Both Trampolines
Left tramp, rear inside corner
Left tramp, rear outside corner
Left tramp, front outside corner
Left tramp, front inside corner (the plastic is for the anchor to bounce off of.)
Rear inside, both tramps (center of the boat)
Left tramp, rear outside corner
Left tramp, front outside corner
Left tramp, front inside corner
Center of boat, inside edge of both tramps
Left tramp, rear
Left tramp, rear
Front: 95" total, 24 tie points on slides, 85" from the first to the last
Outside: 149.5" total, 36 tie points, 144" from the first to the last
Rear: 75" total, 18 tie points, 71" from the first to the last
Inside: 157" total, 38 tie points, 144.5" from the first to the last