MEMO FROM: Representative Ben Bridges
RE: Tax-Supported
"evolution science" now
unlawful under the U.S.
Greetings. As Georgia's 5th term State Representative from the 10th District, I,
like others, have made several attempts to challenge the
evolution monopoly
in the schools. These attempts have all been in vain for basically the same
reason you and I and all others have encountered. Whether the challenge has come
from BOE members or Legislators, the Courts have ruled that "creation science"
(& "ID") has a religious agenda and thus is in violation of the "establishment
clause" of the U.S. Constitution.
"Evolution science", on the other hand,
has been viewed by the Courts as "secular science" with
no religious agenda
and therefore has been deemed lawful under the Constitution.
All of that can now be changed!
Indisputable evidence--long hidden but
now available to everyone--
demonstrates conclusively that so-called
"secular evolution science" is
the Big-Bang 15--billion-year alternate
"creation scenario" of the
Pharisee Religion. This scenario is
derived concept-for-concept from
Rabbinic writings in the mystic "holy
Kabbala dating back at least two millennia.
Evidence in the URLs
below shows conclusively that "evolution science" has a very
specific religious agenda and (as with "creation science") cannot be
legally taught in taxpayer supported schools, according to the
This first link gives the purpose of the Bill in a
generic form useful to
other legislators and BOE members: 179 PART I MODEL.htm (2 pp.)
The second link provides the court cases and Kabbala-related
evidence to
support the Bill: 179 PART II ATT.EVIDENCE.htm (7 pp)
This third link is optional. It is included to supply
more evidence
for those who want it. 179 PART II ATT.EVIDENCE.htm (9 pp)
I hope you will join with me in presenting a Bill
with this same content
in your state. It will WIN in the Courts! Together
we can stop the misuse
of billions in taxes now funding a
deception that is causing
incalculable harm to every student and every truth-loving citizen. (
solution for future science instruction after evolution is expelled from the
schools is also contained in the HB 179 links..)
Feel free to copy
and forward this memo to others you know.
Please direct all
supportive calls and emails to:
Marshall Hall, Pres.The Fair Education Foundation, Inc.
1-706-776-6795 -