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The Twig, Tree, and Treasure, A Genealogical Sojourn project.
The project started in earnest during the1960's and has continued sporadically from then on with help by various family members.and a lot of friends. Oral and documented family information was complied by Linda Bianchi nee Hooper and Barbara Hooper nee Crosby, later agumented with additions by Lee and Cathy Galloway nee Hooper. A special Thank You to Michele Yvonne Hayward Tate and her family for a lot of help with the "Southern" lines. The project has been continued by Linda and Mike Bianchi.
General Information: The information presented within the Twig, Tree, and Treasure genealogical project represents the work and loving care of several genealogists. Family lines include direct ancestors as well as those of any line connected by blood or marriage.
The accuracy of this work is limited to the words and works of others passed along from generation to generation. Not all of the source data is listed simply because the data is a compilation from many different sources, most which were family oral history records. Some data will have individuals or groups listed as the source of information. While these persons should be credited and are thanked for making significant contributions to this work, they should by no means be construed as being the only source for that particular data or as the only person to have worked on that line.