adjacent to the king's way leading from Wadherst towards Suresbrege on the south formerly held by Nicholas [Berham] Sen, and before by Richard Melle and recently by Richard Berham.

~1460 - 1577 Nicholas Barham 117 117 I doubt if he really lived this long.

Nicholas of Wadhurst, Sussex.
Land records 1 Sep 1491.
Church Warden Wadhurst 1463-1487.
Last record Juror 28 Nov 1499

Richard BERHAM b: ABT 1505 (1498) in Bivelham manor, Wadhurst, East Sussex County, England
William BERHAM b: ABT 1510 (1502) in Bivelham manor, Wadhurst, East Sussex County, England
John BARHAM b: ABT 1500/1524 (1500) in Broughton, kent County, Eng
Anne Busse ANNA DAUGHTER AN HEIR OF JOHN BUSSE, STEWARD OF THE MANOR OF BIVELHAM 1436 LIVING 17 MAY 1480. ~1425 - 1479 Richard Barham 54 54 Children
Nicholas BARHAM b: ABT 1450 in Wadhurst, Kent, England
John BARHAM b: ABT 1452

1453 SAC pg123 - Court held 20 Feb 1453 when John Bakere and Juliana his wife surrender 40 acres in Cumden wiste formerly belonging to William Cumden to the use of Richard Berham and Anne his wife and the deirs of Richard.

1453 SAC pg123 - Richard Berham was present at a Court held 20 Jun 1453 and was absent on the 9 Dec 1453 making "Essoin" for non-attendance. 1454

SAC pg123 - Richard Berham was appointed Prepositus or Reeve of the Manor of Bivelham.

1456 Pelham manuscripts - SAC pg123 - Richard Berham's compostus or Statement of account for the 12 months ending at Michaelmas 34 Henry VI (1456) is among the Pelham manuscripts. The lord of the Manor of Bivelham and of many other Sussex manors was Sir John Pelham of Laughton (E Sussex) Chamberlain to Queen Catherine (of valois wife of Henry V) The original will of Sir John Pelham dated at Laughton 2 Jan 1471 is at the British Museum. Witness to this will were "Henry Berham, John Berham, John Hampton, Richard Selewyn and John Westburn & aliis" The suppositition of RG Fitzgerald-Uniacke "If it were possible to identify the Henry and John Berham who witnessed ths will the perplexing problem of the relationship existing between the various branches of the family of this period would be nearer solution. My own theory is that Henry is of Sissinghurst (Kent) and the husband of Elizabeth Colepeper and John Berham, Arminger whose name heads the pedigree of "Berham of Berham" in the 1574 Visition. The arms assigned to Berham of Berham (Kent) are differenced with a crescent which usually denotes descent from a second son. Or perhaps John is the son of Richard of Wadhurst (subject) who was admitted by John Westburn the Seneschal to lands in the Pelham manor of Bivelham in 1480. The name of John Berham, Arminger occurs in 2 other Pelham chartes 8 Oct 1491 and 10 Dec 1499 as one of the feoffees of William Pelham 2nd son and heir of Sir John of Laughton. 1461 SAC pg125 - On 11 Dec 1461 William Bartlet Thomas Norman and Richard Berham did fealty for lands called Mauncers and Brookes in Wadhurst.

1464 SAC pg125 - At court 18 Sep 1464 Richard Berham and Anne his wife surrender a house with the appurtenances late William Comden's sotiate om the woste of Comden into the lord's hands who by his Seneschal John Westburn granted the same to the said Richard and Anne to hold to them their heirs ans assigns.

1470 Bivelham Court Rolls - SAC pg125 - on several occasions between 1453 and 1470 Richard Berham appears among the "Essoins" or those tenants who send excuses for non-appearance at the Manorial Court. When absent Richard was usually represented by his father-in-law John Busse

1472 SAC pg125 - At a court 9 May 1472 "John Busse had closed his last day who held lands called Snorehyll (Which had been surrendered to his use by Thomas Berham in 1446) also that Anne the wife of Richard Berham and dau of the said John was his next heir and of full age.

1473 SAC pg 125 - At the next court Joan wife of John Busse surrendered other lands in Comden wiste call Hedyng, Smythfeld, and Llytil Comden to the use of Richard Berham and Anne his wife..

Death reported as circa 27th Jan 1480.
~1402 Isabella 1400 - 1478 Thomas Bereham 78 78 Was admitted to lands in Cumden and Edwardes Wiste in the Manor of Bivelham Co. Sussex formerly belonging to Richard atte Melle and Isabella his wife at court held 10 Jan. 1440-1 which lands he surrendered to John Busse 5 Oct. 1446.

1441 SAC pg122 - Thomas Bereham and Isabella his wife were admitted at a court of the manor of Bivelham 10 Jan 1441 (19 Henry VI) to all the lands held of the lord Sir Joh Pelham of Laughton by Richard atte Melle and Isabella his wife in the parish of Wadhurst in the wiste of Cumden and in Edwardes wiste and did fealty for the same - fine XX.

1441 SAC pg122 - The death of Richard atte Melle was reported on 16 Oct 1441 and at the same court, John Busse and Thomas Berham was eligees for the office of Receptor to which the former was appointed.

1446 Pelham manuscripts - SAC pg122 - On 5 Oct 1446 Thomas Bereham and Isabelle his wife surrender a house and all their lands in Cumden wiste (site = a measure of land, half a hide in extent) with other lands called Snorehellys, Edwardesfeld, Middilcroft, and Marlings formerly belonging to Richard atte Melle to the use of John  Busse and his heirs who were admitted the same.

1447 SAC pg 123 - At a court Thomas Bereham with William atte Chambre and John Busse surrender lands called Aylotteland and Edwardysfeld which were then granted to John Busse and on 22 Sep 1447 Thomas Bereham John Busse and William atte Chambre were admitted by the Seneschal Thomas HOO Esquire to lands called Brokes in Wadhurst.

1448 SAC pg 123 - At the corts 18 oct 1447 , 13 Apr 1448, and 10 Oct 1448 Thomas Bereham was fined for default of suit.
Constance Courcy ~1370 - >1434 John Bereham 64 64 Archeology Cantiana XXII pg 231 - SAC pg 117 - Sissinghurst Manor near Cranbrook, the ancient seat of the Berhams was demolished by Sir John Baker the attorney when he "raised that Magnificient pile with the Park which now charmes with so much delight the eyes of the spectators" The brick towers of the main entrance which are still standing were built of materials taken from the original Berham mansion. There is a fine engraving of sissinghurst castle in Hasted's Kent. 1414 SAC pg 117 - John Berham's ARMS (Gold 3 bears were carved upon the west face of the tower of Cranbrook (Kent) church together with Bettenham and Wilsford surmounted by a shield bearing the arms of Archbishop Chichele impaled with those of the see of cauterbury. Henry Chichele was archbishop from 1414 to 1443 which enables us to fix the approximate date at which the tower was built or repaired. The details of the arms have since been obliterated by weather but can be seen on the tower today in Sep 1996 (G Julian).

    1434 SAC pg 116 - John Bereham is mentioned in a commission dated 1 May 1434 directed to the Archbishop of Canterbury and other county magnates who eree to take the oath of certain knights esquires and men of influence and substance (ceterosregni potentes et valantes) that they would not "wetyngly receyve cherishe hold lin houshold ne maynteyne Pilours Robours Opressours of the people Mansleers Felons outlawes Ravyshers of women syenst the lawe.. or eny other open mysdoers - Patent roll. 1434 (12 Henry VI) no.437).
1347 Constance Gibun 1345 - >1418 Richard de Bereham 73 73 Richard de Bereham resided at Sissinghurst during the several terms of his distinguished service to the Crown. These terms were - Commissioner of the Peace 1381; Commissioner of Array 1383; Sheriff of Kent 1390-91; Commissioner of Array 1403, 1405, 1407, 1418.

b) Marriage record - SAC pg115 Constance dau of _____ Gibun.

1365 Dover plea rolls see Steatfield's annotated copy of Hasted's Kent at the British museun Vol pg 755 - SAC pg115 - Richard de Bereham son of Henry succeeded his father and resided at Sissinghurst near Cranbrook (Kent). 1381 SAC pg 115 - Richard Bereham was commissioner of the Peace. 1383 SAC pg 115 - Richard Bereham was commissioner of "oyer and terminer". 1385 SAC pg 115 - Richard Bereham was commissioner of Array in view of imminent invasion by the french.
1285 - >1345 Henry de Bereham 60 60 Children
Richard De Bereham
Elizabeth De Bereham
Catherine De Bereham

In 1307, King Edward I "Longshanks" died and Edward II was crowned.

Henry de BEREHAM was summoned as "homo ad arma" to attend the Great Council at Westminster on 30 May 1324 (SAC pg. 114).

In 1327, King Edward II was murdered and Edward III was crowned.

Henry de BEREHAM was commissioned by the Prior of Christchurch in 1339 to seize "waifs estrais chateux Des felons et threzor troves" belonging to the Chapter (SAC pg.

In the library of the Society of Antiquaries there is a 16th century copy of the assessments in Kent of the Aid for knighting the Black Prince in 1346; the entry relating to BARHAM "Barrham Court - De henrico de BERHAM pro dimidio feodo quod henricus de BERHAM tenuit in Berham de Archiepiscopal Cantuariensi" (SAC pg. 114).
In 1349, the Christchurch Registers record Henry de BERHAM's appointment as "Custos" or Churchwarden of the Church at Cranebroke (SAC pg. 114).

In 1352, Henry de BERHAM purchased from Queen Phillippa the custody of the lands of William de LONSFORD in Sussex with the warship and marriage of his son and heir for which he paid a fine of 100 pounds (NICHOLLS Collection Top et Gen. IV pg. 154 - SAC pg. 115).--Descendants of Warin de Bereham, (Sunday, September 21, 1997; attachment to e-mail dated Wednesday, November 26, 1997 6:48 AM From: Durwin R. Rogers <> to Salette Latas <>)
Elizabeth Colepepper Colepepper or Colepper or Culapepper

~1258 Henry de Bereham Children:
Richard DE BEREHAM b: ABT 1345 in Kent, England
Elizabeth DE BEREHAM b: ABT 1347
Catherine DE BEREHAM b: ABT 1349

In 1272, King Henry III died and Edward I "Longshanks" was crowned.
The heir of Henry de BEREHAM was a minor in 1276 in the custody of William de APELTON; he was admitted to his father's lands 1 Jul. 1279 when he did homage and fealty to Archbishop PECKHAM at Cranbrook 1276 (Register of John PECKHAM, Vol III, pg. 997 - SAC pg. 114).
In 1307, King Edward I died and Edward II was crowned.
~1225 - ~1275 Henry de Bereham 50 50 1254 Archeology Cantiana Vol XII pg 203 - SAC pg114 - Henry de Berham son of Gilbert paid the aid assessed upon his lands at Barham (Kent) (that is half a Knight's fee held of the Archbishop of Canterbury) at the knighting of Prince Edward in 1254.

1264 Roberts cal gen vol I pg 246 - SAC pg114 - Henry de Bereham was implicated in Simon de Montfort's rebellion in 1264 and died before 1276. Richard de Bereham (probably Henry's uncle) was an adherent of the Earl of Leicester

In 1272, King Henry III died and Edward I "Longshanks" was crowned.
1565 - 1629 Edward Filmer 64 64 He resided at Colledgehouse in Maidstone, Kent, England. He resided at Manor of Herst in Parish Otterdan, England. The Filmers were anciently seated at Manor of Herst, Parish of Otterdan, during the time of Edward II until the time of Queen Elizabeth when Robert Filmer (Edward's father) son of James Filmer, moved to Little Charleton, East Sutton.

He was married to Elizabeth Argall (daughter of Richard Argall and Mary "Marie" Scott) in 1585 in East Sutton, Kent, England. Edward and Elizabeth had 18 children; 9 boys, 9 girls. Note: In several data bases, another child named "Job" appears but there is no such child depicted on the brass plate covering the tomb of Sir Edward and Lady Elizabeth in East Sutton Church. Elizabeth Argall was born about 1570 in Kent, England. She resided at Maidstone, Kent, England in 1580. She resided at East Sutton, Kent, England in 1586. She died on 9 Aug 1638 in East Sutton, Kent, England. She had an estate probated on 16 Aug 1638 in East Sutton, Kent, England.

Married: 1585 in Kent, England
Augustinus Filmer
Mary Filmer b: 1586 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Margaret Filmer b: 1587 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Robert Filmer b: 1588 in Neck Of Land-Vir, London, Kent, England
Edward Filmer, Jr. b: 1589 in East Sutton, Kent, England
John Filmer b: 1590 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Elizabeth Filmer b: 1592 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Judith Filmer b: 1594 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Reginald Filmer b: 1596 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Katherine Filmer b: 1597 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Thomas Filmer b: 1598 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Anne Filmer b: 1600 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Jane Filmer b: 1600 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Thomas Filmer b: 1601 in Canterbury, Kent, England
Henry Filmer, Major b: abt 1598 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Susanna Filmer b: 1603 in Canterbury, Kent, England
Richard Filmer b: 1620 in East Sutton, Kent, England
Sarah Filmer b: 1604 in Manor, East Sutton, Kent, England

(aged 63, 17th. January, last)
Will Dated 20 October, Vth. Charles I ; Proved 5 December 1629

To my daughter, ELIZABETH, wife of William Faulkner, citizen and draper of London, if she survives her husband £500. If the said husband survives said ELIZABETH, then to her children £300, equally divided. If she dies without issue, then to her husband £20. Executors to fing meat, drink and apparel to the said ELIZABETH to the value of £4- yearly.

To my three sons, EDWARD, JOHN, and HENRY FILMER, £10 each. And because my son REYNALD's (REGINALD) estate consists in trading beyond the seas, I forgive him all his debts (£500), £50. To my said son HENRY, if he commence M.A. in University of Cambridge, £40 and further £100.

To my daughters, MARY KNATCHBULL and CATHERINE BARHAM, £20 each.

To EDWARD KNATCHBULL, my Godson, £5. To his sister MARY KNATCHBULL, £20.
To his brother JOHN, £2 To EDWARD BARHAM, my Godson.... To ELIZABETH
BARHAM, my wife's God-daughter, £5. To other grandchildren, ROBERT, THOMAS, CHARLES and RICHARD BARHAM, £40 s, each. To Dame ANN, wife of my son, Sir
ROBERT FILMER, £20 for a ring. To my daughter SARA, £1000 further L500.
Annuity of £10 to my brother, HENRY. DOROTHY, daughter of my brother, ANTHONY FILMER, £10.

DAME ELIZABETH, my wife, £120. All her chains and jewels and all my household stuff in College House in Maidstone, a third part of linen and silver. My lease of Rectory in East Sutton toward payment of my debts. The other two parts of linen, silver, etc. to my son, Sir ROBERT FILMER. My wife shall have the leases of certain houses in Knightrider Street, lately given me by my brother, ROBERT FILMER, ESQ. DAME ELIZABETH and SIR ROBERT, my son, Executors. Witnesses: WILLIAM DAVY, WILLIAM GREGORY, and RICHARD CLOUGH.

For disposing my land in Co. Kent and elsewhere.... Lands called NICHOLS in CHARTHAM, my lands in OTTERDEEN and land in ROMNEY MARSH shall stand according to indentures made. To my son JOHN, 50 yearly out of house in DARRANT. To said son, JOHN, also my houses and lands in YALDING and to his heirs. For default to my eldest son, SIR ROBERT and heirs; for default to EDWARD FILMER, my second son and heirs; for default to REYNALD, my fourth son and heirs. For default to HENRY, my fifth son and heirs. To HENRY, my fifth son and heirs, after my wifes decease, tenement and land in Warren Street LENHAM and one in Parish of CHARING. For default to SIR ROBERT; for default to EDWARD; for default to JOHN; for default to REYNALD. To my wife, DAME ELIZABETH for life all my houses and lands in DARRANT, LENHAM, CHARING and SUTTON VALENCE, one tenement in Parish of BORDEN. AFTER her decease, the lands in SUTTON VALENCE shall be sold if need be. I no deeded lands to Sir ROBERT and heirs. Witnesses: WILLIAM DAVY, WILLIAM GREGORY, RICHARD CLOUGH.

~1202 Lucy de Ocholte ~1200 - <1255 Gilbert de Bereham Fitz-Urse 55 55  In the chaper library at canterbury is the original charter by which "Gilebertus filius Warini de Berham granted to the prior and convent of Christchurch Canterbury a rent-charge upon a portion of his lands at Berham "for the lights and other uses of the alter of the blessed mary in the nave of that church" the charter is not dated. Among witnesses are Thomas de Ocholte, Ralph de Berham, and Robert de Hamme.

1243 Calender of Patent Rolls 28 Henry III - SAC pg113 - dated 26 nov 1243 "Pardon to Gilbert de bereham for the death of Richard de Tapinton whom he killed my disadventure with a lance in justing; on condition that he make his peace with the relatives and stand is trial if anyone will proceed against him. Mandate of Sheriff of Kent to permit him to remain in his bailiwick to restore to him any goods he may have taken.

1246 Feet of Fines Kent 39 Henry III - SAC pg114 - Gilbert de Berham and Lucy his wife were parties to several fines of lands in Barham and the neighbourhood between 1246 and 1249. Gilbrt died before 24 Jul 1255 on which date Lucy his widow was the wife of Henry de Berham.

Henry DE BEREHAM b: ABT 1225 in Kent, England
Warin DE BEREHAM b: ABT 1227
Gilbert DE BEREHAM b: ABT 1229
~1175 - >1210 Warine de Bereham Fitz-Urse 35 35 1203 Pedes Finium 5 John Archeology Cantiana Vol IV - Warine de Berham's name occurs in a Recongnizance of great assize dated 15 Jun 1203 - "Intertinenciis in Hammes".

1210 Liver Ruseus Vol II - "Milites tenentes de Arch Cant; Warinus de Berham dimidium feodum in Bereham": Warin held lands in Barham near Canterbury by Knight service as one of the military tenants of the Archbishop in 1210. 
~1150 - ~1210 Richard Fitz- Urse 60 60 ~1130 - >1175 Fitz- Urse 45 45 Children:
Richard FITZ-URSE b: 1150 in Kent, England
Reginald FITZ-URSE b: ABT 1152 in Kent, England
Richard Colepepper 1345 - 1397 Eleanor de Louvaine 52 52 D. 1365 William Bourchier ~1307 Margaret of Prayers ~1300 - 1349 Robert Bourchier 49 49 1334 was made Chief Justice of the King's Bench in Ireland; in about
1336 he was granted a license to make his mansion, Stansted Hall, at Halstead,
Essex, into a castle; in 1340 he was placed in charge of the Great Seal of
England in the capacity of the Lord Chancellor of England; 1342 created a
Baron; 1348 Knighted for his particpation in the Battle of Crecy [8/26/1346]; he died a
victim of the plague in 1349.

1st Baron Bourchier 1348.
Made Lord Chancellor of England.
Summoned to Parliament 2/25/1342-3/10/1349.
Died of the plague.

(Sir) John BOURCHIER b: ABT 1329
Bartholomew BOURCHIER
~1281 Helen of Colchester 1282 - 1329 John Bourchier 47 47 Was one of the justices of the Court of the King's Bench.
Acquired the manor of Stansted Hall near Halstead in Essex, was his primary residence.

A Judge of the Common Pleas 1321.

Emma D. 1328 Robert Bourchier Justice of the King's Bench duringrReign of Edward II. 1259 Joan of Montchensy Birth: 1259 in Stanstead Hall, Essex, England 1255 Walter of Colchester ~1230 - 1289 William de Munchensi 59 59 Commander in Chief at Battle of Lewes ~1202 - ~1234 Joan Marshal 32 32 ~1192 - 1255 Warin de Munchensi 63 63 children
William de Munchensi, Sir b: ABT. 1230 in Swanscombe, Kent, England
Joan de Munchensi b: ABT. 1233 in Swanscombe, Kent, England
1172 - <1225 Aveline de Clare 53 53 Marriage 1 William de Munchensi, Sir Knight b: ABT. 1167 in Swanscombe, Kent, England
Warin de Munchensi, Lord of Swanscomb b: ABT. 1192 in Swanscombe, Kent, England

Marriage 2 Geoffrey FitzPiers, Earl of Essex b: BEF. 1163 in Saffron Walden, Essex, England
Married: AFT. 1197 in England
John FitzGeoffrey, Justiciar of Ireland b: ABT. 1202 in Shere, Surrey, England
Hawise FitzGeoffrey b: ABT. 1203 in Streatley, Berkshire, England
~1167 - <1204 William de Munchensi 37 37 ~1145 Hugh de Munchensi 1125 - <1191 Agnes FitzJohn 66 66 ~1120 - <1187 Warine de Munchensi 67 67 ~1080 - ~1157 Hubert de Munchensi 77 77 children
Sarah de Munchensi b: ABT. 1115 in Edwardstone, Suffolk, England
Warine de Munchensi b: ABT. 1120 in Edwardstone, Suffolk, England
~1055 Warine de Munchensi ~1035 Hubert Baron de Munchensi children
Warine de Munchensi b: ABT. 1055 in Normandy, France
Miss de Munchensi b: ABT. 1065 in Normandy, France
1093 - 1140 Sibyl de Lacy 47 47 ~1086 - 1137 Payne FitzJohn 51 51 children
Agnes FitzJohn b: 1125 in Holkham, Norfolk, England
Payn FitzJohn b: ABT. 1135 in Ewyas, Herefordshire, England
~1054 Magdalen of Yorkshire Children
Eustace FitzJohn * DE BURGO b: ABT. 1079 in Knaresborough Castle, Yorkshire, England
William DE BURGH b: ABT. 1082 in Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England
Payn * FITZJOHN b: 1086 in Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England
1050 - 1138 John Fitzeustace de Burgo 88 88 John, surnamed Monoculus from having but one eye, had three sons, Paganus, Eustace, and William. These brothers were witnesses to the foundation of the abbey of Cirencester, co. Gloucester, 1133. The elder son, Paganus, dying s. p., was s. by his brother, Eustace Fitz-John.

Eustace FitzJohn * DE BURGO b: ABT. 1079 in Knaresborough Castle, Yorkshire, England
William DE BURGH b: ABT. 1082 in Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England
Payn * FITZJOHN b: 1086 in Knaresborough, Yorkshire, England
1005 Eustace de Conteville ALIA: Eustace de /Conteville/

Eustace de Burgh, Baron Tonsburgh, in Normandy, younger brother of Harlowen de Burgh, the ancestor of the Lords Clanricarde, and the numerous families of De Burgh, Burke, and Bourke, had two sons, Serlo, and John, surnamed Monoculus, from having but one eye.

Serlo Sire de Burci b: ABT. 1029 in Normandy, France
John "Monoculus (One Eye)" de Burgo b: 1050 in Tonsburgh, Normandy, France
~0974 de Mellent ~0959 Jean de Conteville children
Oda de Conteville b: 990 in Conteville, France
Harlevin Viscount de Conteville b: 1001 in Conteville, Normandy, France
Eustace de Burgo, Baron of Tonsburgh b: ABT. 1005 in Tonsburgh, Normandy, France
<0951 - 1008 Mathilde Billung of Saxony 57 57 Mathilde de Bourgogne may be Baldwin III's wive instead of Mathilde de Saxony.

(Birth: 969 in Burgandy, France -- wrong!)

Marriage 1 Baldwin III of FLANDERS b: 933 in Flanders, France

Arnulph II The Young, Count of FLANDERS b: 941 in Flanders, France
JEAN DE BURGO b: 969 in France
Bertha of FLANDERS b: Abt 1008

Marriage 2
Married: 962
Gonselon I Le Grand D' ARDENNE b: Abt 967 in Of, Verdon, Meuse, France
Bonne DE ARDERNE b: Abt 945 in Ardenne, France
Frederick DE VERDUN b: Est 970
0933 - 0962 Count Baudouin III of Flanders 29 29 ALIA: Baldwin III Count of Flanders

Sources differ on wife/mother:
Mathilda De Bourgogne
Mathilda Von Sachsen

Jean de Conteville, Viscount of Comyn b: 959 in Tonsburgh and Comyn, Normandy, France
Arnold II Count of Flanders b: DEC 961 in Flanders, France
0915 - 0958 Adelaide de Vermandois 43 43 She was Countess of Flanders. She may have died in 960. 0889 - 0964 Arnold (The Great) of Flanders 75 75 children
Baudouin III Count of Flanders b: ABT. 930 in Flanders, France
Hildegarde of Flanders b: ABT. 932 in Ghent, Flanders, Belgium
~0868 - ~0929 Aelfthryth 61 61 0865 - 0918 Count Baudouin II of Flanders 53 53 ALIA: Baldwin II Count of /Flanders/ ~0846 - 0870 Princess Judith of France 24 24 Widowed twice before

Rudolph Count of Cambrai b: ABT. 860 in Flanders, Belgium
Baudouin II "The Bald" Count of Flanders b: ABT. 865 in Flanders, France
Widnille Countess of Flanders b: 865 in Flanders, Nord, France
0837 - 0879 Count Baudouin I of Flanders 42 42 ALIA: Baldwin I Count of /Flanders/

A daring warrior under Charles II, he fell in love with the King's daughter Judith, the youthful widow of 2 English kings, married her, and fled with his bride to Lorraine. At first angry, Charles eventually forgave him and made him Margrave of Flanders-changed to Count in the 10th century.

Rudolph Count of Cambrai b: ABT. 860 in Flanders, Belgium
Baudouin II "The Bald" Count of Flanders b: ABT. 865 in Flanders, France
Widnille Countess of Flanders b: 865 in Flanders, Nord, France
0810 - 0864 Odoscer 54 54 0780 Engleran 0750 Liderie Queen Richilde of West Franks 0823 - 0877 Charles II Holy Roman Emperor 54 54 Ruled 875-877

Charles II, King de France

AKA: Charles II, Emperor of the West. AKA: Charles II, King de Bourgogne. AKA: Charles II, King of Italy. Also Known As: Charles "Le Chauve".

Born: on 13 Jun 823 in Francfort-sur-le-Main, Germany, son of Louis I, King de France and Judith de Baviere, Some sources assert King Charles II was born in the year 829.

Note - between 824 and 875 in France: The birth of Charles II in 823 did not at first excite jealousy or rivalry among his brothers. In 829, Charles was granted the region of Alemannia, Rhaetia and part of Burgundy. In 837, his Father Louis I "Le Debonnaire", by arrangement with Louis the German and Pepin gave Charles the land West of the Meuse, Burgundy, Chartres and Paris together with all the bishops, abbots and counts who held benefices in these territories. A portion of Neustria was added in 838, and upon Pepin's death, Louis Le Pieux made Charles King of Aquitaine. On 24 July 840, the new Emperor, Lothar, in Strasburg, refuses to support the land claims of Charles (from the agreement of Worms on 30 May 839). The two brothers, Louis and Charles, unite against Lothar and the War of the Three Brothers begins. Meanwhile, on 12 May 841, the Normands ravage Rouen and all the localities along the Seine, increasing their wealth considerably. At Fontenoy-en-Puisaye (24 June 841), Charles defeats his brothers Lothar (in spite of the arrival of the Army of Aquitaine in the Imperial ranks -- and at a total loss of 40, 000 lives at the battle) and Louis Le Germanique. Charles and Louis signed an alliance on 14 February 842 at Strasbourg. Leaving Strasbourg, the two brothers defeat the imperial army of Lothar just West of Comblence. Lothar leaves Aix-le-Chapelle precipitously, pursued by the two brothers. In Mellecey, not far from Chalon-sur-Saone, Lothar proposes a plan to establish perpetual peace which is acceptable to both Louis and Charles. On 15 June, they sign the preliminary peace document. On 1 October 842, each of them sends 40 commissioners to Metz to forge the official document. Prudence, the Bishop of Troyes, notes that Louis regained Germania in the East, Lothar gets the middle part of the Franc Kingdom, including Italy, and Charles obtains the Western lands (West of the Rhone, including Soissons). After that Charles goes to the Palace in Quierzy, where he marries Ermentrude.

Charles signed the Treaty of Verdun (843) which split the Kingdom of Charlemagne. By the Treaty, the destiny of Occidental Europe would be heavily influenced to this day. Louis obtains all lands East of the Rhine, including the cities of Spire, Worms, Mayence. Lothar gets all the lands extending between the Rhine and the Escaut, the Cambresis, the Hainaut, the country of Mezieres, and all the countships neighboring the Meuse, through the Saone and the Rhone, the Artois and Italy. Charles got all the lands East all the way to Spain. The Kingdom of Charlemagne thus was split forever, with the most serious rift between the germanic lands of Louis, and the French lands of Charles. The intervening lands extending from Frisia to Rome, from the North Sea to the Mediterranean including what would become Holland, Belgium, Lorraine and Switzerland would become a sore point of contention between these two peoples. The only thing that mattered to Lothar was the fact that both capitals (Aix and Rome) were located within his territory, thus legitimizing the title of Emperor.

Meanwhile, the Normands pillage Nantes and lower Aquitaine. Charles laid siege to Toulouse in vain (May to July 844). The Normands led by Ragnar Lodbrog arrive in Paris and must be heavily bribed to leave. Other Normand armies ravage Toulouse and Bordeaux (burned to the ground in 848). On 6 May 848, Duke Nomenoe proclaims the indepence of the Church of Bretagne and the following year proclaims himself King of Bretagne. Charles fought Brittany (Bretagne) in 845-851 and was victorious. Not liking Pepin II, the people of Aquitaine request Charles' help, and he obliges by accepting the Crown, and on 6 June 848 is consecrated King of Aquitaine, though he could not defend his kingdom against the Normands. He had Charles of Aquitaine jailed (849 in Corbie). In 850 Charles attacks Bretagne and leaves a garrison in Rennes. No sooner does he leave, that Nomenoe takes the city and then takes Nantes as well. The next year, Nomenoe ravages Maine, but, fortunately for Charles, the King of Bretagne dies suddenly on 7 March in Vendome. Charles has Pepin II locked in the Monastery of Saint-Medard de Soissons in 852. The Normands under Godfrid pillage Tours and Angers and penetrate via the Valley of Escaut all the way to the Seine. The loyalty of Aquitaine shifts in 853, and Louis the German is called upon to help against Charles le Chauve. He in turn defeats Louis and offers Aquitaine his son by Ermentrude, Charles, who would be crowned sovereign in Limoges in October 855. Both Pepin II and Charles d'Aquitaine escape raise armies against Charles le Chauve. Charles fought against Louis for Lorraine (859, 870 [Treaty of Mersen] and 875).

When Louis le Germanique becomes ill in 869 near Rastisbonne, shortly after his nephew Lothar II died, Charles see the opportunity to claim his heritage as Uncle of the deceased. He has himself annointed King of Lorraine in Metz on 9 September, by the Bishop Hincmar. In March, 867, Charles d'Aquitaine dies, and his father Charles le Chauve is recognized as King by the Assembly in Pouilly-sur-Loire. Upon the death of his nephew, Lothar II on 8 August 869, Charles sped to Lotharingia and had himself crowned King of Lotharingia annointed on 9 September in the cathedral at Metz by Bishop Adventius of Metz and Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims. In 9 August 870, through the Treaty of Meerseen, Louis "Le Germanique" and Charles "Le Chauve" reach an agreeable compromise whereby they divide the lands of Lothar II between themselves, leaving Louis II no part of the inheritance. As soon as Louis II died on 12 August 875, Charles rushed to Italy and received the imperial crown and is annointed by Pope John VIII on 25 December 875. In Pavia on 5 January 876, by acclamation of the counts and nobles of Italy, Charles becomes King of Italy. On 31 January 876, the Archbishop of Milan proclaims Charles as Emperor. The French ecclesiasticals and nobles, having some misgivings about Charles' ability to take care of his Kingdom meet in Ponthion. Charles joins them dressed in the attire of the Frankish King. As soon as they declare him elected and recognize his imperial authority, Charles donned the Byzantine crown, and purple vestment of emperor. When Louis le Germanique dies on 28 August 876, Charles claims Lorraine as his own. While on an expedition in Italy against the Sarrasins, through the specific request of Pope Jean VIII, Charles le Chauve dies at the foot of Mount Cenis.

Married on 13 Dec 842 in Quierzy-sur-Oise, Aisne, Ile-de-France, France: Ermentrude d'Orleans, daughter of Odon=Eudes, Count d'Orleans and Ingeltrude de Paris; Ermentrude was crowned Queen of France in 866, having already produced a number of children including 6 sons but none of them was satisfactory as far as Charles Le Chauve was concerned. By September 866, four of them were dead.

Married on 25 Nov 869 in Aix-la-Chapelle, France: Richilde de Bourgogne, daughter of Beuve=Bouin, Comte de Bourgogne and Richilde d'Arles; The honeymoon is short-lived, as Louis le Germanique demands, as part of his heritage from the death of his nephew Lothar II, a part of Lorraine. Died: on 6 Oct 877 in Avrieux, Dauphine, France, at age 54 Charles II is buried at Saint Denis although originally he was buried in Nantua. Before expiring, he named his son, Louis Le Begue as his successor, and the Empress Richilde, crowned by Pope Jean VIII earlier that year, is charged with taking the royal garbs and sword to her step-son.

Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Hersent of FRANCE b: ABT. 870 in France

Marriage 2 Ermengarde of ORLEANS b: 27 SEP 830 in Orleans, France
Married: 14 DEC 842
LOUIS II "THE STAMMERER" b: 844 in France
Judith of FRANCE b: ABT. 846

Marriage 3 Richaut of METZ
Married: 25 NOV 870
Rothaut b: ABT. 870
0773 - 0818 Ermengarde de Hesbaye 45 45 0778 - 0840 Louis I Holy Roman Emperor 61 61 Ruled 814-840

Called The Pious (778-840), Holy Roman emperor (814-40), king of France (814-40), king of Germany (814-40), and king of Aquitaine (781-840). He was the son of Charlemagne, king of the Franks. In 817 Louis made plans providing for the posthumous division of the Carolingian Empire among his three surviving sons, Lothair I, Holy Roman emperor, Louis II, king of Germany, and Charles II, Holy Roman emperor. His reign, however, was troubled by quarrels with his sons, who were dissatisfied with his arrangements for the succession. Louis was physically strong but was easily influenced and was unequal to administering the large empire that he inherited from his father.

In 781, at age 2, Louis I, "Le Pieux", was crowned and anointed King of Aquitaine by Pope Hadrian I, at the same time as his older brother Pepin was made King of Italy. Louis, whose twin brother had died at birth, was the third of Charlemagne's sons by his wife Hildegard. The Diviso Regni of 806indicates that Louis was to have Aquitaine as an independent kingdom upon his father's death. Aquitaine was in effect a March; for much of Louis' reign as sub-king he and his officials were occupied in quelling Gascon revolts and launching offensives into Spain. Unrest had never completely died out in the Pyrenees since the annexation of Aquitaine in 768, and more especially after the disastrous ambush of the Frankish vanguard in Roncesvalles in 778. In about 788, Chorso, Duke of Toulouse was captured by a Gascon named Adelric, and then released after being forced to swear an oath of allegiance to the Gascon or Basque leader. In 793, the Sarracens invaded Septimania, burned the suburbs of Narbonne and marched on Carcassonne, but in 795 Bahlul-ben-Machluc sued with Louis for peace. In 800, he successfully laid siege to Barcelona and subsequently captured Tortosa, Huesca and Pamplona and formed links with the Kingdom of the Asturias. Baptized: on 15 Apr 781; On 15 April 781, Louis was baptized by Pope Hadrian I in Rome. The next day, Easter Sunday, he was confirmed in his title of King of Aquitaine. Married in 794: Ermengarde d'Esbay, daughter of Engueran=Ingram, Count d'Esbay.

Note - between 800 and 837: Louis I established monasteries in Nouaille (a cell of St. Hilaire of Poitiers), Gellone and St. Martin-de-Tours.

After the death of his brothers Pepin and Charles in 810 and 811 respectively, Louis was crowned at Aachen on 13 September 813, Emperor and heir to all of Charlemagne's lands, by Charlemagne himself without any assistance nor even the presence of the Pope. All sources, Frankish as well as papal, refer to Louis as emperor from then on. Charlemagne died 5 months later. All of Louis' sisters were required to quit the palace and retire to their own estates. His cousins, the offsprings of Bernard (Pepin III's half brother) were exhiled: Louis forced Count Wala to become a monk at Corbie; Adalhard was exhiled to Noirmoutier to be held there in custody by the Abbot; Bernhard returned to Lerin and Gundrada had to retreat to St. Radegund's convent of Sainte Croix in Poitiers. Only Theodrada was left unmolested as abbess of Notre Dame at Soissons. Louis I was also known as Louis, "Le Pieux". On 27 February 814, upon learning of the death of his father, and at the age of 36 years, he left Doue-la-Fontaine, in Anjou, to go to Aix-la-Chapelle.

This new emperor, enterred this capital, and poised himself in front of the tomb of Charlemagne. So oversome with grief, his forehead touched the stone floor of the church. Hence the name "Le Pieux". Since he was kind, relative to his times, he was also known as "Le Debonnaire". For himself, he preferred to adopt the title "by divine Providence, Emperor Augustus". When Pope Leo died in May of 816, Stephen IV was elected Pope, and crowned Louis the Emperor on Sunday 5 October by placing a crown on his head during mass at Rheims. He also secured the release of some Roman exhiles in Francia. This crowning was among the first attempts to integrate the Papacy into the institutional framework of the Empire. Louis, 'lest he be led astray in satisfying the natural desires of the body' married Ermengarde, daughter of Count Ingramn. Charlemagne established Doue-la-Fontaine, Chasseneuil (Louis' birthplace), Angeac and Ebreuil as royal residences to maintain Louis and his household. At an assembly in Aachen in July 817, Louis made provisions for his sons' inheritance through the "Ordinatio Imperii". In his preface he states that the unity of the empire preserved for Louis by God should not be destroyed by men. Lothar was given the title of emperor, and as co-ruler with his father at once made heir to the empire, and appointed King of Italy in the event of his father's death. Bernard, then King of Italy was not mentioned, but the implication is that Bernard would be subordinate to Lothar should Louis die. Pepin was made King of Aquitaine (plus Gascony, Toulouse, Carcassonne, Autun, Avallon and Nevers) and Louis, The German, was made King of Bavaria (plus Carinthia, Bohemia, the lands of the Avars and Slavs and the royal manors of Lauterhofen and Ingolstadt). Pepin and Louis were to meet on an annual basis with Lothar to consult and together find "measures to take in the interest of perpetual peace". They could neither start a war nor marry without the approval of their elder brother. Lothar even had the right to de-throne them after three warnings. That same year, 817, Stephen IV obtains his political independence, thus severing the tie between Rome and the Frank Empire as conceived by Charlemagne. The arrangement was neat and all contingencies covered except for the one which took place. After his first wife's (Ermengarde) death, Louis, in 819, married the beautiful Bavarian Judith, daughter of Comte Welf of Bavaria. On 13 June 823 she gave birth to a son. He was called Charles. In September, 824, forgetting his nickname "Le Debonnaire", Louis totally ravages the Bretagne which was rebelling. In 829, at the General Assembly convoked in Worms (Wurm), Louis announces that he is forging a Duchy for his son, Charles, and gives him Alamania, Alsace, Rhetia, and part of Burgundy. The Co-Emperor Lothar, disagrees and has his name removed from imperial decrees and diplomas. Toward the end of 829, the political scene gets very complicated with allegations that Judith had intimate rapports with Bernard, Count of Barcelone, and ultimately desiring the death of the three sons of Hirmingarde. In Mai of 830, in Compiegne, Lothar and Pepin of Aquitaine lead a revolt. Louis is forced to cede on every point of contention. The apanage of the young Charles is eliminated, Judith is locked up in Poitiers at the Monastery of Sainte-Radegonde. In 831, the bishops would note how she had a talent for converting men's hearts and souls, and would allow her to rejoin her husband. In 832, Pepin and Louis revolt against their father. On 24 June 833, the Army of Louis Le Pieux faces those of the rebels. The field of battle in Rothfeld would be named the Field of the Lie (Lugenfeld). The Emperor and his sons begin negotiations. The night of 29 to 30 June, it is clear that the supporters of Louis would be influenced by his three sons. On the morning of 30 June, Louis would have to surrender. It would not be until 1 October that Louis would be deposed by the Assembly led by Agobard, Archbishop of Lyon and Eblon, Archbishop of Reims. On 7 October, Judith is sent to the Monastery of Tortone, Bernard to Prum, and Louis to the Monastery of Saint-Medard-de-Soissons, where in public ceremony, he is forced to lay down his sword, stripped of royal vestments, he is made to don the coarse cloth of a penitent. In 834, Louis and Pepin, tired of being under the control of their brother Lothar, decide to free their father. On 28 February, they succeed in freeing their father and in August in Blois, Lothar swears to Louis Le Pieux, that he would never leave Italy except by his direct command. Throughout 834, the Normands -- Danes, Swedes and Norwegians -- resume their raids. On 28 February 835, the General Assembly proclaims that Louis was innocent of all previous accusations thus clearing the way for him to be re-established as Emperor on the Throne at Saint-Stephen of Metz.

In 837, thanks to the intercessions of Judith, Charles "Le Chauve", receives a Kingdom composed of Frisia, between the Seine, the Meuse and the sea and in September 838, he receives the crown at Quierzy-sur-Oise. In 838, Marseille is devastated by the Sarrasins. On 30 May 839, the Empire is divided in half, with Lothar taking the East, and Charles' lands extend through Provence, Lyon, Toul and Geneva and all the lands of the West. Louis "the German", gets to keep only Bavaria. Married in 819: Judith de Baviere (3628), daughter of Welf II, Count de Baviere and Egilwich=Heilwig, Abbess de Challes ; Louis married Judith upon the death of his first wife, Ermengarde. She bore him a son named Charles in 823. It is clear that Louis was as fond of Charles as Jacob was of his Benjamin. Died: on 22 Jun 840 in Ingelheim, Germany, at age 61 In 840, while attempting to keep Louis "the German" in line, Louis "Le Pieux" is taken ill in Salz. Feeling near death, he sends Lothar his sword and the crown on the condition that he would be loyal to Judith and abide by the lands division agreed to in Worms in 839. He died on an island, near Ingelheim on 22 June. 309. Judith de Baviere (Andre Roux: Scrolls, 191.)

Married Name: de France. Born: circa 800 in Altdorf, Bavaria, daughter of Welf II, Count de Baviere (3626) and Egilwich=Heilwig, Abbess de Challes . Married in 819: Louis I, King de France, son of Charlemagne, Rex Francorum et Langobardorum and Hildegard, Countess de Linzgau ; Louis married Judith upon the death of his first wife, Ermengarde. She bore him a son named Charles in 823. It is clear that Louis was as fond of Charles as Jacob was of his Benjamin. Died: on 19 Apr 843 in Tours, Indre-et-Loire, Touraine, France.
0742 - 0814 Charlemagne 71 71 King of Franks 767-814
King of Lombards 774
Crowned Holy Roman Emperor 25 Dec 800

Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, CAROLINGIAN king of the FRANKS, came to rule over most of Europe and assumed (800) the title of Roman emperor. He is sometimes regarded as the founder of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. In 768 he and his brother Carloman inherited the Frankish kingdom (most of present-day France and a part of western Germany) from their father PEPIN THE SHORT. The entire kingdom passed to Charlemagne when Carloman died in 771. He inherited great wealth and a strong military organization from his father and brother. He used these assets to double the territory under Carolingian control. In 772 he opened his offensive against the SAXONS, and for more than three decades he pursued a ruthless policy aimed at subjugating them and converting them to Christianity. Almost every year Charlemagne attacked one or another region of Saxon territory. --4, 500 Saxons were executed on a single day in 782--and deportations were used to discourage the stubborn. The Saxons proved to be a far more difficult enemy than any of the other peoples subjugated by Charlemagne. For example, the LOMBARDS were conquered in a single extended campaign 773-74), after which Charlemagne assumed the title "king of the Lombards." In 788 he absorbed the duchy of Bavaria, and soon thereafter he launched an offensive against the AVAR empire. The Avars succumbed within a decade, yielding Charlemagne a vast hoard of gold and silver. After one disastrous campaign (778) against the Muslims in Spain, Charlemagne left the southwestern front to his son Louis, (later Emperor LOUIS I) who, with the help of local Christian rulers, conquered Barcelona in 801 and controlled much of Catalonia by 814. On Christmas Day, 800, Charlemagne accepted the title of emperor and was crowned by Pope LEO III. For several years after he regarded the imperial title of being of little value. Moreover, he intended to divide his lands and titles among his sons, as was the Frankish custom. At his death on Jan. 28, 814, however, only one son, Louis, survived; Louis therefore assumed control of the entire Frankish empire.

Gertrude Of The Holy Roman Empire b: ABT. 800 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia

Marriage 2 Adallind b: ABT. 785 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Theodoric b: ABT. 807 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia

Marriage 3 Himiltude b: ABT. 746 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Event: Partners ABT. 768
Pepin 'The Hunchback' b: ABT. 769 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Rothais (Rothaide) Of The Holy Roman Empire b: ABT. 771 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia

Marriage 4 Desideria b: ABT. 755 in Lombardy
Married: ABT. 770

Marriage 5 Hildegarde Of Vinzgau b: ABT. 757 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Married: ABT. 771 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Divorced: 30 APR 783
Louis I 'The Pious' Of Aquitaine b: AUG 778 in Casseneuil, Lot-Et-Garonne, France
Bertha Of France b: ABT. JUN 779 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Charles 'The Younger' Of Ingleheim b: 772 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Pepin I (Carloman) Of Italy b: 12 APR 773 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Adelaide b: ABT. 774 in Pavie, Lombardy, Italy
Rotrud (Hrotrud) b: ABT. AUG 774 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Lothar b: 16 APR 778 in Casseneuil, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Hildegard b: ABT. 777 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Ermentrude b: 740 in (Mother of the twelve sons at one birth)
Gisela b: ABT. 781 in Probably Milan, Italy

Marriage 6 Fastrada b: ABT. 763 in France
Married: ABT. OCT 783 in Worms
Theodrada Of Argenteuil b: ABT. 784 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Hiltrude b: ABT. 787 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia

Marriage 7 Luitgard b: ABT. 774 in Allemania
Married: ABT. APR 795

Marriage 8 Gerswinda Of Saxony b: ABT. 768 in Old Saxony
Event: Partners ABT. 800 3
Adaltrud(e) (Aupais) De Paris b: in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia

Marriage 9 Regina (Reginopycrha) b: ABT. 770 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Married: ABT. 801
Hugh (Hugo) Of St. Quentin b: BET. 802 - 806 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Drogo Bishop Of Metz Empire b: 17 JUN 801 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Adaelinda Of The Holy Roman Empire b: ABT. 796 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia

Marriage 10 Maldegard b: ABT. 766 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Event: Partners ABT. 808
Rothild Of Faremoutiers b: ABT. 788 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
~0720 - 0783 Bertrada II de Laon 63 63 "au Grand Pied" (broad-foot) 0714 - 0768 King Pepin III of Franks 54 54 Pepin III, King des Francs

Also Known As: Pepin "Le Bref".

Born: in 714 in Austrasia, son of Charles Martel and Rotrude=Chrotrud, Duchesse d'Austrasie ). Married circa 740: Berthe=Bertrada de Laon, daughter of Charibert, Count de Laon and Bertrade N? ;

Berthe was for may years, at least since 740, the concubine of Pepin III. In 749 she convinced him to marry her. Note - between 742 and 753: Pepin III was baptized by the then future Saint Willibrod, famous apostle of Frisia and was brought up at the Monastery of Saint-Denis. He would protect the bishops.

Upon the death of his father, Charles Martel in Quierzy-sur-Oise on 22 October 741, Pepin III received Neustria, Burgundy and the Provence. The next year, Pepin "Le Bref", whose surname was derived in the 9th. century because of his size, joined his older brother, Carloman in military operations in Aquitaine. They ravaged the region of Bourges and set fire to the Castle of Loches. By Autumn, they had pushed beyond the Rhine, defeated Duke Odilon of Bavaria and forcing the Allemanians to submit. In the year 743, they re-establish a Merovingian King by taking Childeric III from an abbey, purportedly one of the sons of Childeric II. In 744, Hunaud, son of Eudes, Duke of Aquitaine, undertakes his campaign in Allemania, crosses the Loire and destroys Chartres, burning its cathedral. The next year, he was forced by Carloman and Pepin III to retire at the Monastery of the Ile de Re. Hunaud's son Waifre succeeds him. Pepin decides to free Grifon, his half-brother, and to thank him, Grifon joins a rebellion against Pepin, refusing Pepin's offer of a dozen Neustrian countships. In 749, Pepin III forces the Allemanians in rebellion to submit as well as the Bavarians. Grifon escapes but dies that year on his way to seek the help Waifre, Duke of Aquitaine, near Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne. The Merovingian dynasty comes to an end in November of 751 when Pepin III receives the Holy Oil from Boniface, Bishop of Soissons, thus becoming King. His wife becomes Queen of the Francs the same day. Childeric III and his son Thierry both are shaven and they are sent to the Monastery of Saint-Berton, near Arras.
~0686 - 0724 Chrotrud (Rotrudis) of Treves 38 38 0689 - 0741 Charles Martel 52 52 Married: ABT. 713 in 1st wife
Married: AFT. 724 in 2nd wife

Victor over the Saracens at Tours, Poitiers.

Carolingian ruler of the Frankish kingdom of Austrasia (in present northeastern France and southwestern Germany). Charles, whose surname means the hammer, was the son of Pepin of Herstal and the grandfather of Charlemagne. Pepin was mayor of the palace under the last kings of the Merovingian dynasty. When he died in 714, Charles, an illegitimate son, was imprisoned by his father's widow, but he escaped in 715 and was proclaimed mayor of the palace by the Austrasians. A war between Austrasia and the Frankish kingdom of Neustria (now part of France) followed, and at the end of it Charles became the undisputed ruler of all the Franks. Although he was engaged in wars against the Alamanni, Bavarians, and Saxons, his greatest achievements were against the Muslims from Spain, who invaded France in 732. Charles defeated them near Poitiers in a great battle in which the Muslim leader, Abd-ar-Rahman, the emir of Spain, was killed. The progress of Islam, which had filled all Christendom with alarm, was thus checked for a time. Charles drove the Muslims out of the Rhone valley in 739, when they had again advanced into France as far as Lyon, leaving them nothing of their possessions north of the Pyrenees beyond the Aude River. Charles died in Quierzy, on the Oise River, leaving the kingdom divided between his two sons, Carloman (circa 715-54) and Pepin the Short.

Born: in 686 in Chateau de Franchemont, Belgium, son of Pepin II d'Heristal and Aupais=Alpaide N?, The Chateau de Franchemont is near Spa and also Verviers, which may have encompassed Heristal. During World War II, the resistance used the tunnels under the castle to hide people and supplies from the German hordes.

Married before 715: Rotrude=Chrotrud, Duchesse d'Austrasie, daughter of Saint Lievin=Leutwinus, Bishop de Treves and N. d'Istrie. Note - between 715 and 741: Toward the end of 715, Charles escaped from the prison his step-grandmother had locked him in, and rallies the Austrasians. In March, 716, however, in his first conflict with the Frisons who were edging their way up the Rhine, Charles is routed. A few weeks later, he is able to beat the Neustrians on the Ambeve River, near Malmedy. on 21 March 717, he is victorious over the Neustrians again, this time at Vincy, near Cambrai and he forces Chilperic II and his Mayor of the Palace, Rainfroi to flee to Paris. In 714, Charles takes the title Mayor of the Palace of Neustria, and gives the Neustrians a new King, Clotaire IV, son of Thierry III [who had died in 691] . The same year, his armies ravage Saxe all the way to the Weser River. In early 719, Clotaire IV died, and Rainfroi and Chilperic II obtain the assistance of Eudes, Duke of Aquitaine in a campaign against Charles. Charles defeats both armies; however, since Clotaire IV is dead, Charles recognizes Chilperic, but he becomes the Major Domus of both Neustria and Austrasia. When Chilperic II died in 721, Charles pulled Thierry IV, young adolescent son of Dagobert III, out of the Monastery of Chelles. from 722 to 724, the arabs mount successful offensives and pillage Autun. Charles, worried about maintaining the Franc authority, Charles Martel mounts a frightfully succesful campaign in Bavaria against the Allemanians and the Frisons, and he destroys their temples. Theutbald, Duke of the Allemanians is essentially powerless. In Gaule, toward the end of the decade, Charles turns his attention to Eudes, Duke of Aquitaine, who had maintained too independent an attitude. Aquitaine is ravaged in the process. In 730, Eudes allies himself with an Emir of northern Spain, Othmann ben Abi-Nessa and the arabs agin a foothold in southern France. By 732, a new emir, Adb-el-Rahman invades from Pampelona, cross the Pyrenees near Roncevaux, take and pillage Bordeaux, burning all the churches. In the Summer, they take Poitiers and destroy the basilica of Saint-Hilaire-hors-les-murs. On Saturday 17 October 732, Charles Martel's armies take the great Roman way linking Chatellerault to Poitiers and at 20 km North of Poitiers, at Moussais-la-Bataille, it encounters the arabs. They would observe each other for 7 days before the Battle of Poitiers would take place.

The Battle of Poitiers: One Chronicler, Fredegaire described the action as follows: "Duke Eudes, being viewed with derision throughout his lands, called against Prince Charles and the nation of the Francs, that most perfidious race of the Sarrasins [that is not accurate as Eudes had first allied himself with an Emir, but then called upon Charles for aid when events turned on him] . The Sarrasins, led by their King, Abd-el-Rahman cross Gerona [another error as they set out from Pampelona and crossed the pyrenees at Roncevaux] . After having burned the churches, and crushed the population, they arrive in Poitiers. When they burn the Basilica and destroy the residence of Saint Martin, Prince Charles put into action an audacious plan and the order of Battle is given. With the aid of Jesus Christ, our Lord, our valorous Prince destroys their tents and flies into combat to crush them..."

A less glorious account is given by a monk of the Abbey of Moissac:

"The King of Spain, Abd-el-Rahman, having crossed the Pyrenees with his large army from Pampelona, laid siege to Bordeaux. Then Eudes, Prince of Aquitaine, leading his large assembled army fought against the Sarrasins on the banks of the Garonne. But, from the beginning, the Sarrasins were victorious. Eudes, having to flee, recruited the assistance of Charles, Prince of the Francs. Then Charles led his armies and combat ensued in the suburbs of Poitiers [the actual battle took place 20 km North of Poitiers] . The Sarrasins having been beaten by the Francs, and their King, Abd-el-Rahman killed, fled in a most disorderly manner back to Spain. As to Charles, he returned triumphantly to France with the bounty..."

The Moslems have named that field of Battle: Balad-al-Shouhada -- Place of the Martyrs of the Faith. This victory gave Charles Martel extraordinary prestige, and it is there that he is said to have crushed the arabs "like a hammer". He then occupied the Bourgogne (Burgundy) and pacified the Languedoc, and Provence, thus establishing a significant French Monarchy. He exiled the family of Eucharic of Orleans, who controlled the bishopric of Auxerre, to Hesbaye, and installed his own man, Aimar to the Holy See. Married before 726: Sunnichild de Baviere. Buried: in Oct 741 in Saint Denis, Seine, Ile-de-France, France. Died: on 22 Oct 741 in Kiersy=Quierzy, Aisne, France, Upon Charles Martel's death, his two sons divide the Kingdom in accordance with his wishes. Carloman gets Austrasia, Allemania and Thuringia; Pepin gets Neustria, Burgundy and Provence. The rest, very little, went to Grifon, a bastard child of Charles by Swannhilde, grand-daughter of the Duke of the Bavarians.
0654 - >0689 Alpaide of Aupois 35 35 Alpaida (Elfide, Chalpaida) was Pepin II's (635 or 640 - December 16, 714) concubine and mother to Pepin II's illegitimate son, Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer) (August 23, 686 - October 22, 741). She was daughter of Dodo. 0635 - 0714 Pepin II of Herstal 79 79 ALIA: Pepin of /Herstal/

Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited the Frankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson of Pepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom of Austrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to the other Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retained members of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in all three. Two years later he extended his control over the Frisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin's death was followed by a civil war and the succession of his illegitimate son Charles Martel.

Pepin II d'Heristal (Andre Roux: Scrolls from his personal genealogicaL research. The Number refers to the family branch numbers on his many scrolls, 191.)

(Paul Auge, Nouveau Larousse Universel (13 a 21 Rue Montparnasse et Boulevard Raspail 114: Librairie Larousse, 1948).)

(Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners in ISBN: 0-8063-1344-7 (1001 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1992), Page 129, Line 171-44.)

(Alain Decaux Andre Castelot, Marcel Jullian et J. Levron, Histoire de La France et des Francais au Jour le Jour (Librairie Academique Perrin, 1976), Tome 1, Page 369).

Born: circa 635 in Liege, Luik, Liege, Belgium, son of Ansegis=Ansegisus, Duke d'Austrasie and Sainte Begge=Begga de Landen . Note - between 679 and 714: The services of the Palace were ensured by the Greats [nobles], known as "Optimates", frequently brought up at a very young age within the King's entourage. Because the Canerarii's task was to watch over the King's chamber and the precious treasure kept in it, it was logical that he should be given financial attributes. Since the eldest officer was the seneschal [senescallus] he was given the task of overseeing the army. The Comes Stabuli' job was to watch over the King's stables. There were others based on various tasks. The most singular office was that of Major Domus, frequently called Mayor of the Palace. Originally, this was only an attendant whose job was to maintain appropriate levels of stocks and supplies, and to coordinate the activities of other personnel in the King's palace. In early 679, Dagobert II, who had returned form an exile in Ireland, attempted to govern Austrasia with the help of his Mayor of the Palace, Goufaud. The Greats prefer Pepin II, grand-son of Pepin de Landen. By the end of 679, Dagobert II is killed in a hunting "accident". Pepin II was the Mayor-of-the-Palace of Austrasie from 679 to 714. In 680, Ebroin and Thierry III of Neustria fight and force Pepin II to flee at Leucofao, near Bois-du-Fay in the Ardennes. When Pepin II recognizes Thierry III as the only King of Gaule, the war between the two is suspended for about 3 years. At Tertry three leagues from Saint-Quentin, Pepin II fought and beat Thierri III, King of Neustrie and in 687 took that kingdom. It is at that time that he begins to be known as Pepin de Herstal or d'Heristal. It is also clear that by that time, the office of Major Domus had become essentially hereditary and that it grew in power as that of the King's declined. Pepin II directed a number of expeditions against the Frisons [defeating Duke Radbod in 689 and sending them Willibrod to convert them to Christianity], the Alamanians [whom he defeats near Lake Constance in 690] and the Bavarois [who submitted to Pepin II in 691] . When Norbert, Mayor of Neustria and of Burgundy died [whom Pepin II had designated in 688], circa 700, Pepin installed his own son, Grimoald=Grimaud. Married before 685: Plectrud d'Echternach, daughter of Hugobert=Humbert d'Echternach and Irmina. Married before 686: Aupais=Alpaide. Historians recognize Alpais as Pepin II's one concubine, which seems rather modest for a personage of his status at that time. Died: on 16 Dec 714 in Jupile-sur-Meuse, Belgium.

Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown
Dreux Of Champagne

Marriage 2 Aupais (Elphide Alpais Chalpaida) b: ABT. 654 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium
Event: Partners ABT. 675 2
Charles 'The Hammer' Of Franks Martel b: ABT. 676 in Heristal, Liege, Belgium
Childebrand I Of Autun b: ABT. 684 in Probably Heristal, Liege, Belgium

Marriage 3 Plactruda (Plectrude) Of Bavaria
Married: 13 MAY 706 in Belgium
0613 - 0694 St. Begga of Landen 81 81 0602 - 0685 Ansigisel of Metz