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Family Subtree Diagram : Webster

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Marriage (two children) (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) 1822 Sarah Webster 1825 - 1864 Elizabeth Ellen Webster 39 39 She had seven children. Five survived infancy. 1826 - 1896 Thomas Fendel Webster 69 69 He served in the Civil War, 8th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, Company C.

"On March 28, 1864, the veterans and recruits of the 44th Ohio Infantry reported to Camp Dennison, Ohio, and were organized into the 8th Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. On Paril 26th, six companies, not mounted, were ordered to Charlestown, West Virginia. On May 8th the remainder of the regiment were ordered to the same place.

"On June 1st the regiment arrived at Lewisburgh, and on the 3rd, moved with Averillon in the Lynchurg raid. It was severely engaged with the rebels, with a loss of 71 killed, wounded, and prisoners.

"It was next ordered to Beverly, and reached that place on June 30th, having been in the saddle almost constantly for 33 days, marching in that period about 600 miles.

"On August 23rd, companies C [probably including Thomas], H, and K were surprised and captured. The remainder of the regiment served gallantly and did noble work, with both torch and sword, in the valley, at Winchester, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek.

"On the morning of January 11, 1865, it was surprised and captured, and the remainder of their time was passed under the fiends' charge at Libby Prison.

"Their sufferings were terrible, and their treatment such as non but savages could inflict. Not content with robbing the helpless prisoners of their shoes, hats, and nearly all their clothing, a systematic course of starving was resorted to, and that, too, under the immediate supervision, and, beyond a doubt, by the direct orders of that foul bloat upon humanity, Jeff Davis."
History of Ross and Highland Counties, Ohio, 1880

Occupation: Blacksmith 1850 / Peddler 1860 / Huckster 1870 (census)
1829 Julianna Webster 1832 - 1907 Lydia Jane Webster 75 75 1834 - 1916 John Webster 82 82 In 1853, John F Webster was a senior deacon of the Masons, Buford lodge #254. I'm not sure if it was this John Webster. 1837 - 1906 Lewis Fry Pulse Webster 69 69 Lewis F. Webster was born near Berrysville, in 1836, and remained at Home until about twenty-five years of age, when he embarked in business as a merchant at Fairfax. At that place he has held the office of postmaster for twenty-four years, and justice of the peace for twenty years, and during one term he was trustee of Concord township. He and his wife are yet living at Fairfax, and have a host of friends throughout the southern part of the county. He gives his attention now mainly to farming, having retired from the cares of business life. Of his eight children William, the eldest, is dead; Henry J. is in business at Belfast; A. F. and Silsba also resides at Fairfax; Salome is the wife of John Woolums, of Concord township; D. Homer lives at Fairfax, and Sarah E. and George H. are at the parental home.
"The County of Highland," 1902,
By J. W. Klise, A. E. Hough, Northwestern Historical Association, Northwestern Historical Association
~1792 - 1846 George Webster 54 54 A letter written by Elijah Webster when he was 90 years old in 1931 said his brother George Webster's family included a son, John Thomas Webster, and four daughters, Sarah, Emma, Anna, and another that he could not name.

The ~1792 birth date is a guess.

When George came to Ohio he built a cabin on his brother Thomas Fendell Webster's land. He apparently returned to Virginia before his death in 1846. He served in War of 1812 as a Private. Moved from Virginia to Highland Co. Ohio-1830. George was a Boot and Shoemaker by trade. It is believed there were four daughters but we do not know the name of the fourth daughter.
1822 - 1881 John Thomas Webster 58 58 Elijah said John T. named his 7th boy Galloway.
John was said to have died of Cancer after they moved to Pike Co. Illinois.

After John's death, Mary Ann married Chilton A. White of Georgetown. He was a Provost Martial during the Civil War.

They lived at Georgetown.

Mary Ann Pulliam was raised near Pricetown.
Her father was a preacher in the Christian Church.

Children of JOHN WEBSTER and MARY PULLIAM are:
i. NATHAN WEBSTER, b. 1842.
ii. NORMAN CUMMINS WEBSTER, b. December 13, 1843, Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio; d. March 3, 1910, Texas Co. Oklahoma Buried in Borden Cemetery, Near Elkhart, KS.
iii. GEORGE M. WEBSTER, b. 1846.
iv. MOODY I WEBSTER, b. 1847.
v. DAVID WEBSTER, b. 1849.
Sarah Webster Emma Webster She had a child name Naylor Webster, father unknown. Naylor was raised by his Aunt Ann Webster Thompson.

NAYLOR WEBSTER, b. May 18, 1842, Highland County, OH; d. July 6, 1921, Cicero, Indiana. Buried at Arcadia, IN CrownHill Cemetery.

m. Burton sometime after Naylor was born.
Anna Webster David Delano ~1815 - >1880 Wesley (West) Creek 65 65 1841 Juliann Creek 1843 Elizabeth E Creek 1847 Thomas William Creek 1848 Susan Lavina Creek 1851 Lydia I Creek 1855 Martha L Creek 1858 David Creek 1861 Sarah B Creek 1863 - <1920 Joseph West Creek 57 57 1865 Orpha D Creek 1813 - 1886 Robert L Pugh 73 73 1848 - 1855 Thomas R Pugh 7 7 Robert Pugh 1850 - 1851 John M Pugh 5m 5m ~1828 Mary Anderson 1849 Samuel W Webster Margaret A Saylor 1851 - 1937 Elizabeth R Webster 85 85 They had six daughters. James H Berryman 1863 George E Webster 1867 Samantha Webster William Hill 1849 - 1856 James T Hill 6 6 1851 Samuel Hill 1853 George Hill 1855 Elizabeth Hill 1834 - 1907 James W Shoemaker 73 73 Large crowds attended services for both.
Occupation: Minister many years.
Highly regarded by tributes when he died.
Rev. James and Lydia died within 5 days of each other.

Other possible dates: birth: 20 FEB 1832, death: 16 MAR 1907

1859 Elizabeth (Lizzie) Shoemaker 1860 Thomas W Shoemaker 1870 Charles Lewis Shoemaker Rosetta Adaline Shoemaker Adda Shoemaker Jacob Shoemaker Mary Shoemaker Milton Shoemaker John Shoemaker D. 1856 Amanda Newton 1856 Laura Alice Webster Marshall Fetterling 1837 - 1923 Susannah Shoemaker 85 85 Elizabeth Webster They had three children.
Frank Tedrick Frank Tedrick, one of the prosperous farmers of Union township, comes of a family who were identified with affairs of Highland county from the first decade after it was organized as a body politic. His great-grandparents were George and Mary (Hickson) Tedrick, natives of Virginia who reached Ohio in 1815, located in Highland county and there spent the remainder of their lives. They had four children, among the number being a son named John, born while his parents were living in Buckingham county, Va. He married Lydia Burton, was a soldier in the war of 1812, came with the elder relatives to Highland county and there ended his days. His son Frederick married Rosana Pugh, by whom he became the father of Frank Tedrick, who was born in Dodson township, Highland county, Ohio, Febmary 13, 1854. As soon as he reached manhood he went into business for himself and now owns 107 acres of good land which he has cultivated with success. January 13, 1876, he was married to Lizzie, daughter of John and Susannah (Shoemaker) Webster, both of Highland county. Mrs. Tedrick's grandparents on her father's side were Thomas and Elizabeth (Pulse) Webster, early settlers of Highland county, and her maternal grandparents were James and Susannah (Newton) Shoemaker, who were among the first of the Virginia immigrants who settled in that part of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Tedrick have four children: John F., a farmer of Highland county; Harlev S., also a farmer; Hattie H., a successful teacher of music; and Fxlna S., at home. The family are members of the Christian church.

"The County of Highland," 1902
By J. W. Klise, A. E. Hough, Northwestern Historical Association, Northwestern Historical Association
Edna Webster They had 7 children.

~1854 Stephen Fenner Mullenix He lived in Newark, Ohio in 1930.

Children in the 1930 census:
Homer Mullenix      ~1901
Paul Mullenix     ~1908
Donald Mullenix     ~1914
1858 Eliza Webster They had two children. Daniel Shaw Lorissa Webster They had two children.
John Easter 1864 Anna Webster D. 1873 Ella Lillian Webster 1868 Rebecca Mary Webster James Emery Alexander D. 1873 L Mary Webster 1875 Nannie Grace Webster 1838 - 1922 Martha Alice Pulliam 83 83 Her parents, Benjamin and Sarah Pulliam, founded town of Fairfax, Ohio 1863 - 1901 William Franklin Webster 37 37 1865 - 1945 Henry J Webster 80 80 Henry J. Webster, an enterprising merchant, and one of the leading citizens of Belfast, is a son of Lewis F. Webster, for many years a merchant, and prominent man of Concord township, and grandson of Thomas Webster, an early settler in Dodson township.

Henry J. Webster was born near Allensburg, in Dodson township, August 18, 1865, was educated in the district school, and when he had reached manhood was married to Sarah Fenner, a native of Union township, and a member of one of the old families of the county. The first lived for a short time at Blanchester, Ohio, and then removed to Hillsboro, where he had a sewing machine agency for several years. Afterward they resided at Belfast, and he had the contract for carrying the mails on the star route between Belfast and Hillsboro for seven years. On April 1, 1902, he embarked in business at Belfast as a general merchant, putting in a well selected stock of groceries, stoves and furniture, farming implements, etc.

Though a young man he is a leader in his community, and has been honored three terms with the office of township clerk. He has provided his wife and two children, Irl V., and Mildred B., with one of the" neatest homes of the town. Socially he is popular and active, being a member of the following lodges at Belfast: No. 572, Independent Order of Odd Fellows; No. 696, Knights of Pythias, and No. 571, Modern Woodmen of America. He is noble grand of the Odd Fellows and has held all the other chairs, and has been clerk of the Modern Woodmen since the organization of the lodge. In religious affiliation he is a Presbyterian, and in politics a Democrat.
1869 - 1942 Fendell Augustus Webster 72 72 1871 - 1937 Sylsba Lewis Webster 66 66 1874 - 1946 Salome Allis Webster 72 72 1878 - 1944 Daniel Homer Webster 65 65 Was recognized as an excellent Journalist.
Homer was a Journalist in Dayton. He wrote many historical articles and agricultural items.
1880 - 1966 Sarah Elizabeth Webster 86 86 Never married. Raised several nieces and nephews. 1882 - 1968 George Hughey Webster 86 86 1886 - 1919 Ella Olive West 32 32 1902 - 1975 Eliza Jane Stroup 72 72 1905 - 1916 Lester Allen Webster 11 11 1906 - 1965 Pauline Webster 59 59 1907 - 1908 Willard Burdsall Webster 1 1 1910 - 1956 Virginia Faye Webster 46 46 D. 1956 Norman Joseph Lewis Benedict Bradford 1912 - 1972 Lewis William Webster 59 59 1914 - 1988 Mary Martha Webster 73 73 1914 - 1985 Linwood Franklin Howard 70 70 1904 - 1966 Raymond Harold McCoy 62 62 1925 Harold Junior McCoy 1927 Robert Richard McCoy m. (1) MARILYN MAY, Div-No children; b. July 7, 1930;
m. (2) EVALINA GRIFFINE, Div. No children;
m. (3) LAM TRAN, 1954, from Vietnam.
Robert brought his 3rd wife Lam Trans and her Vietnamese brothers and sisters to America.
1930 Betty Virginia McCoy Dorothy 1956 Raylan William Webster 1960 Ronald Dean Webster Nancy McQuitty (Erton) 1823 Mary Ann Pulliam Marriage 2 Chilton A. WHITE b: in Georgetown, Brown County, Ohio Charles Corbin Wesle Corbin 1852 Margaret Thompson 1872 Rosetta Creek Wessey Creek 1879 William Harry Creek One infant death.
1883 Nora Buchanan Creek 1885 Dephia C Creek 1887 - 1974 Walter Ocean Creem 86 86 1885 Zelpha Calmet Creek Everett Taylor 1888 - 1977 Golda Watson 88 88 Matilda 1892 Lelah Creek 1893 Vernon Ray Creek Olivia Verna Nellie 1867 Cecilia Ann Harvey 1888 Lewis Clifford Webster 1890 - 1926 Peter S Webster 35 35 1894 - 1953 Irene Mattie Webster 59 59 Vina 1865 - 1943 Sarah Jane Fenner 78 78 1894 Mildred Bell Webster 1888 - 1964 Earl V Webster 76 76 D. 1894 Lillie Nace 1881 - 1956 Eva Frances Stultz 75 75 1894 - 1976 Thomas Sylsba Webster 82 82 1900 - 1900 William Carrie Webster 20d 20d 1905 - 1987 Henry Harold Webster 82 82 1907 - 1967 Nellie Frances Webster 59 59 1914 - 1940 Lucy Annabell Webster 26 26 1916 - 1982 Robert Wayne Webster 66 66 1917 Marjorie Violet Webster 1921 - 1993 Ray Augustus Webster 72 72 One infant death 1950
Harry Gilbert Webster Died very young. 1908 - 1909 Georgeanna Webster 1 1 1901 Lillie Bell Webster Died very young. 1910 - 1910 Jesse Alice Webster D. 1896 Rena Woolums 1896 - 1980 John Augustus Webster 84 84 1871 - 1930 John Riley Woolums 58 58 1903 Verna Bell Woolums 1906 - 1973 Martha Mozelle Woolums 67 67 1908 - 1970 Melinda Ruth Woolums 62 62 1911 - 1970 Gaile Woolums 58 58 1914 - 1974 Sarah Alice Woolums 60 60 DeWitt W Smith Jane Allen D 1892 - 1983 Wayva Grooms 91 91 1914 - 1960 Lewis Grooms Webster 45 45 1917 - 1987 Hugh West Webster 69 69 1909 - 1982 Alsie Sewell 72 72 1922 - 1924 Alice Pearl Webster 2 2 1925 - 1925 Lulu Jane Webster 23d 23d 1926 Georgia Mae Webster Divorced Charles Marsh Feb 18, 1983
Divorced Paul Bennett April 10, 1991
Was living in Hillsboro, Ohio in 1998

Stillborn son 1958 and 1964

1928 Ruth Isabel Webster 1931 John Edward Webster 1842 Nathan Webster 1843 - 1910 Norman Cummins Webster 66 66 Served in Union Army during Civil War.
Homesteaded near Hooker, Oklahoma
1846 George M Webster 1847 Moody I Webster 1849 David Webster 1869 - 1956 Sarah Myrtle Murphy 87 87 Daughter of JAMES MURPHY and MARTHA STORMS. 1902 - 1931 Charles Curtis Webster 29 29 He died in auto accident in Kansas at age 29.
1887 - 1969 Bonnie Celestia Webster 82 82 William Moore Harve Waldorf Fred Metzker 1842 - 1921 Naylor Webster 79 79 Naylor was a member of Cicero, Indiana Post No. 207 GAR. He has also joined the IOOF Cicero Lodge on May 1874 and he was faithful in attendance as long as his health permitted over a period of 47 years. He was receiving a military pension (Certificate No. 432986) for his Civil War duty and when he reached the age of 75, his pension was increased to $24. per month.

It was said that Naylor was a very progressive farmer and his farmstead was neat and well kept. His house was white with green shutters, A granddaughter said that Naylor would send a barrel of Potatoes, a barrel of Apples and one of Pears to his daughter Eliza (LIDA) on the train to Niantic, Illinois and on special occasions would give her a twenty dollar Gold Piece. Naylor spent his declining years on his farm two miles South of Cicero and he died at the age of 79 on July 6, 1921. He and his wife are both buried in the Crown Hill Cemetery in Arcadia, Indiana.

Naylor served two enlistments in the Civil War. He first enlisted when he was 19. He had several illnesses and was discharged on May 2, 1862 at Shiloh, Tennessee because of disability. He returned home to Cicero, Indiana. After about two years, Naylor re-enlisted at Logansport, Indiana on May 10, 1864. He received his stripes as a First Duty Sergeant on 27 May 1864 and Color Sergeant on June 10, 1864 and was appointed Color Bearer in July 1864 at Tallahoma, Tennessee. He was again discharged on 30 September 1864 and returned to his home in Cicero.

Some years later, he applied for a Pension which he ultimately received. At first after his discharge, he was unable to work. After passage of time his health improved to where he was able to work his farm and lived a satisfactory life.

Naylor visited relatives in Pike County Illinois on occasion. My great-grandfather, Elijah F. Webster said in a letter in 1931 that Naylor visited them several times in Oklahoma.
D. 1886 Nancy Jane Kinder daughter of Michael Kinder.
Nancy died 3 weeks after the birth of last child, Jesse.
Naylor was 44 years old, widowed with 8 children, four of them under 9 years old.
1867 John T Webster 1868 James H Webster 1870 - 1959 Eliza (Lida) Ann Webster 89 89 1872 Nell Jane Webster 1877 William N Webster 1880 Victoria (Aunt Bea) May Webster 1884 George T Webster 1886 Jesse Webster Loral Barker 1880 Mary Amanda Snyder 1901 - 1975 Shelby Otho Creek 73 73 1903 Robert Trendon Creek ~1894 Hazel L Paar Mattie Hyatt ~1918 Morris G Creek 1919 Mary E Creek 1895 - 1987 Lulu Iva Rose Means 91 91 1913 Irene Webster No Children
1917 - 1918 Lewis C Webster 1 1 1920 - 1982 Thomas Henry Webster 61 61 1923 - 1988 Ruth Mildred Webster 64 64 Ralph Edwards 1884 - 1949 Lafe S Kelley 65 65 One infant death 1923
1911 - 1987 Byron Stockwell Kelley 75 75 1913 - 1988 Russell Lowell Kelley 74 74 1917 - 1918 Anna Louise Kelley 1 1 Porter Bretzius Sarah Tilton Bretzius Sylvia Tilton Bretzius m. Cody
1912 Edgar J Bretzius Robert Hodges Bretzius Harold Manning Mabel P Price 1905 Henry Webster Pauline Webster 1919 - 1984 Elwin Webster 64 64 D. 1984 Mildred Webster Delores Webster 1921 Wendell Ray Webster 1927 Phillip Louis Webster Maude Loree Mercer 1920 Lilly Martha Webster 1923 Homer Mercer Webster Homer M. Webster was a Shoe Repairman in Hillsboro in 1993.
He said he was raised by his Aunt Sally (Sarah) who never married and raised a number of Webster Nephews and Nieces.
1907 Marion Cecile Carter 1925 Henry Harold Webster 1937 Virginia Ellen Webster 1938 Augustus James Webster 1940 Janet Louise Webster 1941 Cynthia Ann Webster 1943 Eva Marion Webster Gene Abrams 1903 - 1984 Harold Shaw 81 81 1925 Morrill Leroy Shaw 1927 - 1993 Howard Vernon Shaw 66 66 1928 Doris Loretta Shaw 1934 Madlyn Juanita Shaw 1935 Hugh Ronald Shaw 1938 Ralph Edward Shaw Orval Ray Kinnett 1933 Alice Joy Kinnett 1940 - 1940 Karen Lee Kinnett 1922 Glendola Adella Winkle 1944 Kenneth Wayne Webster 1950 Linda Geraldine Webster 1909 Walter Estle Kinnett 1937 Denver Hugh Kinnett 1940 Barbara Jean Kinnett 1943 - >1943 Jerry Lee Kinnett 1924 Fannie Ellen Ferrel 1942 Johnnie Ray Webster 1943 Vivian Dee Webster m. Nicholas 1945 - 1968 Michael Jay Webster 23 23 1946 Ronald Lee Webster 1950 Douglas Dale Webster Gertrude Kennedy Consuela (Connie) V Thompson Martha Tilton 1920 Maxine Webster William Walsh 1936 Ann Walsh Neil Yowell Edward Martinson 1927 Jeane Yowell 1929 Neil Yowell 1932 - 1975 Shirley (Shug) Yowell 43 43 1951 Deborah Lynn Martinson 1914 Katherine Theresa Rita Wassenich Wassenich 1941 Glee Lillian Webster 1922 - 1990 Charles Harris Marsh 68 68 1926 Paul Eugene Bennett Divorced - April 10, 1991 No children 1947 Mary Jane Marsh 1951 Charlotte Mae Marsh 1954 Jean Ann Marsh Jean Ann and Frank were divorced twice, final divorce Feb 23, 1979
Gregory adopted Angela so now she is Angela Jean Wolfe
1962 Charles Thomas Marsh m. (1) ERMA LEE (BUTLER) HARRIS; b. November 16, 1947, Seaman, Ohio; m. (2) BARBARA ANN CARTER, 1984; b. August 14, 1961, Highland County, OH. 1912 - 1992 Clifford (Doc) Larkin Roberts Fender 79 79 1949 Delores Darlene Fender 1954 Dana Larkin Fender 1937 Norma Jane Giffin 1969 Christopher Shane Webster 1970 Michael Alan Webster Dennis Doris Arlene m. EARL WILLIAM SIM ~1775 - 1820 Joseph Creek 45 45 John, Joseph, and Jacob Creek emigrated with their families from Virginia to Highland County, Ohio in 1805. Joseph Creek was a good mechanic, better than average at creating many of the necessities of life of that era.

He made the first loom in Highland Count, for a Mrs. Blount. People came from miles around to get weaving done, and her loom was in constant use. Joseph continued to make looms, and eventually most houses had them.

Joseph Creek was listed in the 1807 census of male inhabitants of Liberty Township, Highland County, Ohio.

Will of Joseph Creek of Highland Co., OH, dated 27 June 1820:
In the name of God Amen. I Joseph Creek of Highland County and State of Ohio being Sick and weak in body, but of sound mind memory and understanding and considering the certainty of Death and the uncertainty of the time thereof and to the end I may be better prepared to leave this world whenever it shall please God to call me hence do therefore make and declare this my last Will and testament in manner following (that is to say) first I commend my Spirit to God that gave it, hoping for pardon and acceptance through the merits of Christ my Lord and Redeemer. I will that all my personal property be appraised as the law directs and so much of sd property sold as may be necessary to pay off all lawful demands against my estate at the time of my Decease also so much of the balance of sd property to be sold as my Executors may think best for the benefit of my family and the money arising therefrom to be secured for my Children until they come of age. I bequeath unto my beloved Wife Susannah one third part of all my personal property that remains after my just debts are paid as a part of her Dower also the sd Susannah may keep such part of the personal property (as is not heretofore appointed) at the appraised value by securing the amount thereof to my heirs. I also give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Susannah full privilege of my dwelling House and other buildings also one third part of the profits of my farm so long as the sd Susannah remains my Widow. I will also that the remaining two thirds of the profits of my farm be appropriated to the schooling and raising of my Children that is to say Joseph Creek, Cataren Creek, Phebe Creek, Lydia Creek, Julyann Creek, West Creek and David Creek. I also give unto my son Joseph Creek my Land being one Hundred and Thirty six acres that is to say two thirds of sd Land when Joseph Creek arrives to the age of Twenty five years also the remaining third part at his Mothers Death or at the end of her widowhood if sd Joseph Creed should then be of full age. I will that my son Joseph Creek pay unto my two sons West Creek and David Creek two Hundred Dollars each so soon as the sd West and David comes to the age of Twenty one ears and by so doing the land shall exclusively belong to sd Joseph Creek at his mothers Death. I also will that when my above named Children do come to lawful age that they receive an equal part each of what personal property that remain at that time. I will also and enjoin it on each of you my Children that you pay a particular attention to my Son and your Brother Levi Creek who is not capable of taking care of himself and while he lives permit him not to suffer and lastly I will that my beloved Wife Susannah be my Executrix and Isaac Evans my Executor of this my last Will and testament. In testimony thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth of June in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty.
Witness present

Richard Evans Stephen Willett Joseph Creek Seal

Proved and recorded July Term 1820

(NOTE - Some versions of the above will provided in published records refer to Joseph's wife saying "the said Susannah Simpson may keep" and indeed the will as it appears in Highland County's Will Books reads the same way. Because the name "Susannah Simpson" raises a question about the identity of Joseph's wife, the will box in Highland Co. was searched to find the original or an earlier copy of the will. One was found and it appears as above. It does not say the "said Susannah Simpson may keep" but rather the "said Susannah may keep". It is very clear and there is no obvious reason why someone either on purpose or accidentally should add "Simpson", although there was a Susannah Simpson in the neighborhood.)
~1785 - >1850 Susannah Gibler 65 65 1807 James Shoemaker 1802 Susanna Newton Margaret Rose Patricia Denault 1950 Richard Thomas Webster 1952 Kenneth Andrew Webster Brian Richard Fewer 1943 Patricia Lee Fewer 1947 Brian Richard Fewer 1955 John Patrick Fewer 1960 Robert Thomas Fewer 1963 Mary Louise Fewer 1964 Michael James Fewer 1913 Almeda Lee Stamper 1945 Susan Kay Kelley 1949 Byron Stephen Kelley 1919 Hazel Raines 1937 Virginia Lee Kelley 1939 Betty Jane Kelley Jerry Webster Carol Webster Connie Webster Marlene Gilbert Tincher 1947 Daniel Kurt Webster 1950 Asenath (Zena) Marie Webster 1951 Sharon Delores Webster Divorced from David Chaney. Remarried to Ralph VanZant

Sharon Has worked many years with the Ohio Division Of Parks and Recreation and in 1996 was Asst. Manager at two State Parks

In 1996 RALPH VANZANT was serving as Safety and Service Director for City of Hillsboro.

Currently is Vice President of So. Ohio Gen. Soc, Hillsboro -1997-1998 Pres. SOGS 2000-2001
1971 Phillip Louis Webster 1974 Mark Allen Webster Charles Hundly Preston Howard Preston Thomas Eugene Preston M McComas 1928 Betty Louise Juillerat 1955 Mark Alan Webster 1959 Donald Carey Webster Joseph Edward Cohmer 1957 Joanne Cohmer 1960 Jeffry Edward Cohmer 1964 Jay Bruce Cohmer Mary Ellen Bilyer Marie Ingold 1961 Todd Jay Webster Jim T Judd Jr 1961 Jacqueline Sue Judd 1961 Jamie Lou Judd m. JOHNNY LEE MAYNARD. 1966 Jim T Judd m. GRETTA HARPER. 1971 Jennifer Lea Judd Robert Fuller 1963 Debra Sue Fuller Too many Robert Fullers? 1966 Robert Scott Fuller Gary Skinner 1962 Teresa (Terri) Skinner m. MICHAEL YARBORO. 1985 David Skinner Jean Harris 1947 Harold Edwin Shaw Minda Hall 1962 Mark Allen Shaw 1963 Monte Lee Shaw 1966 Marcia Lin Shaw 1925 Dale Lloyd Roehm 1928 Joseph Eugene Mann 1954 Brenda Lee Mann 1955 Joseph Eugene Mann m. MICHELLE. 1959 Michael Edward Mann 1944 Sharon Jane Day 1965 Taralina Tonya Shaw 1967 Hugh Terrell Shaw 1969 Nellie Ann Shaw 1931 Roy Edward Pace 1917 - 1974 William Floyd Easter 57 57 1929 - 1986 Jim Madison Easter 56 56 1953 Roger Timothy Pace 1954 Debra Joy Pace 1962 William Finis Easter 1964 Barbara Ann Easter 1965 Michael Floyd Easter 1945 Rita Elaine Beck 1966 Kenneth Wayne Webster 1968 Shanda Irene Webster 1973 Cindy Etta Webster William Robert Beck 1971 William Robert Beck 1974 Laura Lin Beck 1940 Nancy Lee Miller 1961 Robin May 1957 Timothy Hugh Kinnett 1959 - 1973 Terry Lee Kinnett 14 14 1961 Teresa Lynn Kinnett m. MICHAEL D. HORNICK, May 25, 1979; b. August 30, 1958. 1963 Todd Allen Kinnett 1978 Jeremy Hugh Kinnett 1947 Paul Edgar Lowman 1963 Michael Edgar Lowman 1968 Marjorie Jo Lowman m. DOUGLAS SLOCUM. Brenda Sue Brown 1966 Jeffrey Jay Webster Dianna Lynn Kiser 1974 Michael Jay Webster Donna Adins Kimberly Sue Thompson 1972 Tamara Lynn Webster 1979 Kenneth Dale Webster ~1982 Kimbery Webster William Snell 1947 Douglas E Snell 1950 Bonnie Snell 1955 Randall William Snell 1961 David Lynn Snell m. ANDREA SUSAN. 1928 Elsie Lorraine Harvey 1948 Danny Keith McCoy 1950 Allen Harvey McCoy 1953 Denise June McCoy 1955 James Michael McCoy 1958 Bruce Lee McCoy 1925 Marlyn Fudge Strickland 1949 Marlyn (Marty) Fudge Strickland 1950 Kenneth (Rick) Richard Strickland 1952 David Earl Strickland 1957 Gary Wayne Strickland 1960 Kathleen Joan Strickland 1942 James Fenton Frump 1968 Kevin Dewayne Frump 1970 Bradley Craig Frump 1930 Kenneth Ivan Delver 1971 Kimberly Dawn Marsh (Delver) 1974 Nicole Renee Marsh (Delver) 1951 Franklin Junior Howell 1952 Gregory Allen Wolfe 1975 Angele Jean Howell (Wolfe) 1945 Charles Frederick Ring Tommy Jay Davis 1967 Chandra Kay Ring 1968 Gregory Todd Ring 1960 Michelle Lynn Harry 1988 Patrick Larkin Fender 1991 Harrison Gilbert Fender 1956 Patricia Ann Easter Evelyn Lee Davis 1969 Rebecca Lynn Webster 1971 David Lee Webster ~1805 - <1880 Joseph Creek 75 75 1804 Rebecca White 1806 - 1827 Levi Creek 20 20 1810 Catherine Creek 1803 Asa Moor ~1813 Lydia Creek ~1812 - ~1865 Robert Moore 53 53 1812 Phebe Creek 1812 - <1870 Christopher Woods 58 58 1815 - >1885 Julia Ann Creek 70 70 1814 - 1849 Samuel S Woods 35 35 ~1819 - <1880 David Creek 61 61 Harriet ~1820 Helen Creek ~1820 Susannah Creek D. ~1844 Benjamin Moor 1824 - 1905 William Creek 81 81 1826 Mary Weaver John Beal John Bellows 1832 Mary F Shoemaker 1837 Susannah J Shoemaker 1845 Tandy Shoemaker 1903 - 1995 Nettie Bernice Turner 92 92 She is the daughter of Anson Turner and Beulah Baughman. 1924 Daniel Harve Webster Carol Nadine Webster Keith Norman Webster Ramona Beryl Webster 1959 Barbara Jean Lee Sharon Dean Woodward (Ruland) Misty Webster 1982 Ileah Renee Webster Suellen Achor 1989 Jeremy Drew Webster 1939 William Ray Thomas 1963 Sheri Lisa Thomas 1967 Shelly Ann Thomas 1971 Jeffrey Scott Thomas 1934 Charles Vernon Hoskins 1959 Julie Kay Hoskins 1934 George H Roads 1958 Elizabeth Jo Ann Roads m. Jerry Spears, 1984. 1960 Peggy Jane Roads John Fleming 1978 Riley Ann Fleming 1980 Mollie Catherine Fleming 1980 Delsey Patricia Fleming 1968 Tracy Elaine Snell 1973 Tiffany Lee Snell Robert Schwartz Doris Ann 1973 Jeffrey Michael Snell 1979 Brandy Christine Snell Andrea Susan Ruby Knight 1969 Thomas Eldon Shaw 1971 Laura Jean Shaw 1975 Rhonda Eileen Shaw 1947 Nancy Ellen Stingley 1967 Melissa Ann McCoy m. Ted Nickleson, August 20, 1988. 1969 Melinda Kay McCoy 1978 Andrew David McCoy 1951 Cynthia Jane Dixon 1973 Jason Allen McCoy 1975 Emily Rose McCoy 1944 Robert B Kiley Jerry Gregory 1982 Jessica Lorraine Kiley 1984 Dylan Robert Kiley 1989 Benjamin Vincent Gregory Jane Inez Jackson 1981 Sarah Kathleen McCoy 1983 Casey Robert McCoy 1978 Lynna Inez McCoy Karen Sue Huff 1978 Shari Lynn McCoy 1981 Wilson Harold McCoy Linda Gilbert 1986 Jessica Lynn Strickland 1987 Sara Ruth Strickland 1951 Sherry Marlene Johnson 1972 Kenneth Ryan Strickland 1974 Misty Michelle Strickland 1959 Mary Jane Geuyton 1979 David Joseph Strickland 1982 Emily Jane Strickland 1988 Alician Ruth Strickland Robin Sue Schuler 1952 Valerie Carol Geuyton 1986 Kelly Nicole Strickland 1976 Gary Wayne Strickland 1978 Jennifer Louise Strickland 1979 Christopher Brian Strickland Sanford Fischer Terrance Rumer ~1966 Walter Ellsworth Rumer 1968 Avonta Louise Rumer 1970 Venus Renee Rumer David Chaney Ralph Vanzant 1978 Kimberly Sue Chaney 1980 David Taylor Chaney Gary Dean Hester 1973 Jennifer Holly Hester 1976 - 1976 Jessica Bell Hester Ronald Perkins 1974 Jessica Lynn Perkins 1980 Emily Melissa Perkins Robin May Connie Sue Adair 1978 Jeremy Hugh Kinnett 1982 Joshua Perry Kinnett 1977 Brandi Sue Kinnett Robert Fuller 1981 Mandy Fuller 1986 Amber Fuller 1981 Jessica Fuller 1985 Robert Scott Fuller Bobby Rex Jones 1987 Nicholas Alexander Jones 1991 Chelsea Paige Jones 1857 - 1951 Lewis Seelig 94 94 1897 - 1966 Catherine Jane Seelig 69 69 David Delphus Cruzan 1899 George Cruzan 1952 John Ervin Furguson 1973 Jeffrey Wayne Furguson John Dale Brewster 1980 Jasmine Louise Judd 1985 Matthew Allen Kinnett 1969 Brian Wade Sellards 1992 Brian Wade Sellards Eric Bess 1992 Hannah Faith Bess Burton D. 1964 Carolyn R Shaffer Martha Parrett 1961 Lori Lynn Preston 1964 Kimberly Ann Preston 1970 Jefferson Todd Preston ~1853 Elizabeth Pugh James Shoemaker They were among the first of the Virginia immigrants who settled in that part of Ohio. Susannah Newton Betty Lynn Holder
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