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Family Subtree Diagram : Medaris

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Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (ten children) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (four children) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (two children) Marriage (three children) Divorce (a child) Divorce Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage (three children) Marriage (three children) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (five children) Marriage (four children) Marriage (nine children) Marriage (five children) Marriage (four children) Marriage (four children) Marriage Marriage (six children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage (two children) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (three children) Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (five children) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (five children) Marriage (a child) Marriage (two children) Marriage (a child) (a child) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (three children) Marriage (five children) Marriage Marriage (a child) Marriage (five children) Marriage Marriage Marriage Marriage (a child) 1848 - 1933 William Hastings Medaris 85 85 He married Ruth (Temprance) Jeannette Melick on 29 April 1869 in Owen County, Indiana. Ruth was b. 16 Jan 1848 in Owen County, Indiana. William was a school teacher and principal.

Ruth died on 10 May 1897 at the age of 49 years old. She was buried in Dixon Cemetery. Dixon Cemetery is just south of Worthington, Indiana.. William remarried to (2) Carrie B. Knight on 6 Sept. 1899. Carrie was b. Dec 1869. Together they had only one child. The child died in infancy, presumably soon after birth. A gravestone in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery in Marshall Township of Lawrence County, Indiana simply reads "Infant daughter of W. H. and Carrie Medaris 1902". Carrie died in 1915, at the age of 46. She was buried in Fish Cemetery in Shawswick Township of Lawrence County, Indiana.

After Carrie's death, William married (3) Kitye Alice Kern, on 05 Sept. 1917 in Lawrence County, Indiana. He lived in Lawrence County until his death in 1933
1854 Sarah Catherine Medaris 1856 - 1884 Minerva Jane Medaris 27 27 The 1895 Kansas Census shows a WS Williams schoolteacher in Sedgewick County, b. ~1855, wife Beebe (or something like that), son Oscar B b. ~1882 Indiana, daughter Floy b. ~1891 Kansas, and son Arthur b. 1894 Kansas.

Maybe Minerva died or divorced or went to jail (1910 census), and WS remarried.
1858 Mary Hestletine Medaris Twin
1858 - 1939 Martha Eveline Medaris 80 80 Twin 1861 - 1941 Laura Indiana Medaris 79 79 They moved to Helena, Oklahoma between 1900 and 1910. 1864 - 1959 Ada Ellen Medaris 95 95 1867 - 1947 Stephen Cyrus Medaris 80 80 1882 - 1975 Della Julitza Medaris 92 92 She must have gotten divorced. 1885 - 1978 Effie Louise Medaris 92 92 1888 - 1974 Ledoskie (Dossie) May Medaris 85 85 1809 Jonathan H. Medaris Lucinda A Medaris and Houston Medaris, children of Nathaniel Davis Medaris and Nancy Ann Rogers, lived with Jonathan after the death of their mother.
1812 - 1892 Ithamer Thomas Redmond Medaris 79 79 In 1850 he is living in Washington, Owen County, Indiana. 1860 he is in Beech Creek, Greene County, Indiana. Ithamer shows in the 1880 Indiana census as I. Thomas Madaras. He shows on earlier deed records as Ithamer R. Meddri.

The following obituatry for Ithamer appeared on Mar. 24, 1892.

    Ithamer Medaris was born in Guilford county, North Carolina, near Greensboro, in 1811, and died March 1, 1892, in Owen county, Indiana.  When 18 years of age Ithamer Medaris and his brother Johnathon, came to Ohio, where the remained a year or two.  His father and family joined him a little later.  Ithamer returned to North Carolina, where he married Elizabeth Stone.  After two years he returned to Ohio and remained one year and then came to Indiana, in 1838, and followed farming and boating for a livelihood.  Eight children  were the result of their marriage, four boys and four girls, to sons and two daughters and the widow still living to mourn his death.  He was always a Democrat, and was loved by all who knew him.  He was not a member of any church, but believed in the Saviour and his God.  His illness dated back to last August. He was ready and willing to die, and expressed great hope in meeting his Savior.
1814 Enorial (Riley) Medaris Home in 1860:     Township 7 S Range 3 E, Franklin, Illinois
Eno was listed as a carpenter in the 1860 Franklin Co. Ill. census.
1818 Salathiel Medaris Salathiel is a curious and mysterious ancestor.  It is thought that he attended Medical School in Clermont County, Ohio.  Salathiel was married many times. Most of Salathiel's wives died shortly after the birth of their children.  One must question the demise of his many wives and the practice of his medicine. It definitely raises wonder of whether they were victims of his experimention. It appears that Salathiel left his children with his deceased wives families rather than taking part in their raising. This has made it very difficult to piece his family together.

Salathiel was Assistant Surgeon for the 15th Regiment, Kentucky Cavalry.  He was discharged on 23 Apr. 1863 because of his age.

Salathiel married (1) Mary Cobb in 1837. She died prior to 1850 and Salathiel relocated to Obion County.  

There were other children, John and Nathan, born to Salathiel and one of his many wives. The two children listed below were mentioned in the memoirs of Dr. James Henderson Medaris. It is uncertain as to their birthdates and therefore their maternity.

1816 Levicy (Teancy) Jane Medaris 1821 Massey Wesley Medaris 1825 - 1867 Nathaniel Davis Medaris 42 42 Nancy died around 1859 possibly from complications related to the birth of Houston.  After her death the children were spread out with other family members to be cared for. The clue to these childrens' parentage was in the census records. Listed under the families of James D., Abraham and Jonathan H., their ages were out of order with the other children. This slight out of sequence hint helped solve the mystery of the children of Nathaniel and Nancy. It is suspected that there are other unidentified children between Lucinda (1852) and Nathan D. (1857). They are possibly listed with their aunt, Levicy, and I suspect they will be found as more census records are located. 1827 James Douglas Medaris James was a minister and performed many marriages in Owen County, Indiana. James married Elizabeth Coble, his stepsister, and sister to his brother Stephen's wife Milly Coble.

James D. and Elizabeth moved from North Carolina to Spencer Ind. and the deed to their land was signed by Martin Van Buren in 1840.

Of their five daughters, four of them married one of "the Ring boys," four brothers. The Ring boys (with Medaris wives) moved to St. John Kansas in 1885. Charles, Jacob and Alexander did not stay there long, all three were great carpenters and they headed west with their families and were employed in the contracting and building of the huge Coronado Hotel on Coronado Island, San Deigo, Ca.  from 1888 to 1894. The other brother Thomas stayed in Holton, Kansas to be a merchant and made it their home.

Nancy J Medaris and Jonathan W Medaris, children of Nathaniel Davis Medaris and Nancy Ann Rogers, lived with James after the death of their mother.
1829 - 1889 Abraham Medaris 60 60 22 May 1849, Abraham bought 2 parcels of land from his father, James D. These two parcels are located in Jennings Township, Owen County, IN. These two parcels were sold on September 26, 1851. Elizabeth purchased land October 31, 1861 in Jefferson Township, Owen County, Indiana.

Zurilda C Medaris and Nathan D Medaris, children of Nathaniel Davis Medaris and Nancy Ann Rogers, lived with Abraham after the death of their mother.
1823 Elizabeth Coble >1788 - 1846 Newlilly (Lillie) Medaris 58 58 >1788 Wilmuth Medaris 1796 - 1881 George Washington Medaris 85 85 According to a biography of Charles F. Medaris, George was engaged in blacksmithing as a youth.

Transcription of the Will of
George Washington Medaris

In View of the uncertainty of Life and the certainty of Death, I Washington Medaris of the County of Shelby and State of Ohio, do make and publish this my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all other wills by me heretofore made.

Item 1st. It is my will that all my Just Debts be first paid, enforcing. however upon my executor hereinafter mentioned to plead the Statute of Limitations where applicable.

Item 2nd. I hereby will and bequeath to my wife Matilda A Medaris the use and benefit of all my estate both real, personal and mixed of which I may be seized, during the time which she may remain my widow.

Item 3rd. At either the marriage or death of my said wife, Matilda A Medaris, then my executor shall proceed, as hereinafter directed, to distribute the proceeds of my estate, real personal and mixed among the following persons in the following proportions. to wit. to Minerva Medaris, my daughter, one ninth; to my son Zachary T Medaris, two ninths; to Charles F Medaris, my son, two ninths; to my son Gideon Medaris one ninth; to my daughter Ruth Medaris, one ninth; to my son Eli G Medaris one ninth, and to my daughter Martha S Medaris one ninth.

Item 4th. At either the marriage or death of my said wife, then in either case, it is my will that my executor shall have all my personal estate , goods and chattels appraised according to law, and sell the same at public auction as required by law and distribute the proceeds as itemized after deducting necessary expenditure in accordance  with the terms of item 3rd of this will. And further it is my will  that at either marriage or death of my said wife, my said executor hereinafter mentioned, shall have the right and authority either at private sale or at public auction as he mat declare best, to sell any or all of my real estate; and in the event of my said executor selling any or all of my real estate of which I may be seized at private sale, I hereby empower him with the authority as said executor to execute and sufficient deed or deeds for the same to any purchaser or purchasers, without the intervention of any order or orders of Court; in fee simple as per the Law and distribute the net proceeds in accordance with the terms of item third of this will.
It is however made incumbent upon my executor to sell said real and personal estate herein before mentioned within ...(no time entered)... from either the marriage or death of my said wife.

Item 5th. Should my said wife refuse to accept or take her portion under this will, then the balance of my estate after her allowance shall be reduces to money by my said executor and distributed as herein before directed by item third.

Item 6th. I hereby nominate and appoint my son Zachary T Medaris as executor of this my Last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal this 9th day of February of 1880.

Signed, sealed and declared Washington Medaris by the said Washington Medaris as his last Will and Testament in our presence and signed by us, at his request in the presence of each other on the day and year above mentioned.

1797 - 1861 Regina Medaris 64 64 1802 - 1876 Elizabeth Medaris 74 74 1848 - 1897 Ruth Temperance Jeanette Melick 49 49 1869 - 1917 Cora (Minnie) Dell Medaris 48 48 She had a death record in 1917 and was listed on the 1920 census. ~1872 - 1946 Charles Elwood Medaris 74 74 1873 - 1946 Lessie Mertis Medaris 73 73 1874 Ora Lee Medaris 1875 - 1903 Stephen Curtis Medaris 27 27 Stephen's obituary was printed in the Bloomfield News, Friday, February 13, 1903:

    "This community was shocked Saturday morning when word was received from Alabama that Curtis Medaris was dead. He left here over a year ago in good health. His remains arrived at Worthington Saturday night accompanied by his wife and two children, and were taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. Mat Yocum. His remains were laid to rest beside his mother in the Dixon cemetery Monday."

At the time of Curtis's death Clarence was 3 years and 4 months, Cleathel was 2 months shy of her second birthday, and Emma would have been about two months pregnant with Floney. More work is being done to determine what they were doing in Alabama and why he died so young.
1877 Martin Luther Medaris Martin was a veteran of the Spanish American War. 1879 Thomas Elmore Medaris m. Foxworthey
Kathie Charlett Medaris 1882 - 1905 Martha Ethel Medaris 23 23 1885 William Ray Medaris 1888 Jesse Roy Medaris Jesse left home when he was 16 in a "disatisfactory manner" according to his father.  Jesse was the subject of an FBI investigation in March 1921, on suspicion of Draft Evasion.  It appears the charges were never founded but the report does give us some information on Jesse.  Loretta may be Jesse's second wife, as in the report, his father states in March 1861, that "during the last year he had recieved several letters from subject's (Jesse's) wife, one of which was an inquiry relative to Subject's whereabouts, and informing Mr. Medaris that subject left her and ran away with another woman."  Later in the report, his father states that "subject served three years in the United States Army, but did not know what Company Subject was in".   They later recieved a copy of teh draft record from the"Local board for San Matao County, California".

Jesse was a conductor on the street railway in San Francisco, California.
1865 - 1923 Ambrose Ooley 57 57 ~1892 Eva J Kennedy Mathew Yocum Molly Dune Loretta Mary Wolfe 1849 Ruben Spear 1880 residence: Owen County Indiana
1910, 1920 residence: Logan twp, Beaver County, Oklahoma
1879 Winfield Spear ~1889 Serenus Spear 1887 Roscoe Spear ~1892 Grace Spear Junie Spear 1855 W S Williams The 1895 Kansas Census shows a WS Williams schoolteacher in Sedgewick County, b. ~1855, wife Beebe (or something like that), son Oscar B b. ~1882 Indiana, daughter Floy b. ~1891 Kansas, and son Arthur b. 1894 Kansas.

Maybe Minerva died or divorced or went to jail and WS remarried.
Miles Homer Perkins 1854 John H Laymon 1857 William H Rice 1858 Frank H McCormick They moved to Helena, Oklahoma between 1900 and 1910. Pluma L Laymon Charles A Brown 1888 - 1978 Roy E Waggoner 89 89 Maybe he was born 11/14/1888 1900 - 1974 Lilan Bishaba Ooley 73 73 1905 - 1959 Samuel Ivanhoe Ooley 54 54 ~1908 Elwood B Medaris He may have died young -- wasn't on the 1920 census. 1869 - 1915 Carrie B Knight 46 46 Kitye Alice Kern Demaris Lucas ~1818 Sarah Ann King 1839 - 1908 Malinda Jane Medaris 69 69 Malinda's obituary as found in the "Bloomfield News" dated September 1908:

        Malinda (Medaris) Breeden was born Aug. 19, 1838, in Ohio, moved to Spencer, Indiana, in 1839.

        Malinda Medaris was converted in a Methodist revival conducted by Reverend William Zarling, and joined the Methodist Protestant church at the age of fifteen. She placed her membership in the M. E. church at the Greene County Chapel at the time of her marriage where it remained until her death.

        She was married to Rev. John T Breeden June 5, 1862. To them were born five children, two sons and three daughters and fourteen  grandchildren survive her. She was also a mother to two children by J. T. Breeden's first wife, likewise a mother to Perry Edwards for whom she cared since he was a child three weeks old.

        Deceased died at her home in Beech Creek township Sunday, August 30, aged seventy years and eleven days. She was a long and patient sufferer, having been an invalid for almost eight years.

        During her long illness she read a chapter in the bible every day that she had the strength to do so and the day of her death she read the fourth chapter of James.

        For many months she has been anxious to go home and had prayed often that Jesus would come and take her home where there is no sickness, sorrow, pain or death. Just before she died she lifted her hands and eyes heavenward and said "Glory to God" and peacefully, calmly and sweetly went to sleep to wake no more on earth.

        The remains were laid to rest at Greene County Chapel. She leaves a host of friends to mourn her loss.

        Stanford Aug. 31, 1908
~1840 - 1909 Jason Taylor Medaris 69 69 Jason was a Minister of the Gospel. ~1844 - 1904 Jane E Medaris 60 60 1845 - 1891 Stephen Davis Medaris 46 46 Stephen enlisted on 10, Oct. 1861 into the Federal Army, Company A., Fifty-Ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He was discharged 09 May 1862 for reason of physical Disability. Stephen attended school for about a year and then rejoined the army in Company G, One Hundred and Fifteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He served 6 months and was again discharged.

At the time of his enlistment, Stephen was 18 years old, 5 feet 9 1/2 inches tall, dark complexion, grey eyes and brown  hair. He was born in Owen County, Indiana and was a farmer. He had a scar on two toes on his right foot. He would be at the siege of New Madrid, Missouri and Island No. 10 from March 1 to April 8 of 1862 during his service in the 59th. He was mustered in at Gosport, Indiana by Major Carpenter for 3 years. He spent some time in a hospital in Hamburg, Tennessee during April of 1862 and was discharged in Louisville, Kentucky on May 15, 1862.

In 1865 after teaching two terms of school, Stephen began the study of Medicine. He opened his own practice in 1868.
~1848 - 1875 Jonathan Wood Medaris 27 27 ~1850 - 1905 Charles H Medaris 55 55 1853 - 1928 Noah Medaris 74 74 The following article appeard in "O.C.Dem" 31 May 1928.

    One hundred and two years ago Jonathan H. Medaris a young man living in the state of North Carolina, with his father, hearing of the wonderful opportunities there were in Indiana, a new state just lately admitted into the Union, decided to emmigrate to that new country, and with his father and brothers started on the long journey over the almost trackless forest.

    When they reached near what is now Sidney, Ohio they remained there two years, when the father and family came on to Indiana, leaving Johnathan behind. He remained in Ohio, until the next year when he, with his young bride, joined the family a few miles north of Spencer. He soon acquired forty acres of land, and with his wife began building a home.

    To this union sons and daughters were born, and Noah, the subject of this sketch, being the fourth son, was born October 25, 1853. Like all boys of his time, life was mostly spent out in the woods with axes and grubbing hoes clearing land that they could raise the necessities of life. By this healthful occupation breathing the pure invigorating air and basking in the sunshine, Noah developed a strong constitution, and until a year ago was well preserved for a man of his age.

    In 1885 he married Martha Jane Corbett. To this union seven children were born. Mrs. Alma Sink, of Gosport, Daily Blaine, deceased, Miss Lucretia, at home, Mrs. Dollie Ellen, Meridith, Ohio, Pressley, at home, Mrs. Mahala Housel, of Indianapolis, and Hasting Dillon, also of Indianapolis.

    In August, 1889, he, with his wife, united with the church at Mill Creek Chapel, which was just organized, and known as a Christian church, to which he was a faithful member for a number of years. He had high ideas of a Christian life and seeing so few live up to the standard, by which he measured a Christian, he almost gave up and seldom attended church services after the death of his wife on March 24, 1911.

    Noah acquired a common school education. Was a constant reader of the daily papers and was well posted on the current events of the day. He seemed to have a rough exterior, but within was a good true heart. He lived the characteristics of his ancestors. He could not do enough to aid a friend, but seldom, if ever, did he forget a insult or injustice. He was an agriculturist and advanced ideas years ago that are now being practiced. He has spent his entire life of 74 years, 6 months and 25 days on the farm on which he was born, except about six years spent on the farm now owned by P. B. Hendershot. He was a quiet, unassuming man, seldom taking part in community affairs, but was not opposed to public improvement if the public was really benefited. He departed from this life May 15, 1928.

    Besides the sons and daughters named he leaves six grandchildren, a number of relatives and friends that will miss him, but most of all he will be missed by the sons and daughters who have so faithfully and lovingly given to him all the care and attention that children could do for a parent.
~1851 Alice J Harcourt 1812 - 1898 Elizabeth Stone 86 86 ~1876 Webster Medaris ~1878 Sarah Medaris ~1840 Mary A Medaris 1841 - 1875 Francis Louise Medaris 34 34 ~1843 Indiana A Medaris ~1845 - 1922 Samuel N Medaris 77 77 Samuel moved to Oregon sometime before 1908. Samuel was apparently employed by the Forest Service in 1908 and was part of a tree planting group. Samuel's grave is along a remote mountain road in the Coast Range of Oregon. It is located just west of his son, Lyman's grave (about 6 miles). Samuel's grave is located on Tenmile Creek which empties into the Pacific Ocean about 10 miles south of Yachats. His grave is marked by a pile of stones and a wood marker.  The marker has the following information:

            S N A Medaris
            Died 1922

The grave is surrounded by a wood fence, put there in recent years.  It sits 7.5 miles up from Highway 101 on Ten Mile Creek road.  This is the area that Samuel was living in at the time of Lyman's death.  I suspect that the grave is on or close to land that Samuel homesteaded.  There are no homes close by at the present time.  It is, however, a beautiful spot up in the coast hills.
~1856 Rufus D Medaris 1849 - 1920 William Worth Medaris 71 71 Elizabeth Goodman ~1846 Nancy A Medaris ~1852 Margaret Lucinda Medaris ~1858 John A Medaris ~1818 Benjamin B Howard ~1840 William W Howard ~1842 James D Howard ~1844 Pleasant E Howard ~1846 John W Howard D. <1850 Mary Cobb She died prior to 1850 and Salathiel relocated to Obion County.   Nancy Jane Osburn Sarah E Holloman These children are in the 1870 census living with N.J. Holoman age 28 and his wife Mary Holoman age 27. Acenith Ella Dyer ~1837 Mary Medaris ~1843 J N Medaris A male who in the 1870 census is living with N.J. Holoman age 28 and his wife Mary Holoman age 27. Possibly J. Nathan. ~1852 James S Medaris James was the first postmaster of Dale, Texas. This family is buried at Bunton Cemetery in Dale, Texas.

These children are in the 1870 census living with N.J. Holoman age 28 and his wife Mary Holoman age 27.
~1854 Nancy J Medaris She married Thomas Chalmers Finley, Sr.  They had five children.  Two children did not live long apparently, as they do not turn up on censuses, only Kentucky birth records.  Thomas was a Deputy Marshall and died very young. 

These children are in the 1870 census living with N.J. Holoman age 28 and his wife Mary Holoman age 27.

~1855 Ella B Medaris Her mother died shortly after her birth and she was raised by her maternal grandparents. John Medaris There were other children born to Salathiel and one of his many wives. John and Nathan were mentioned in the memoirs of Dr. James Henderson Medaris. It is uncertain as to their birthdates and therefore their maternity. Nathan Medaris There were other children born to Salathiel and one of his many wives. John and Nathan were mentioned in the memoirs of Dr. James Henderson Medaris. It is uncertain as to their birthdates and therefore their maternity. 1834 - 1914 John Thomas Breeden 80 80 His father was Thomas Breeden and his mother was Nicea Greeves. ~1863 - 1949 Jonathan Haston Breeden 86 86 1866 - 1866 Sarah Lucretia Breeden 1m 1m 1868 - 1948 Jacob G Breeden 79 79 John T Breeden lived with them in 1910
1872 - 1932 Hannah Oma Breeden 60 60 1878 - 1941 Ennie (Orlie) Orletta Breeden 63 63 Lenora Baxter Mary Larson Walter Howard Burch 1875 Robert Parker Weaver Father: William B Weaver
Mother: Martha Edwards
~1889 Mary Breeden 1895 Warren Breeden ~1908 Irene 1855 - 1917 William T Breeden 62 62 Lived in Bloomington, Indiana
1859 Mary Jane Breeden ~1834 - 1861 Emily J Edwards 27 27 1858 - 1904 William (Billy Wes) Wesly Carmichael 45 45 He was a prominant businessman and land-holder with a variety of financial interests.  1902 - 1984 Ralph Carmichael 81 81 1903 - 1978 Bret Carmichael 75 75 ~1861 Mary H ~1880 Carl E Breeden ~1890 Carrie A Breeden Lula Burch Hattie Burch Vivian Burch 1893 Roxie E Breeden 1895 Lettie G Breeden ~1898 Marion Breeden maybe married Emily F. Koontz b. 1/15; on 15 Sep 1920
1889 Alfred Hannibal Sparks Residence 1942: Monroe, Indiana
~1920 Warren A Sparks ~1922 James G Sparks ~1924 Molly L Sparks ~1926 William L Sparks 1928 Edna Z Sparks ~1898 Dexter Sparks ~1920 Hollis E Sparks ~1924 Joseph E Sparks 1927 Mildred M Sparks 1929 Anna M Sparks ~1898 Etta E Weaver 1901 - 1969 Atwell T Weaver 68 68 ~1903 Roy W Weaver ~1906 Cretia C Weaver ~1909 Anna May Weaver ~1915 James Weaver ~1915 Martha Weaver 1926 Robert Weaver 1905 - 1980 Clesta Edith Tribby 75 75 Leon Weaver 1842 - 1905 Sophia T Galloway 63 63 Father: William Harrison
Mother: Sarah Ann Lawson Galloway
1861 Winfield Scott Medaris 1862 Enola Ellen Medaris 1868 Frederica Maybelle Medaris George Newton Mackie Floyd Benton Smith 1871 Jonathan Edward Medaris Emily M Sharp 1874 Sarah Adella Medaris William Albert Glendenning Ervin Alfred Chilsom 1878 Daisy Medaris Peter E Verhage 1882 Curtis Ames Medaris Bertha Holbrook D. 1908 Abilin F Anderson Frances Mull Fannie Reburger Martha Jane Corbett James Franklin LaRowe 1858 Sarah A Carter Talitha Cumi Medaris Her name Talitha Cumi is Aramaic for "maiden, arise," and comes from the Gospel of St. Mark (5:41), the words said by Jesus to the daughter of the ruler of the synagogue. 1784 - >1870 John (Redd) Redmond Medaris 86 86 John moved north with his brother Abraham to Miami County, Ohio. He purchased property on 06 June 1802 in Central Ohio. He also purchased land on 02 July 1831 between the Miami and Little Miami Rivers in southwestern Ohio. The area where they lived later became Shelby County. John, Abraham and their sister Sarah, were among the organizers of the Antioch M.E. Church Society about 1820, now known as the Plattsville Methodist Church.  In April 1820, the first election in Green Township was held at the house of John R. Medaris.  The first Justices of the Peace, Henry Sturm & Chas Johnson were elected.

In 1824, John built the first brick house in Green Township according to the Shelby County, Historical Society. He also  built the first mill. It was a corn cracker built near Plattsville also in 1824.

John apparently died sometime in the 1870's. He and Sarah are living next door to their son William in the 1870 Harrison, Franklin County, Kansas census. He is buried in Old Cemetery near Plattsville, next to his mother Wilmuth.
Rachel Beezley Sarah Barber Sarah Curtis 1811 Oliver Medaris They lived in Indiana in the 1830's, Illinois in the 1840's and in Richland County, Wisconsin in 1850. 1808 Wilmuth Medaris 1802 Elisha Freeland Sally 1837 Delilah Medaris 1839 John W. Medaris John enlisted into Co. D, 2nd Missouri Cavalry, "Merrill's Horse Cavalry". He enlisted 01 Aug. 1862 at Glasgow, Missouri. He is shown present in all rolls from August 1862 until December 1864 when he is in a Tennessee Hospital sick. John died from desease at General Hospital, Memphis Tennessee, March 1, 1865. The cause of death was chronic diarrhea. This disorder killed more men in the Civil War than did bullets and artillery. His enlistment papers say he was born in Illinois. He was 5' 9 1/2" tall. Dark complexion, black eyes and black hair. He was unmarried and a farmer by trade. He was 22 years old when he enlisted. His rank was Private at the time of his death. He is buried at Miss. River National Cemetery near Memphis, Tennessee, Section I , grave 26. 1841 Evilina Medaris 1813 - 1887 Sarah Medaris 74 74 William Robinson William's great grandfather, John Robinson was a passenger on the Mayflower. 1849 Margaret J Robinson >1831 Sarah Jane Robinson Swearingen >1832 David Robinson Lydia Hornback >1833 Thomas Robinson >1834 John Henry Robinson >1835 Elizabeth J. Robinson 1817 - 1890 John Wesley Medaris 72 72 1822 - 1890 Sirrelda Barnett 67 67 1840 Martin Vanburen Medearis 1865 - 1925 David A Medearis 60 60 1870 L Z Medearis 1873 - 1940 Jenny Elizabeth Medearis 67 67 1879 Emery Martin Medearis 1881 - 1954 Minnie Belle Medearis 72 72 Married her first cousin.

1884 Louisa Medearis 1842 - 1935 Aurora Medearis 93 93 1844 William Medearis John D. Vernon 1861 - 1953 Mary Elizabeth Vernon 92 92 1863 - 1942 John Elmer Ellsworth Vernon 79 79 1873 - 1891 William B. (Willie) Vernon 18 18 Maybe died in 1915 1879 - 1958 Winfred Vernon 79 79 Oscar L Damon Josephine Roberts Zela Platt 1846 - 1878 Alexander Medearis 31 31 1851 - 1932 James Lewis Medaris 81 81 1849 - 1890 Eliza A Medearis 41 41 Harriet Ann Barber 1869 - 1928 James Oscar Medearis 59 59 1839 - 1916 Lewis Winters 76 76 Nancy M. Sturm Sinnta Lacy Davis 1905 - 1991 Howard Peter Medearis 85 85 1880 - 1967 Orange G. Medearis 86 86 1884 - 1969 Anna Christina Dorothy Lorenzen 85 85 Anna was the daughter of Ludwig William and Hannah Pitrina Redena Lassen Lorenzen.  They were both from Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. 1853 - 1933 Joseph S Medearis 79 79 Joseph and his two brothers James and Franklin moved first to Worth Missouri, where his second son Orange was born. Then they moved to Nebraska. 1858 - 1899 Isabelle Horrocks 41 41 She was the daughter of William and Francis Clark Horrocks who were both born in England. 1906 - 1950 Louise Anna Medearis 44 44 1907 - 1927 Elsie Isabelle Medearis 19 19 1909 - 1966 Carl August Medearis 57 57 1921 - 1999 Launce Elford Medearis 77 77 1877 Oliver Henry Medearis 1883 - 1967 Jerome Medearis 83 83 Jerome reportedly was a part of the Buffalo Bills Wild West Show team.  He then traveled to Montana, where he lived in Glendive and Savage. 1891 Hazel Medearis They lived in Portland. 1895 John Medearis 1898 - 1899 Florence Medearis 8m 8m Kelly Cora Kirby 1904 - 1978 Boyd Walter Medearis 73 73 1913 - 1991 Harold Kenneth Medearis 78 78 1923 - 1992 Howard Medearis 69 69 1906 - 1980 Josephine Medearis 73 73 1918 Imajean Medearis 1921 - 1999 Evelyn Pearl Medearis 78 78 Merle Schmidt Carl Almquist Dee Durnell Harry W. Scott 1856 Franklin Medearis 1859 - 1933 Ann Eliza Medearis 73 73 1862 - 1879 Frances J. Medearis 17 17 1865 - 1919 Sarah (Sadie) Medearis 54 54 1859 Mary A. Burns 1882 Frances Medearis 1884 - 1971 Anna Medearis 86 86 1889 - 1918 Charles Medearis 29 29 Killed in action, World War I.
1894 - 1963 Edward Lee Medearis 69 69 They lived in McCook, Nebraska.  1894 Elna Leola Medearis 1863 - 1923 Charles Wilbur Hanchett 59 59 1884 Earl Melvin Hanchett 1886 - 1961 Herbert Lyman Hanchett 75 75 1893 - 1947 Harry Roberts Hanchett 54 54 1897 - 1934 Wilda Lawrence Hanchett 37 37 1897 - 1932 Wilna Florence Hanchett 35 35 1898 - 1981 Myrtle Hepsy Hanchett 83 83 Fred Counter Clarence Cochran Herman Wenger 1886 Albert Barton 1817 - 1860 Jane Medaris 43 43 Peter Sturm 1838 Sarah R. Sturm George Ludlam 1843 Margaret Sturm 1850 Wallace Dunn Spencer S. Elston 1850 Melissa F. Sturm ~1856 Catherine R. Sturm 1819 - 1895 Elizabeth Medaris 76 76 1822 - 1899 Ann Medaris 77 77 1826 - 1899 Rachel Medaris 72 72 This Obituary for Rachel was taken from The Stark Co. News the 6th of Nov. 1899. Copied by David Fulks.

"Rachel Medaris Fulk was born in Shelby Co., Ohio, October 25th, 1826 and died at her home near Bradford, November 3rd, 1899, aged seven-three years and nine days. On November 10th, 1844 she was united in marriage to Levi Fulk in Brown County Ohio, and they with their little family removed from there to Illinois in the fall of 1850, and settled in what was then and is yet called Hunter Settlement in the south part of Bureau County. They lived there for two years and then removed to Osceola township this county in the vicinity of where she and her family have lived for more than forty years. In her early life she was classed among the Methodist Episcopal' s and held to this belief through life. She was kind wife, mother, and neighbor, ever ready to minister to the wants of those in distress. To Mr. and Mrs. Fulk were born ten children-six daughters and four sons-eight of whom with the aged father are left to mourn the death of one who has been to them all that a wife and mother could be."
1827 Matilda Medaris 1828 Maria Medaris 1819 - 1888 William David Fulks 68 68 William is the brother of Levi who married Rachel Medaris, Elizabeth's sister. He is the son of John and Catherine Creamer Fulks. 1806 - 1875 William Liggett 68 68 He was mentioned in History of Stark County Ill. 1824 - 1915 Levi Fulks 90 90 1867 - 1964 Levi Fulks 97 97 George Pickelman George Shaw Michael Gleich 1841 William J. R. Medaris Parmela A How 1846 J. M. Liggett 1853 W. R. Liggett 1854 Francis J. Liggett Florence H. Hall 1848 Eliza Jane Fulks John Fry 1848 Sarah Ann Fulks Curry 1850 - 1931 William David Fulks 80 80 Eva Elizabeth Harris 1853 - 1941 Felix Morgan Fulks 88 88 Sarah E. Robinson 1858 Elizabeth Ellen Fulks Henry F. McMannus 1860 - 1945 Mary Catherine Fulks 85 85 William A McCormick 1862 John Francis Fulks Moved to Kansas 1864 - 1955 Emma F. Fulks 91 91 William F. Johnson 1877 Laura Melvill Medaris 1880 William A. Medaris 1787 - 1859 Abraham Medaris 72 72 Abraham purchased land between the Miami and Little Miami Rivers in southwestern Ohio on 10 October 1827. After moving into Shelby County, with his brother John, Abraham married Charity Catherine Ellsworth on 09 Oct. 1814 at Champaign, Ohio. She was born 07 February 1795 in Harrison County, Virginia. They were organizers of the Antioch M.E. Church Society about 1820, now known as the Plattsville Methodist Church.

Abraham died at the home of his son Thomas Beecher, after a 10 year battle with Cancer according to the 1860 Mortality schedule.  After Abraham's death, Charity and some of the children lived with her daughter Wilmoth and her family in Gardner Township, Kansas. Charity died in 1896. Abraham and Charity are likely buried in the Old Cemetery near Plattsville.

Abraham Medaris Will
12 Oct. 1827

    In the name of God, Amen, I Abram Medaris of the County of
Person, North Carolina, being weak in body but of sound mind
and memory, blessed by almighty God for the same, do make and
publish this my last will and testament, in manner and form
following, that is to say:

I give unto my brother, Massey C. Medaris, a negro boy, Bob.

And lastly at all the rest, residue, and remainder of my per-
sonal estate, goods, and chattels of whatsoever kind and nature
to be sold and equally divided hence.  I give and bequeath

John Medaris's son, Alfred, by his first wife.

Davis Medaris, a son of Oliver Medaris.

John Medaris, the son of Massey C. Medaris.

Caliss Jones, a son-in-law of Massey C. Medaris and John Medaris's
D. C. widow.

David Medaris, whom I hereby appoint sole executor of this my last
will and testament, and hereby recording and hereby revolking all
former wills by me, made in witness whereof we have hereunto set
our hands and seals this 12th day of October in the year of our
Lord, 1827.

Abram (x) Medaris

    David Williams
    Walter Oakley
    Bennet Williams
    Sqr. Medaris
1799 - 1896 Charity Ellsworth 97 97 1825 - 1894 Mary Frazier 69 69 Daughter of Benjamin and Beulah Norcross Frazier.  1815 William Medaris Sarah A. Prudence 1817 - 1905 David Tuttle Medaris 87 87 David married Rebecca's sister 4 months after Rebecca died.

David was a farmer and lived in Shelby County,Ohio until about 1855 when they moved to Knox County, Illinois. Then they moved to McDonough County, Illinois leaving there in 1866 to move to Linn Co., Kansas where they lived near Centerville. Many of their children lived near Garnett, Anderson County, Kansas. In addition to the raising of thorobred horses, cattle and hogs, David was a wood cutter, a country doctor and a holiness minister.
D. 1893 Rebecca Frazier Daughter of Benjamin and Beulah Norcross Frazier.  1819 - 1856 John Ellsworth Medaris 37 37 Mary Ann Wood After John's death, Mary married 2) Isaac Stoker 16 May 1858 in Shelby County, Ohio. Isaac was previously married to Sarah Tunks. 1823 Mary Elizabeth Medaris Hugh Underwood 1826 - 1919 Thomas Beecher Medaris 92 92 1835 - 1917 Mary Helen Ingersoll 82 82 1830 - 1904 Simeon Davis Medaris 73 73 1836 - 1920 Elizabeth Kress 84 84 Daughter of Jacob and Mary Ann Spellman Kress. 1832 Wilmuth Redmond Medaris James I Vannice 1835 - 1911 Jacob Ellsworth Medaris 75 75 Sarah Buster 1839 - 1915 Mary Elizabeth Medaris 75 75 1841 - 1864 Joseph B. Medaris 23 23 Joseph enlisted in the Army 07 Oct. 1861 in Bushnell, McDonough County, Illinois. He was killed in the Civil War. He was a Sgt. Co. F, 55 Illinois Infantry.
1843 - 1930 Sarah Jane Medaris 87 87 John B. Spicer 1840 - 1862 John S Medaris 22 22 He was born in Illinois according to the census records, Indiana according to this military records. John enlisted in the Federal Army on 25 May 1861 and served as a Sargeant, Company A, 14th Illinois Infantry. He was discharged from the army on 20 August 1862 due to disability. John was described as light complexion, brown eyes, gray hair. He was an engineer by trade and they ran a family business in Denver, Colorado.

John was admitted to the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers in Leavenworth County, Kansas. He spent most of his later years there until his death on 24 January 1916 from pneumonia. John is buried at the hospital cemetery in Leavenworth County, Kansas, sec. 31, row 6, grave #5274.
1846 Sylvester Perry Medaris In 1900 Sylvester and Abbie were living on a rented farm in Pottawatomie Township, Franklin County, Kansas. The only child still at home was Charles who also worked on the farm. Sylvester and Abbie had been married for 27 years and had four children, 3 of them still living. In 1910 Sylvester, Abbie and son Charles were living in Ottawa, Franklin County, Kansas. 1854 Abarella Boyd Abarella was the daughter of John Boyd, a Union soldier who was sent to Andersonville Prison in Georgia during the Civil War. 1848 - 1918 Charity Arabeth Medaris 70 70 Charles Edward Adams 1851 - 1940 Thomas Darwin Medaris 88 88 1852 - 1923 Calvin Kidder Medaris 71 71 Calvin was called by his middle name "Kidder". He never married and lived with his parents. His neices Cora and Bertha (daughters of Thomas) lived with Kidder in the 1900 census. Kidder owned his farm and in 1900 also had a boarder, Fred Adams born in August of 1881 in Kansas. Fred worked on the farm. In 1910 Kidder was still living in Linn County, Kansas but there was no one else living with him. Kidder still operated his farm in 1920 and his widowed sister, 75 year old Sarah Spicer, now shared the home with him. 1863 Hattie E Medaris 1845 Milton F. Mills 1877 Sherman Medaris They were in the 1910 Washington State Census
1784 John Lucas His father immigrated to North Carolina from England. 1809 Margaret Lucas 1804 David Redinbaugh D. 1846 Lillie Lucas They had two sons
John Key Isaac Steward Issac is the brother to Amasa who married Regina. Issac and Amasa are son's of John Steward, neighbors to Oliver.
1795 - 1867 Sarah (Sally) Medaris 71 71 1838 - 1920 Mary Ann Medaris 82 82 Nelson Van Buren Gaby 1821 - 1870 William Salter Medaris 48 48 In 1838 William S. Medaris manufactured wagons in New Durham, Indiana. William sold his wagon shop in 1850 to William B. Webber. In 1852, Capt. Joseph Davis and his son, Caleb Davis, built a steam saw mill in New Durham township, a mile and a quarter north of the village of New Durham. In the year 1854 or 1855, it was sold to William S. Medaris, who moved it to a point near the railroad.  In 1860, a boy named Landon was drowned in a pond near Medaris' mill.  In 1880 it was written that the pond no longer contained water but was dry. 1821 - 1890 Elizabeth D Wickersham 69 69 1822 - 1825 Oliver Medaris 3 3 ~1823 Synthia Medaris ~1825 Hester Ann Medaris George Jacob Bringle ~1826 Lib Medaris ~1827 Elizabeth Medaris 1834 - 1916 Levi White Medaris 82 82 Levi moved to the gold fields of Bathurst, Australia during the Goldrush era of 1856. 1835 Jesse Lee Medaris It is unknown what happend to Alice, but Jesse married 2) Calista Kline on 25 Dec. 1868 in Marshall County, Indiana.  She was was born 1850 in Ohio.  Jesse lived in Michigan in the mid 1860's along with his brother Elijah. In 1870, he was employed as a "Sawmill Man" in Bourbon Township, Marshall County, Indiana. 1841 George W Medaris 1856 - 1941 George Sylvester Gaby 85 85 Mary R. Cochran 1857 - 1945 Timothy Oliver Gaby 88 88 Myrtle 1859 - 1861 Arvesta Jane Gaby 1 1 1862 - 1922 Mary Ceceila Gaby 59 59 Will Ormsby 1865 William Nelson Gaby 1867 - 1957 Emma Annabell Gaby 89 89 Joseph Marion Harkless 1850 - 1925 Charles Medaris 74 74 1852 - 1933 Franklin Elmore Medaris 81 81 1858 - 1937 Mary E. Flynn 79 79 1853 - 1937 John Milton Medaris 83 83 1861 - 1937 Martha Ellen Lucas 76 76 1864 - 1931 Hiram Medaris 67 67 He never married.

1859 - 1941 William F. Medaris 82 82 Twin.
He never married.
1859 - 1932 Mary J Medaris 73 73 Twin.
She never married.
>1859 Albert Medaris He never married. 1852 George Albert Bringle 1854 William Oliver Bringle 1856 Frances Tenoia Bringle 1858 Clara Bringle Twin 1858 Emma Bringle Twin
1863 Effie Ann Bringle 1866 Marshall Bringle 1868 Ada Bringle Twin 1868 Ida Bringle Twin 1872 Nora Bringle ~1800 - 1843 Elizabeth Salter 43 43 ~1797 - 1858 Amasa Steward 61 61 ~1822 William M. Steward ~1824 Eliza Ann Steward ~1827 Elizabeth Steward Elizabeth and Delilah were twins and after Elizabeth died her husband Samuel married Delilah! ~1827 Samuel DeWeese Murphey ~1827 Delilah Steward Elizabeth and Delilah were twins and after Elizabeth died her husband Samuel married Delilah! ~1829 David Steward ~1830 Mary Steward ~1832 Amasa Maderia Steward ~1835 Nancy Jane Steward ~1837 Robert W. Steward 1841 - 1932 John W. Steward 90 90 Enlisted 13 Sept. 1861 59th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Company I. 1800 John Baker Crumbough 1827 Peter C. Crumbough 1824 Solomon Crumbough He was killed in the Civil War. 1825 Wilmuth Crumbough ~1828 James Watson Crumbough 1829 Mary E. Crumbough 1834 William Crumbough He was killed in the Civil War. 1835 Daniel H. Crumbough Killed when a wagon overturned after the horses became startled. 1837 Marcellus Crumbough He was killed in the Civil War. 1841 Thomas D. Crumbough 1842 Sarah Crumbough 1844 Hannah J. Crumbough 1847 Samuel P. Crumbough Isaac Stewart ? 1832 Eliza Robinson William Cook 1872 Florence Mary 1889 Williard Medearis 1891 Thomas Harrison Medearis 1893 - 1908 Minnie O Medearis 15 15 Nettie Perry Laurel Davis 1898 - 1970 Charles Medearis 72 72 Grace Medearis Eldon Medearis Cicle Medearis Irene Medearis 1869 - 1928 James Oscar Medearis 59 59 D. 1900 Alice Righthouse She died 4 days after her son was born. 1900 - 1968 Harold Oscar Medearis 68 68 Ferol Mae Rowlett Lillie Lizzie Medearis Alvin Medearis Harold Medearis Orvil Medearis Lilly Mae Medearis Helen Medearis Hazel Medearis Clarence Medearis ~1877 William Frances Medaris 1879 Nellie Ann Spence 1900 - 1968 Margaret Beatrice Medaris 68 68 1902 - 1905 Ruth Medaris 3 3 1903 Virgil Joseph Medaris 1905 Ervin (Sandy) Medaris 1907 - 1987 John Henry Medaris 80 80 1908 Blanch Medaris 1910 - 1978 Ray Medaris 68 68 1912 - 1981 George Medaris 69 69 1916 Wayne Medaris 1917 - 1977 Abel Medaris 60 60 1920 Norman Medaris George Kemp Hulda 1923 - 1985 Minnie Ann Paulson 62 62 May Eleanor Keasler Tye Bridges 1876 - 1881 Hendy Medearis 5 5 1871 Joseph Manuel Medearis 1877 - 1955 Arthur Medearis 78 78 Married his first cousin
1877 - 1955 Arthur Medearis 78 78 Married his first cousin
Medearis 1902 - 1961 Alfred Jessie Medearis 59 59 1905 - 1971 Harvey Thomas Medearis 66 66 1912 - 1981 Raymond Medearis 69 69 1921 - 1988 Arthur Eugene Medearis 67 67 1909 - 1969 Ocean Irvinig 60 60 D. 1987 Bertha Gohring Mary Elizabeth Irving 1924 - 1982 Mae Bell Jackson 58 58 Rosa Medearis 1888 Solomon Medearis Edward A Carver Thomas Medearis Della Winters Mary Winters Adelade Winters Nellie Winters Elizabeth Winters 1885 Nellie Belle Medearis 1882 - 1956 Roy A Medearis 74 74 1890 - 1967 Earl Medearis 77 77 1895 - 1969 Frank Medearis 74 74 They had two children.
1897 - 1965 Walter Medearis 68 68 They had three children. 1900 - 1987 Wilbur Medearis 86 86 1903 - 1966 Arnold Medearis 63 63 They had 5 children. 1886 - 1940 Mae E Mix 54 54 1919 - 1920 Raymond Medearis 1 1 Marie Forbes Julia Carlson Olive Sturm Irma Smith George Medearis Willadean Medearis 1908 - 1979 David Franklin Medearis 70 70 Kay 1910 - 1982 Catherine Medearis 71 71 Gerald Parriott 1918 Francis Josephine Rice Evelyn Kerr Blanche Seidel Lived in McCook, Nebraska Matilda (Tillie) McCray Bernice Blickenstaff Mare Myars Thomas B Shaw 1886 Albert Barton Clarence Shaw
George W Shaw
Annie Shaw
Orville Shaw 1864 - 1946 Sara Ella Medaris 82 82 1869 - 1872 Ida Estella Medaris 3 3 1871 - 1872 Flora Rebecca Medaris 1 1 1873 - 1876 Jessie Lee Medaris 3 3 Trissa Mcnabb She was the widow of Henderson McNabb of Sheridan Township. John Crozier 1846 - 1903 Marcellus Medaris 57 57 1849 Sarah Medaris 1851 Henrietta Medaris 1854 Sally Ann Medaris D. 1936 Caroline Bundy After Marcellus' death, Caroline moved to Washington State with her seven children. All became quite wealthy after purchasing many fruit ranches and other businesses in the valley. 1872 - 1935 John Franklin Medaris 62 62 1875 - 1956 Pearl Lewis Medaris 81 81 1876 Clemmie Medaris 1877 - 1926 Flavilla Medaris 49 49 1880 - 1961 Glenna Medaris 81 81 1882 - 1938 Elby Marcellus Medaris 55 55 1885 - 1938 William Foraker Medaris 53 53 1888 - 1979 Mary Getha Medaris 90 90 1862 Charles M Medaris 1865 Mary Medaris 1868 - 1941 Reuben Abraham Medaris 73 73 In 1900 they lived in Logan County, Oklahoma. 1871 - 1943 Aurilda Jane Osborn 72 72 1858 Charles F Medaris 1861 Jacob L Medaris 1863 Holly A Medaris J W Medaris 1870 William Medaris They were in Washington State in 1910. 1863 Francs 1881 - 1959 Clarence Lee Medaris 78 78 They lived in Fort Worth, Texas when he filled out his WWI draft card. 1863 Helen B 1897 Helen I Medearis 1867 Delosa P Her maiden name was possibly Wheeler. 1888 Darwin A Medaris 1873 May 1895 Melda Medaris 1999 Joe W Medaris 1880 Mayme 1902 Elfleda 1869 Marsellas Medaris John Emry Franklin Elmore Medaris Died in infancy. 1882 - 1961 Arthur Glenwood Medaris 79 79 The lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Flora Medaris Died in infancy. 1886 - 1961 Lina Mae Medaris 75 75 1899 Donald Merle Medaris 1895 - 1961 Floyd McKinley Medaris 66 66 We owe a great deal of our early research to Floyd. He called himself "The Informant" and his correspondences with Douglas Willis details a lifetime of genealogy research. Floyd lived in California, but died in Oregon while traveling. He is buried in the Williamete National Cemetery in Portland, Oregon. Lottie Hood Elizabeth Jane Medaris They lived at White Bear Lake in Minnesota. Kenneth Robinson They lived at White Bear Lake in Minnesota. Robert Dahne 1909 - 1995 Russel Everett Dahne 85 85 Mary Louise Sandy 1856 James A Medaris 1880 - 1952 Grace Medaris 71 71 1884 - 1891 Clara Medaris 6 6 1889 - 1980 Ella Medaris 90 90 1869 - 1944 John Donaldson Parker 74 74 Infant death, 18 Apr. 1902 1879 - 1963 Alfred Snowden Gardner 83 83 1903 - 1981 Gladys Marguerite Parker 78 78 1905 - 1992 Donald Byron Parker 87 87 1908 - 1963 Robin Edmund Parker 54 54 1910 - 2006 Mildred Eleanor Parker 95 95 1917 Ruth Catherine Parker 1917 Walter Woodrow Parker 1901 - 1981 Howard Six 79 79 Marcedus Anderson 1909 - 1982 Edward Nels Larsen 73 73 1919 - 1996 Leroy Vergane Holtz 76 76 Ensey 1830 Matilda Medaris 1833 Elijah G Medaris In 1870 they lived in Lake Township, Berrian County, Charlotteville P.O., Michigan. Elijah owned a sawmill and had several employees.  The value of his property was listed as $10,000.  Josephine Worby 1840 - 1932 Agnes Taylor 92 92 She was the daughter of Andrew and Catherine Boag Taylor. 1863 Lona Medaris 1867 Churchill Medaris 1860 - 1902 Elizabeth Medaris 42 42 1862 - 1862 Catherine E Medaris 1862 William Edward Medaris 1866 - 1928 Andrew G Medaris 62 62 1866 George A Medaris 1868 - 1934 John Medaris 66 66 1870 James Levi Medaris 1872 George Wellington Medaris 1875 - 1881 Francis Bathurst Medaris 6 6 1877 Margaret Taylor Medaris 1879 Sydney Medaris 1881 - 1940 Oliver Cromwell Medaris 59 59 1884 Thomas B Medaris Mary O'Conner 1862 - 1902 William Richard Williams 40 40 Mary D. 1899 Mary L Atkins Fannie Bastable Claude Limonaire D. 1940 Alice May Jeannie Wright 1891 Emily F Williams 1893 Margaret R Williams 1895 Ethel May Williams 1897 Alfred S Williams 1898 William A Williams 1899 Frank B Williams 1900 Walter S Williams 1902 Williams 1886 William Edward Medaris 1888 Francis James Medaris 1892 Mary E Medaris 1897 Harold B Medaris 1890 Ellen M Medaris Stella E Whittaker Elana C Rosawarne. 1915 William Edward Medaris 1913 Harold William Medaris 1911 Keith O'Conner Medaris Medaris 1922 Kenneth James Medaris Edward Francis Medaris 1898 Grace T Medaris 1902 - 1942 Mountstephen John Medaris 40 40 1904 Agnes Marguarite Medaris 1906 - 1906 Thelma G Medaris 1912 John Hunter Medaris 1916 - 2000 William Kenneth Medaris 84 84 1914 - 1987 Maise Edna Medaris 73 73 1921 Jean Mildred Medaris 1905 - 1986 Ethel West 80 80 She was the daughter of Fergus Frederick Packard and Emily Parker West. Ethel's lineage has been traced back to the Earl of Annesley in Ireland.
1924 Leonard Norman Medaris 1797 - 1867 William Ellsworth 70 70 According to an ellsworth family article, they lived near Havans, Ill., and had two girls and six boys.
1823 Joseph Chevraunt Ellsworth Joseph was a successful agriculturist residing on section 20, Forest City Township, Mason County, Illinois. Cynthia Wheeler 1821 Thomas Haitt Ellsworth 1825 - 1909 William Elliot Ellsworth 83 83 1826 Sarah F Ellsworth 1827 Sarah Louise Ellsworth 1830 Samuel Rite Ellsworth 1832 John Fletcher Ellsworth 1834 - 1901 James Medaris Ellsworth 67 67 ~1836 - ~1836 Bill Cris Ellsworth ~1838 Mary Ellsworth ~1840 Frank Ellsworth Jane McFarland D. 1909 Harriet Ann Randall Thomas Bird Thomas G Onstot Catherine Elizabeth Baker Margaret Brodrick Adeline Brodrick ~1861 William H Anderson ~1868 Melinda Ora Anderson ~1863 Emmett Richard Anderson ~1865 Charles Anderson 1870 Sarah Emma Anderson ~1874 Molly Anderson ~1879 Laura Anderson D. 1897 Sarah E Hutson 1875 Nora E Medaris 1877 - 1965 Charles Edward Medaris 88 88 1879 Thomas A Medaris Walker Medaris 1871 Nova Medaris Edward W Admire 1879 Alma Medaris Dailey Blaine Medaris Lucretia Medaris Dollie Ellen Medaris Pressley Medaris Mahala Medaris Hasting Dillon Medaris 1878 Merty Medaris 1852 Elizabeth A Medaris 1839 - 1897 William Thomas Sparks 57 57 Allen S Sparks Mary Sparks Sarah Sparks 1867 - 1953 Amanda Jane Sparks 85 85 Millie Sparks 1868 Ida G Sparks Cora Sparks 1874 William T Sparks Charles Thompson Brother to Hugh 1868 - 1957 Joel Manson Burch 88 88 They had 11 children
Hugh Thompson Brother to Charles
1868 Ida G Sparks Annie McMahan ~1897 Lyman Medaris At the age of 19, Lyman Medaris traveled from Owen County, Grave SiteIndiana to visit with his father Marker, who was living on the Oregon Coast.  Most accounts say that Lyman had only recently arrived from the "east" to be with his father.  On or around January 15, 1916, he started a trek from Samuel's cabin, over the ridge to a small community where he could catch a stage and/or receive mail. Unfortunately, he left at a time when the central Oregon coast was experiencing colder than normal temperatures and heavier than usual snowfall. Caught in an unusually bad snowstorm he missed the trail down the east slope of the ridge and became lost. Lyman perished from exposure on a ridge top near Klickitat Mountain.

A search was mounted, but Lyman's body was not found  until April 16. The searchers buried Lyman where they found him, in a grove of hemlock and fir trees on the ridge top.  The Forest Service later placed 4 concrete markers around the grave and a sign to mark it. Lyman's grave is located in the Siuslaw National Forest just south of Klickitat Mountain. Klickitat Moutain is about 15 miles southeast of the small town of Yachats (pronounced ya-hots).

        The photo at right shows the tree that Lyman was found sitting against. Lyman's name, along with the dates of his death and discovery were carved on this tree by the searchers.  The scar in the bark is all that remains of the carving as it is now unreadable. Two of the stone markers of Lymans grave are visible in the picture. The photo shows the current marker cared for by the Oregon Forestry Department. (Photo's courtesy of Chris Andrew.)
John R Medaris Beulah Medaris Harry B Strother Elizabeth Elizabeth may have died young. Lavina Martha Hamm 1893 John Raymond Medaris It is possible that John was the son of Elizabeth, but it is not for certain. He appears to have died young.  His WWII Draft Registration lists his address as: "248 W. Vincennes, Linton, Indiana.  His occupation was with "Faithorn, RFD 1, Crete, Will County, Indiana". 1901 - 1978 Pressie A Medaris 77 77 He lived in Bloomington, Indiana in 1942 and was listed as a contact for John Raymond Madaris on his Draft Registration. 1903 - 1972 Zelma Oliver Medaris 69 69 She married Lonnie Hamm and they settled in Bloomington Indiana.  Lonnie was a farmer and worked in the stone quarries also. Zelma went to Brown's Business college and loved working and traveling. Lonnie Hamm Lemuel Jasper Chowning D. 1926 James (Jimmie) S Medaris D. 1907 Sarah Medaris I'm not sure about her. 1852 Franklin Howard 1856 Mary E Howard 1833 - 1906 Sarah Elisabeth Bledsoe 73 73 She was the daughter of Joel and Judy Runyan Bledsoe. 1852 Sarah Emmeline Medaris 1854 - 1934 Mary Jane Medaris 80 80 1855 - 1931 Levisa Ann Medaris 75 75 Levisa and Benjamin both lived in Worthington, Indiana at the time of their deaths. Levisa die in their home on the corner of Crist and Center Streets. The house was torn down in the late 1990's. They are both buried at Vincennes.  1857 - 1868 Juda Melvina Medaris 11 11 1859 Francis Marion Medaris 1862 Polina Isabel Medaris Twin 1862 William Washington Medaris Twin
1865 - 1892 Phillip Vorhees Medaris 27 27 1867 - 1939 Maria Alice Medaris 72 72 As store owners, the neighborhood became known as Campbellsville after this family.

The following obituary appeard for Maria Alice:

Well-Known Smith Township Woman Dies Suddenly; Is Survived by Seven Daughters

        Mrs. Maria Alice Campbell, 72 years old, a well-known resident of Smith City, died suddenly at 6 o'clock last night at her home six miles northwest of Worthington.  Coroner Sam Rotman, who conducted an investigation, said that death was caused by a heart attack.

        Mrs. Campbell was born July 4, 1867, in Owen County, the daughter of Abram and Elizabeth Bledsoe Medaris.  She attended the rural schools of Owen county and on April 23, 1887, she was married to Stephen R. Campbell.  They began housekeeping on the farm where she died and she spent the remainder of her life there.  For many years her husband operated what was known as Campbell's store in Smith township.  He died Aug. 28, 1932.

        Mrs. Campbell was a member of the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church.  She is survived by seven daughters, Mrs. Paul Stewart, Mrs. Albert Franklin and Mrs. Paul Ingersoll, all of Worthington; Mrs. James Noel of Clay City, Mrs. Roy Buskirk and Mrs. Wayne Markie of Indianapolis and Mrs. Ray Poe of Jasonville; two brothers, William and Frank Medaris of Bloomington; three sisters, Mrs. Ella Lenitz and Mrs. Margaret Foster of Indianapolis and Mrs. Laura Engles of Galena, Ill.;  11 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

           Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed.  The arrangements are in charge of the Myers funeral home at Worthington. 
1870 - 1955 Margaret Priscilla Medaris 85 85 1872 - 1945 Ella May Medaris 72 72 1877 - 1968 Laura Etta Medaris 91 91 Albert Cruse Frank Engel D. 1930 Benjamin Mast 1880 Marion Mast 1879 - 1955 Emerson Mast 76 76 1884 Otis Mast According to his obituary, Otis shot himself in March 1955 and is buried in Worthington cemetery, sec 8, lot #150 in an unmarked grave at the foot of his brother Emerson. 1887 Grover Mast 1889 - 1951 Gerald Otto Mast 61 61 He worked in Chicago and died there. He was buried outside of Chicago in Dolton, Illinois. 1892 Nova Mast 1894 Ethel Mast Cletis Jean 1852 - 1901 Henry Pierce Rhoderick 49 49 In the 1860 census he was listed (8 years old) with David (40 PA) and Mariah (42 NY) Curry, along with siblings John (22), Harmon (19), William (16), Charlotte (15), Jane(14), and Mary(12). John through Mary were born in Ohio, Henry P. in Indiana.

In the 1880 census, he was married to Mary J., with children Lizzie M (7), Abraham(6), and John W (3).
~1846 Julius Koester Immigrated in 1860. He was born in Germany, and his parents were born in Germany.

He was divorced in the 1910 census, in Sullivan County, Indiana.

~1866 Andrew Hamilton In the 1910 census, Andy Hamilton was listed in Jasonville, Greene County, Indiana, with step children Otto (18) and Christina (16) Kester.

In the 1920 census he was listed in the same place with Mary.

In 1880, Andrew T Hamilton was listed in Greene County, IN, with parents George W. and Luticia J Hamilton. This may be the same person.

1872 Elizabeth Marie Rhoderick Abraham Rhoderick John Rhoderick Ord Rhoderick Otis Rhoderick John Rhoderick ~1892 Christina Koester Her father was born in Germany.
1894 Otto Koester His father was born in Germany. His 1917 and 1942 draft cards showed him living in Greene County, Indiana. 1852 - 1931 Benjamin Frank Hummel 78 78 He was the son of Augustus and Elizabeth Eisenour Hummell.  They came from Jonestown, Pennsylvania in Lebanon County and raised a family and died in Owen County.  For what ever the reason, it seems like most of the children they had died or moved without a trace.

Levisa and Benjamin both lived in Worthington, Indiana at the time of their deaths. Levisa died in their home on the corner of Crist and Center Streets. The house was torn down in the late 1990's. Frank died at Good Samaritan Hospital in Vincennes.  They are both buried at Vincennes.

Regarding his birth date: His tombstone says born in 1847, death record says 1849, 1880 census says 1852, the whole family came up missing in 1900.  In 1910 census says he was born in 1849, 1930 was 1852.
1876 - 1876 Lillie Edith Hummel 2m 2m 1878 - 1956 Edward Melvin Hummel 78 78 Was in the Marines and got a dishonorable discharge because he was fell of the ship and broke his neck while drunk one day before the Japs attacted Pear Harbor and sank the ship he was asigned to, the USS Arizona.   Mel was on another ship, headed for a hospital in the Unites States.

He never married. He was buried in Vincennes next to his parents.

1880 - 1955 Nancy Elizabeth Hummel 75 75 1895 - 1917 Charles (Floyd) Hummel 22 22 He was killed in the US Marines on 27 Aug. 1917 at Camp Doniphin, Fort Sill, Oklahoma. He was killed in Howartzer training when a shell blew up and blew section of the barrel that decapitated him. He was in Battery B, 14th US Field Artillery.

He was never married, and is buried near his parents in Vincennes.
1897 - 1981 Effie Arlene Hummel 83 83 She married 1) Roland Parrish Walker son of Lafe Walker of Wabash Co. Illinois, on 21 Sept. 1915 in Vincennes.  After the death of Roland, Effie married 2) Arley Riggins, a widower from Marco, Indiana, an old friend of the family. 1886 - 1947 Olive Isabel Hummel 61 61 1883 - 1954 Archie Allen Hummel 71 71 ~1885 Ike Hummel Possibly short for Eisenhour, Benjamin's mothers maiden name. 1888 - 1972 James David Hummel 83 83 He sometimes used a middle name of DeRoy. 1891 - 1973 Sara (Ella) Hummel 81 81 They had children. D. 1915 Olive Turner She's from Jasper County, Illinois.
Martha Ferrel Anna Massey Deal Maggie (Bessie) Thompson Harrison Brown They had children.

D. 1947 Martha Ashby Rose Medaris Harley Medaris D. 1995 Herman R Medaris Nord Medaris Twin Cord Medaris Twin Nora Krebbs George Sappenfield Edgar Sappenfield Sarah Hummel 1895 Fred Medaris Fireman-engineer. Enlisted in U.S. Regular Army January 29, 1917, Bloomington, Ind. Trained at Columbus Barracks, Ohio; and Fort Michie, New York; assigned to 23rd Company, Coast Artillery Corps. Accidentally wounded Ft. Michie, New York; Discharged June 25, 1918. Died October 26, 1919, Bloomington, Indiana from effects of accidental wounds received while in service. Buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Bloomington. Survived by widow Inez Barlow Medearis, Albany, Indiana Stephen Rice Campbell As store owners, the neighborhood became known as Campbellsville after this family. Fannie Evaline Campbell Jesse Pearl Campbell Eula Campbell Esther Campbell Mollie Campbell Ruth Campbell Wilma Campbell William Marion Lenta Hazel Ruth Lenta William Dale Lenta Robert Molt Lenta James Albert Lenta 1824 Catherine 1843 Mary E Medaris 1846 - 1926 William Evans Medaris 79 79 1848 Thomas M Medaris 1877 - 1941 Oscar Franklin Medaris 63 63 1892 Wilbur Doyle Medaris  The 1900 Census and his WWII applications state his birthdate is 1894.  The 1920 and WWI applications state 1892.

He married Jennie French and they  lived in Hammond, Indiana in 1930
1888 - 1951 Ralph Frank Medaris 62 62 1881 - 1938 Ida May McKinney 56 56 1903 Pauline Rachel Medaris 1914 Wesley Dencil Medaris 1920 Katherine F Medaris 1909 Paul W Medaris Louise Medaris 1925 Oscar Henry Medaris Loraine Dorothy Medaris D. ~1859 Nancy Ann Rogers Her name is listed as "Nicy" on the marriage bond.

Nancy died around 1859 possibly from complications related to the birth of Houston.  After her death the children were spread out with other family members to be cared for. The clue to these childrens' parentage was in the census records. Listed under the families of James D., Abraham and Jonathan H., their ages were out of order with the other children. This slight out of sequence hint helped solve the mystery of the children of Nathaniel and Nancy. It is suspected that there are other unidentified children between Lucinda (1852) and Nathan D. (1857). They are possibly listed with their aunt, Levicy, and I suspect they will be found as more census records are located.
~1846 Zurilda C Medaris lived with her uncle Abraham, after the death of her mother. 1847 Nancy J Medaris lived with her uncle James D., after the death of her mother. 1851 Jonathan W Medaris lived with her uncle James D., after the death of her mother. 1857 Nathan D Medaris lived with his uncle Abraham, after the death of his mother. 1859 Houston Medaris Lived with his uncle Jonathan after his mother's death. 1852 - 1927 Lucinda Ann Medaris 75 75 Lucinda is buried in Prairie Lawn Cemetery, South East Edge of Cody Nebraska.  1845 - 1889 James Deal 43 43 He is the son of Jacob and Sarah Smith Deal. 1875 - 1946 Thomas Wesley Deal 71 71 Thomas was a Section Foreman for the Burlington Rail Road for most of his life. He was a 32nd Dregee Mason, at the Springfield, Nebraska Lodge. In 1905 he purchased 2 Gold Mines, in Lawrenece County, South Dakota, near Spearfish, South Dakota. They are on the mining site of Iron Creek. 1877 - 1951 Edward L Deal 74 74 1885 - 1941 Ethel Leona Orcutt 56 56 Alvah Daniel Stout ~1859 - 1875 Thomas Houston Medaris 16 16 This may be Houston, the son of Nathaniel Davis Medaris and Nancy Ann Rogers. 1851 - 1932 Mary Jane Medaris 80 80 1855 - 1891 Sarah Mina Medaris 36 36 In 1891 Sarah Mina Ring died from a complicated childbirth leaving her husband with 3 small children. The 3 week old baby, Mina, was cared for and raised by their uncle and aunt, Thomas and Alice. 1856 Louvisa A Medaris 1855 - 1930 Melinda Alice Medaris 75 75 1863 Emma Medaris 1851 - 1932 Charles Ring 80 80 1852 - 1917 Jacob Alexander Ring 65 65 1855 - 1894 Alexander Ring 39 39 1858 - 1932 Thomas Ring 74 74 D S Mull 1873 Ring 1876 Grace Ring 1878 Lizzie Ring Charles B Irons Olive Maxine Irons m. Lyons 1896 Gladys Irons m. Parrott 1898 Doris Irons m. Shoot 1900 Ada Irons m. Mayhall 1903 Wilbur Ring Irons John O Sipes 1824 - 1903 Lafayette Ring 79 79 1847 - 1920 Elizabeth Ann Ring 72 72 1860 - 1949 Louisa Jane Ring 89 89 1875 - 1944 Pearl Ring 68 68 1884 - 1958 Maude Mae Ring 73 73 1891 Dorothy Ring 1873 - 1916 John Horton Miller 42 42 Gordon Medaris Miller Agnes L Miller 1900 Ryal L Miller 1902 Alice R Miller Harry E Sipes Betty Lucille Sipes Nina Jane Sipes Otis Melvin Sipes Doris Jean Sipes 1902 - 1959 Edwin Jacob Sipes 56 56 1904 - 1969 Harold Alexander Sipes 64 64 1911 - 1965 Charles Owen Sipes 54 54 1921 - 1935 Robert Loren Sipes 14 14 Donald Lewis Culver Linda Louise Culver Donna Lee Culver Connie Sue Culver D. 1964 Eldon Dean Donna Mae Dean Jay Warren Dean David Dean Robert Dean Audrey Grant Delores Sipes Gary Sipes Leland Leroy Kerr Kenneth L Smith Robert Leroy Kerr Anita Louise Kerr Pamela Jo Smith Eric Lynn Smith Nellie Patton Goldie Payne Harry E Veddar 1889 - 1953 Wayne Lafayette Douglas Ring 64 64 St. John News, August 16, 1979

Rings helped start circle of settlement
by Helen Schlobach

My paternal grandfather, Thomas Ring, came to Holton, Kansas from Ohio in 1878 at the age of 20. He learned the Marcantile and Livery Stable business while residing in Holton. He became a close friend of Colonel Wm. F. (Buffalo Bill) Cody, who often visited him in later years. He married my grandmother, Malinda Alice Medaris of Spencer, Indiana of Oct. 28, 1880 and in 1885, they moved from Holton to St. John, Kansas, where they resided at 401 East Third Avenue until their death.

Shortly after coming to St. John in 1885, Thomas Ring went into the Mercantile business on the south side of the square, which he conducted until the fall of 1904. In 1905, his wife was seriously injured and the care of her became his chief responsibiliy, but he found opportunity to conduct a Real Estate and Insurance business in St. John and vicinity.

He took unusual pride in civic activities and, with others, he worked in setting out the trees, some of which still remain in our beautiful City Park. He was a charter member of St. John Lodge No. 539, I.O.O.F., organized on May 8, 1902. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ring were members of the United Methodist Church in St. John.

My father, Wayne D. Ring, born in 1889, was their only child. but in 1891, Mr. and Mrs. Ring took the five-week old daughter of J.A. Ring and his wife into their home when the mother died and reared her as their own. J.A. and Thomas were brothers and had married sisters, hence, the double tie of blood relationship. The baby brought up as, their daughter. Mina (Dot) Ring, married Harry E. Vedder, son of Fred S. Vedder, one of the financial backers of the young town of St. John.

There were four Ring boys and five Medaris girls. The four Ring boys married Medaris girls and the fifth Medaris girl married D. S. (Sig) Mull. whose daughter, Lois, married Percy O. Seevers, a member of another Pioneer family. Thomas Ring's brothers were all builders and contractors in and ar-ound St. John in the early 1900's.

My maternal grandparents, John A. and Jeannette Russell Morgan, with sever-al of their younger children. came to St. John from the coal mine areas of Pennsylvania around 1903. He worked in the building trade, both as a carpenter and brick-layer and helped build the J.H. Tudor building as well as many of the other homes in the Northwest part of town.

One daughter, Nina, mar-ried J .H. Hammitt, an early day photographer and long time typesetter and printer for the St. John News. One son, Jim, a building contrac-tor, constructed several of the first brick homes on south Main in the early 1920's. He married Lena Tudor, daughter of J.H. Tudor, an early day merchant, who, for many years, was associated in the Mercantile business with John A. Lynch.

The youngest of their 13 children, Martha. and my father, Wayne D. Ring, were married on Nov. 4, 1911, and their union was blessed with five sons and five daughters. The eldest daughter, Jeannette, died March 28, 1948 and the fourth son, Max died Feb. 21, 1979. Eight children remain: Helen (Mrs. Paul Schlabach) of Refugio, Texas; Alice (Mrs. W.T. Coan) of Kennedy, Texas; Darlene (Mrs. Cleo Bartlett) of St. John. Ks.; Barbra (Mrs. Galen Atterbery) of Enid, Okla.; Thomas M. of Onyx, Cal.; Wayne D. of Lemon Grove, Cal.; Loren of Stafford. Ks; and Jack. D. of Paradise Valley, Az.

Wayne and Martha Ring were both well known in the St. John community. They were both school teachers after graduating from high school. Wayne graduated in 1907, the first year of the four-year high school and Martha graduated in 1910. Wayne was a farmer-stockman, sales clerk, and, the last six years of his life, served as County Clerk of Stafford County.

Each day of his public life was filled capably and generously even though he was a victim of arthritis for 25 years. Wayne and Martha's love and friendship went out to all who needed them and, at their passing in 1953 and 1954, their children were left with many fond memories of devoted parents who not only provided the necessities of life, but left them with a spiritual courage and fortitude surpassing any monetary inheritance.

Wayne and Martha were concerned with other young people as well as their own and worked constantly for the good of the town's education, music, athletics, drama and schools. To them, the Alumni Association and the Alumni Banquet was the highlight of each year as they looked forward to reunion with their classmates.

St. John, Ks., will always be "HOME" to the Ring family and we are proud of our early settlers who helped bring the city of St. John from a barren prairie without a railroad to the beautiful shady spot it now is. We appreciate the present St. John people who worked so diligently to bring back the memories of our heritage. Like the pioneers, their efforts and devotion shall never be forgotten.
1892 - 1954 Martha Jane Morgan 61 61 Max Alan Ring Alice Ring Helen Ring Loren Ring Wayne Douglas Ring Ring Thomas Morgan Ring Ring Jackie Don Ring 1913 - 1948 Jeannette Ring 35 35 Francis Catherine Mildner W T Coan D. 1949 Olen Banks Ashley Paul Jacob Schlabach Cheryl Ring John Thomas Ring Ronald Wayne Ring Richard Ring Edith Marie Greene Ruby Jewell Turner Gene Ring Fern Ring Justine Tiner Jordan David Ring Kelly Dawn Ring 1878 - 1914 Emma Florence Franklin 36 36 She is the daughter of William Marion and Esther Ann Maners Franklin.

Emma remarried a few years later to Charles T. Hess on February 25, 1906.

Emma died on August 11, 1914, just two days after giving birth to the twins Wayne and Wandy Hess.  The twins also died on August 11, 1914, at only two days old. Emma was only 36 years old when she died in Monroe County. Wayne and Wandy were buried with Emma. With the twins at her side in the single casket, they were layed to rest in Knightridge Cemetery in Monroe County.
1899 - 1961 Clarence Odell Medaris 61 61 It is not known what happened to Zulla, but thought the couple divorced.

Clarence died on 15 Feb. 1961 in Monroe County and is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Bloomington. Anna died on  01 April 1991 and is also buried in Rose Hill Cemetery next to Clarence. Their grave sight is next to Anna Mae's parents' grave.
1901 Dessie Cleathel Medaris 1903 - 1953 Floney Ruth Medaris 50 50 Margaret Long Zulla M Williams (Litten) 1909 - 1991 Anna Mae Weaver 81 81     Clarence and Anna had 5 children all born between 1935 and 1951.

    Clarence died on 15 Feb. 1961 in Monroe County and is buried in Rose Hill Cemetery in Bloomington. Anna died on  01 April 1991 and is also buried in Rose Hill Cemetery next to Clarence. Their grave sight is next to Anna Mae's parents' grave.
1919 Odell F Medaris Lucille Ramone Irene Kenney D. 2006 Mildred Helen Blue Rex Fox Charles Gardner Charles T Hess 1914 - 1914 Wayne Hess 2d 2d 1914 - 1914 Wandy Hess 2d 2d Twin, died young. Stella Donica 1908 Ralph Maderis Evalena Hazel Himburg Jesse Robert Medaris Charles Medaris Francis Edwin Medaris Ruth Medaris 1883 Ada Alice Perkins 1896 - 1944 Curtis Paul Perkins 47 47 Curtis was a career soldier in the US Army. 1883 - 1918 Carrie Perkins 34 34 1891 - 1961 Lucille Perkins 69 69 1882 Hubbard Hiner Moreland Hubbard owned a Coal Company and delivered coal with a horse drawn wagon. Martina Taylor Ira J Johnson 1881 - 1949 James Porter Naanes 68 68
1889 - 1889 Milly Donna Laymon 1892 Amanda Lavina Laymon 1894 - 1976 Oscar Jennings Laymon 81 81 9 children
1896 - 1940 Mary Catherine Laymon 44 44 1886 - 1965 Bert C Laymon 78 78 1866 - 1889 Isabelle Gillespie 23 23 1900 - 1975 Clara Bell Laymon 74 74 1890 - 1928 Milly Ursley Laymon 38 38 ~1886 Eli F Bowman 1891 - 1978 Robert Shoop 86 86 1888 - 1966 Frank M Fisher 78 78 ~1923 Maxine Fisher 1897 - 1977 Dorah Malinda Lamb 79 79 1893 Emmett Answorth Rice 1898 Francis Rice 1896 Lilly E Galby 1927 Patricia Rice 1928 Emmett E Rice 1882 - 1960 Sarah R McCormick 78 78 She apparently stayed in Indiana when her parents moved to Oklahoma. 1883 Clara A McCormick In 1910 she was in Helena, OK living with her parents.  1886 Effie E McCormick 1888 Gail McCormick 1889 Dossie McCormick 1891 Cyrus Stevenson McCormick He had October 9, 1893 on his WWI draft registration, but maybe the two year difference was to keep him out of the war.

He is listed as Steven, Stevenson, and Cyrus.
1894 - 1975 Estes Hutts McCormick 81 81 His draft card showed he lived in Vinita, Oklahoma in 1917, but farmed near Helena, Oklahoma. 1890 Ralph S Medaris 1892 Ruth Medaris 1900 Fred L Medaris 1903 - 1973 Mary M Medaris 70 70 1905 Blanch L Medaris 1909 Claude M Medaris 1868 - 1930 Albert C Dean 61 61 Father: William H. Dean 1840–1927
Mother: Julia Beem Payne 1840–1917
~1897 Mina Bell Peck Daughter of Willie H and Clara J Peck.They moved from Reno, Kansas to Alfalfa County, Oklahoma.
1919 Mary E McCormick 1887 - 1956 Estel Parrish 69 69 He is the son of Marion T Parrish and Eunice Celeste Glover. ~1911 Jewel Parrish ~1913 Katherine Parrish 1915 Arthur Parrish ~1896 Edith ~1923 Marcus F Medaris ~1927 Hugh E Medaris 1930 Vivian H Medaris Florence May Ellis 1919 Vera M Naanes ~1921 Alma Doris Naanes 1922 - 1970 John Porter Naanes 47 47 Liskey ~1913 Ruby Lisky ~1922 James E Waggoner ~1924 Robert R Waggoner ~1920 Susanna Waggoner 1828 - 1889 John Freeland 60 60 1830 - 1830 Sarah Freeland 23d 23d 1831 Rachel Freeland 1835 - 1835 Eliza Freeland 4m 4m 1837 - 1838 Rufus Freeland 1 1 1839 - 1902 Robert Freeland 63 63 1843 James Freeland 1847 Jacob Freeland 1849 - 1873 Lydia Freeland 23 23 Lydia Rowell 1840 - 1923 A Zecharia Smith 83 83 1867 James Albert Smith 1867 Mary Maria Smith 1875 Theresa Jane Smith 1884 Nora L Smith 1886 Caroline Smith Clarence Eugene Williams Elmer Eugene Williams Leslie Moore Williams 1886 Stella Elizabeth Williams 1890 Bessie Williams ~1820 Matilda Ann McDavitt ~1847 Manerva Medaris ~1849 Zachariah Taylor Medaris married Lucy Burton. 1851 Charles Fletcher Medaris Maybe he was born in February.

There may be more children born between 1876 and 1885.

C. F. Medaris, farmer; P.O. Conover; was born in Shelby Co., Ohio, Feb. 20, 1851, and is a son of Washington Medaris, who was born in South Carolina in the year 1796; his boyhood days were spent on the farm, receiving only a limited education; at the age of 14 years, he, with his parents, emigrated West, locating in Batavia, Clermont Co.,Ohio; at 22 he engaged in blacksmithing, which he continued working at during life; in 1833, he removed to Shelby Co. purchasing a farm of 80 acres in Perry Township, where he now resides, at the advanced age of 84. Near 1821, he married Elizabeth Psalter, who was a native of Clermont Co., Ohio, and died in Shelby Co., about 1840 or 1841. He married, for his second wife, Matilda A. McDavitt, of Miami Co.

Mr. Medaris was raised on the farm, and received an ordinary education; he came to this county in December, 1868, where he has since resided. Jan. 23, 1875, his nuptials with Miss America H. Harcourt were celebrated; she was born on the farm where she now resides; they have one child - Perry H., born Feb. 15, 1876.

Mrs. Madaris is a daughter of Francis A. and Martha S. (McDavitt) Harcourt; Francis A. is a native of England, and immigrated to America about the middle of the nineteenth century; Mrs. Harcourt was born in Franklin Co., Ohio, in 1825, and immigrated to Miami Co., about 1832, where she has since resided.

(CR: 1900, 1910, 1920 Miami Co., Ohio)
~1853 Gideon Medaris ~1854 Thomas Medaris He married Flora or Dora and they lived in Farmington, Iowa.

~1857 Chemiah Medaris ~1858 Ruth Medaris ~1861 Eli G. Medaris ~1867 Martha S Medaris Cara J ~1917 Irene Koester ~1922 George Koester ~1925 James Koester ~1927 Violet Koester ~1929 Charles Koester 1872 - 1934 William Wesly Carmichael 62 62 Luna Edith Edwards 1843 - 1923 John Calvin Carmichael 79 79 1842 - 1888 Mary Weaver 45 45 Mary Whaley 1865 Mary Susan Carmichael 1872 Malida Jenny Carmichael 1874 Dicy Elizabeth Carmichael 1819 - 1904 Archibald Carmichael 85 85 Elizabeth Sparks 1791 - 1865 Alexander Carmichael 73 73 1755 - 1829 Archibald Carmichael 74 74 Elizabeth Nix 1845 - 1863 William Henry Carmichael 18 18 1850 Martha Ann Carmichael 1852 - 1923 Matilda Jane Carmichael 71 71 1854 - 1928 Joseph H Carmichael 73 73 Jerry Edwards Solomon Edwards Nancy Ellen Davidson Alma Powers Millie Marsey Naomi Lackey 1908 - 1962 Wayne Joseph Carmichael 54 54 1916 - 1999 Evelyn Carmichael 82 82 William White Virginia Madge Scott Earl Wesly Carmichael Bret T Carmichael Eliza H Kipplinger 1879 Katherine Medaris 1890 - 1949 Harry Evans Medaris 59 59 1889 - 1929 John McClellan 40 40 Dorothy C Vandyk Jennie French 1923 Virginia Medaris 1927 - 2003 Harry Eggburtis Medaris 76 76 Phyllis Jane Van Allsburg 1949 - 1969 Rick Eggburtis Medaris 20 20 Thomas Chalmers Finley Thomas Chalmers Finley 1882 - 1947 Johanna Thedin 65 65 1915 - <1930 Maria F Medearis 15 15 1917 - 2001 Hadley V Medearis 83 83 ~1919 - 1942 Robert O Medearis 23 23 He died in the battle of Corregidor, Phillipines, during WWII, after being left behind by MacArthur.  He never married.  He was in the 429th Sig. Aviation Unit, US Army. Viola Clara Green 1902 - 1964 Hanna Pauline Medaris 62 62 1915 - 1998 Frieda Avis Clinbell 83 83 John Ellsworth Mary Richards Laura Emily D. 1985 Clarence Lee Medaris They lived in Harris County, Texas
~1901 Martin Medaris ~1904 Elaine Medaris ~1907 Hellen Medaris ~1909 Fremont Medaris Irene Matilda Hobbs Alice Tolliver 1864 Henry Lee Medaris Clemmie L 1952 - 2009 David Daniel Medaris 56 56 1873 - 1951 Leon Arthur Medaris 77 77 Leon was a Post Master in McDonald County, Missouri. 1876 - 1938 John Alfred Medaris 62 62 1881 Charlie K Medaris Beulah May Martin Florence 1915 - 1983 Fred Perry Medaris 68 68 Elizabeth Charlotte Shaw ~1907 - <1920 Midred S Medaris 13 13 1889 - 1899 Andrew Medaris 9 9 Herbert Medaris 1893 Hattie Medaris Doren Alice Gavin 1878 - 1901 Claudia Carpenter 23 23 Leona Owens 1879 - 1968 Verdie Ann Setzer 89 89 1884 - 1960 James Edward Stout 75 75 Lenora Elma Stout 1886 - 1961 Laura Ellen Roberts 75 75 ~1875 Nellie V In 1910 Charles and family was in Kirksville, Missouri, where Charles was attending school.  They lived in Rockford City, Winnebago County, Illinois in 1920 and 1930.  Charles is listed as an Osteopath in this census. 1909 Florence Medaris 1852 Alice Medaris 1876 Minnie E Medaris 1878 Nellie C Medaris 1882 Allie Medaris She is Hallie's twin.
1882 Hallie Medaris She is Allie's twin. Walstein Sawdy Alsop 1889 Terrell Walstein He was living with his grandparents in 1900 1891 Burr R Sawdy 1900 Curtis 1906 Richard Alsop Samuel Ooley Bishaba Carpenter 1897 - <1900 Orestes Ooley 3 3 Isaac Stoker Sarah Tunks 1895 Thomas E Medaris 1900 Lottie Medaris 1900 Dottie Medaris 1878 Merty Medaris 1923 - 2002 Nola Doris Hamm 78 78 They had 2 children. She worked as a bookkeeper. Harold Lonnie Hamm Boyd Jordan Skeen Parker Leo Medearis Gracie Medearis Durand Blanche Medearis Willie Medearis He died in a drowning accident at the age of 2. 1880 - 1880 Willie Medaris 2m 2m Minnie Mae Van Dyke Ray McManus Carrie Manor Lucy Burton America Jenny Harcourt She was the daughter of Francis A. and Martha S. McDavitt Harcourt. America died sometime after the birth of Rex. 1873 Gertrude M Tyson She was the daughter of George and Mary E. Tyson. 1876 Percy H Medaris He was in Company K (Piqua) 3rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Spanish American War.  (CR: 1930 Colorado) 1885 Fay Medaris 1887 Rex Medaris 1897 Elwood C Medaris 1899 Lloyd G Medaris 1901 - 1967 Charlie Edgar Medaris 65 65 About 1921 Charles enlisted in the Regular Army. On 22 Sept. 1942 he enlisted again in the Army Reserves in Chicago, Illinois. 1905 Ruth P Medaris 1908 Jen A Medaris Ruth Cecelia Lorenz Lorna Horde Abba J Medaris Flora 1877 - 1956 George Medaris 79 79 1879 Cassie Medaris 1883 Elery Medaris 1886 May Medaris 1889 Edna Medaris Genevieve Estelle Marmion A Dierdoff Will Davis 1832 - 1904 Hugh Naanes 71 71 On September 5, 1862, he enlisted in the 59th Indiana reg., Co. B. On March 9, 1865, he was discharged from 11th reg., Co. E.

Census: 1860 Montgomery Twsp, Owen County, 26 years, page 96, household # 0660, with wife and 1 child

Marriage 1 Nancy Ann JONES b: 22 FEB 1841 in Spencer, Owen County, Indiana
    * Married: 21 SEP 1857 in Owen Co. Indiana 1

   1. Theodore Berryman NAANES b: 8 JUL 1858 in Owen County, Indiana
   2. George W. NAANES b: 9 DEC 1860

Marriage 2 Eliza Jane DAVIS
    * Married: 2 SEP 1866

   1. William B. NAANES b: 1 JUL 1867
   2. Attie NAANES b: 31 JUL 1870
   3. Phillip NAANES b: 27 OCT 1872
   4. Ramond NAANES b: 13 JUL 1874
   5. Dolly NAANES b: 11 FEB 1876
   6. Alma NAANES b: 16 AUG 1877
   7. J. P. NAANES b: 12 JAN 1881
   8. Ester A. NAANES b: 21 FEB 1881
   9. Joseph Logan NAANES b: 6 JUN 1885
  10. Benjamin NAANES b: 20 AUG 1888
  11. Hugh Guy NAANES b: 26 SEP 1890
1847 Eliza Jane Davis
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