persona non grata

I can't ride by plant any more. I shouldn't do this first gear hard launch in front of leading personal and some committee.. that's fine with me... after all, what did I lose, except for those several hundreds microroengen


4 kms leap and we are at the gates of ghosttown. This is my favourite. It was founded in 1970 and located 4 kms north from reactor. 50.000 people lived there.


Usually a police officer who call himself a town guard is telling me that I am in town alone. then I can hit roads with no worry that I will run accross some car or a foot-passenger. This town might be an attractive place for tourists. Some tourists companies have been trying to arrange extrim tours in this town, but people- their customers scared and complaining about silence which is hard to stand in empty town. They charged 1200 hryvnas for 2 hours excursion and town guard says, they all were leaving in some 15 mins, complaining that silense is tremendous as if one got deaf and it ring them in ears and place is bad...

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