Family Index
- A
- Abernathy
- Abrams
- Adams
- Addleman
- Adler
- Admire
- Adreinse
- Aerjan
- Alamannia
- Albaugh
- Alden
- Aler
- Alexander
- Algere
- Allen
- Allerton
- Allis
- Allyn
- Almquist
- Alost
- Alsop
- Ambrose
- Amsler
- Anderson
- Ansley
- ap Cynan
- ap Iorwerth
- ap Thomas
- Arens
- Argall
- Armstrong
- Arpád
- Arthur
- Arundel
- Ashley
- Aston
- Atheling
- Atkins
- Atwater
- Audley
- Aulabaugh
- Aust
- Aydelotte
- Azby
- B
- Babiak
- Bachman
- Bagley
- Bailey
- Banford
- Bardolf
- Barham
- Barker
- Barnes
- Barnett
- Bartee
- Barton
- Bass
- Basset
- Bassett
- Batisford
- Battie
- Bauer
- Baumgardner
- Bawel
- Beachamp
- Beal
- Beall
- Beardsley
- Beauchamp
- Beauclerc
- Beaufort
- Beaumont
- Beck
- Bedell
- Bedlisgate
- Belknap
- Bell
- Bellah
- Bellows
- Belmeis
- Benner
- Bennett
- Bereham
- Bergdal
- Berkeley
- Berney
- Berryman
- Bess
- Bettenham
- Betz
- Beverley
- Bidaman
- Bigby
- Bigod
- Billung
- Bird
- Bjornsson
- Black
- Blackburn
- Blanchard
- Blank
- Blanton
- Bloom
- Blossom
- Bobbitt
- Boddie
- Boecking
- Boger
- Boggs
- Bolbec
- Boleyn
- Boltz
- Bonville
- Bonwell
- Borgate
- Borrowdon
- Bourchier
- Bourdeau
- Bowman
- Boyd
- Boyer
- Bracewell
- Bracton
- Bradford
- Bradish
- Bradley
- Branham
- Branstine
- Brante
- Braybroke
- Braye
- Breeden
- Bretzius
- Brewer
- Brewster
- Bridges
- Bridgewater
- Briggs
- Brigham
- Bringle
- Brock
- Brooke
- Brooks
- Brough
- Broughton
- Brown
- Browne
- Bruch
- Bruyn
- Buchanan
- Buckles
- Bull
- Burch
- Burghersh
- Bursell
- Burton
- Bush
- Bushnell
- Bushrod
- Bushrot
- Buskirk
- Busse
- Buthow
- Butler
- Buxton
- C
- Cadwallader
- Callaway
- Camoys
- Campbell
- Candavaine
- Cantelupe
- Capps
- Carden
- Carew
- Caribert
- Carmichael
- Carnahan
- Carpenter
- Carr
- Carroll
- Carter
- Carver
- Casemore
- Catelyn
- Chambers
- Chaney
- Chaplin
- Chaworth
- Cheney
- Cherleton
- Chester
- Chevauchesul
- Cheyne
- Cheyney
- Chiche
- Chidiocke
- Chilsom
- Chitwood
- Chowning
- Claiborne
- Clarisse
- Clark
- Clarke
- Clayland
- Clements
- Clermont-en-Beauvaisis
- Clifford
- Clifton
- Cline
- Clover
- Coan
- Coberly
- Cobham
- Coble
- Cochran
- Coffee
- Coffey
- Coggeshall
- Cohmer
- Colclough
- Coldiron
- Cole
- Colepepper
- Colles
- Collier
- Colliver
- Colston
- Comyn
- Conyn
- Cook
- Cooper
- Copeland
- Coppaertsz
- Corbet
- Corbin
- Cordell
- Corell
- Cornwall
- Cortes
- Counter
- Cowan
- Cox
- Crabb
- Craig
- Cralle
- Cramer
- Cramton
- Creason
- Crebbin
- Creek
- Creem
- Croft
- Cromer
- Crosby
- Crowell
- Crowmer
- Crozier
- Crum
- Crumbough
- Cruse
- Cruzan
- Culver
- Currell
- Currier
- Curry
- Cusick
- D
- d'Alsace
- d'Anjou
- d'Arcy
- d'Armorie
- d'Arundel
- d'Aubigny
- d'Auxerre
- d'Avranches
- d'Enghein
- d'Evereux
- d'Evreux
- d'Oilly
- d'Oyley
- d Ivrea
- Dabney
- Dahlem
- Dahne
- Dalyngridge
- Dammartin
- Damon
- Danley
- Dantzer
- Danvers
- Darston
- Davenport
- Davis
- Dawnay
- Day
- de Aachen
- de Allemannia
- de Anjou
- de Aulney
- de Autun
- de Badlesmere
- de Balun
- de Bar
- de Bar-Sur-Seine
- de Basse-Lorraine
- de Basset
- de Bastenburg
- de Bayeux
- de Beauchamp
- de Beaufitz
- de Beaufremez
- de Beaugency
- de Beaumetz
- de Beaumont
- de Belesme
- de Belleme
- de Bereham
- de Berkeley
- de Bethune
- de Bettau
- de Blois
- de Bohun
- de Bolbec
- de Botetourt
- de Botiller
- de Boulogne
- de Bourges
- de Bourgogne
- de Brancestre
- de Breuse
- de Brienne
- de Briouze
- de Briquebec
- de Bryan
- de Buci
- de Bulmer
- de Burgh
- de Burgo
- de Caen
- de Camoys
- de Cauntelo
- de Cauz
- de Centeville
- de Centville
- de Champagne
- de Chastellerault
- de Chatillon
- de Chaworth
- de Clare
- de Clavering
- de Clermont
- de Clifford
- de Clifton
- de Cobham
- de Conflans
- de Conteville
- de Coucy
- de Courtenay
- de Craon
- de Crecques
- de Crepon
- de Crequi
- de Cressy
- de Cromwell
- de Croy
- de Crucy
- de Cruelly
- de Cundy
- de Dammartin
- de Dampierre
- de Dominicur
- de Donjon
- de Dreaux
- de Dunstanville
- de Echingham
- de Essex
- de Ewyas
- de Falaise
- de Felton
- de Ferrers
- de Feynmore
- de Fezensac
- de Fiennes
- de Flanders
- de Foret
- de Franchimont
- de Fynemore
- de Galloway
- de Gand
- de Gant
- de Gatesden
- de Gatinais
- de Geneville
- de Gernon
- de Glanville
- de Grandison
- de Grauw
- de Grey
- de Hainault
- de Harbonte
- de Hastings
- de Haudlo
- de Haute-Lorraine
- de Haynaut
- de Hesbaye
- de Hesdin
- de Holand
- de Holland
- de Hollande
- de Hornbach
- de Huntingfield
- de Jongh
- de Keynes
- de Kyme
- de la Pole
- de la Rokele
- de la Tremoille
- de la Zouche
- de Lacy
- de Lancaster
- de Lannoy
- de Layburn
- de Lens
- de Lewknor
- de Leyburn
- de Limbourg
- de Loch
- de Longchamp
- de Longvilliers
- de Lorraine
- de Louvain
- de Louvaine
- de Luxembourg
- de Macon
- de Maine
- de Malines
- de Mankesey
- de Marney
- de Mayenne
- de Mello
- de Meschines
- de Meulan
- de Mildenhall
- de Mohun
- de Mons
- de Montacute
- de Montagu
- de Montbeliard
- de Montbéliard
- de Montfort
- de Montgomery
- de Monthermer
- de Montjay
- de Montlhéry
- de Moreville
- de Mortain
- de Mortimer
- de Moton
- de Mowbray
- de Multon
- de Munchensi
- de Namur
- de Narbonne
- de Nevers
- de Neville
- de Normandie
- de Northwood
- de Novaville
- de Noyers
- de Ocholte
- de Orcheret
- de Percy
- de Picquigny
- de Pierrepoint
- de Plaines
- de Poitou
- de Ponthieu
- de Port
- de Quencey
- de Quincey
- de Rennes
- de Renty
- de Reviers
- de Ridelsford
- de Rochefoucauld
- de Roet
- de Rogate
- de Ros
- de Roucy
- de Roye
- de Saint Venant
- de Salisbury
- de Sanford
- de Saresbury
- de Say
- de Scarpone
- de Segrave
- de Senlis
- de Septvans
- de Somery
- de St. Hilary
- de St. John
- de St. Leger
- de St. Pol
- de Stafford
- de Stourton
- de Therouanne
- de Thouars
- de Toeni
- de Toni
- de Tosny
- de Toulouse
- de Tregoz
- de Ufford
- de Umfreville
- de Vaudémont
- de Vaux
- de Verdun
- de Vere
- de Vermandois
- de Vieilles
- de Vilapari
- de Ville
- de Vipont
- de Vitri
- de Vivonne
- de Warenne
- de Waterton
- de Wavrin
- de Welles
- de Witt
- de Wormsgau
- de Wydevill
- Deadwilder
- Deal
- Dean
- Delamater
- Delano
- Delver
- DeMarco
- Demuth
- Dennison
- Dent
- Dentzer
- Despenser
- Devereux
- di Saluzzo
- di Toscana
- Dice
- Dickerman
- Dickermann
- Dickson
- Dierdoff
- Dieter
- Digera
- Digges
- Dingman
- Dircksen
- Dobbs
- Dollinger
- Dolphin
- Donnett
- Donoho
- Dorman
- Dotson
- Dougherty
- Downing
- Drake
- Draper
- Drwyndwn
- Drysdale
- du Bois
- du Loire
- du Pret
- Duckwall
- Duerre
- Duerson
- Duncan
- Dunn
- Dunster
- Durand
- Durham
- Durnell
- Dymoke
- E
- Eaglin
- Earhart
- Earnheart
- Easter
- Eaton
- Eberle
- Eberman
- Edgar
- Edmonston
- Edwards
- Ellis
- Ellithorpe
- Ellsworth
- Elston
- Elwell
- Empress of Bavaria
- Emry
- Engaine
- Engel
- Engham
- Ensey
- Epes
- Eppes
- Eschmann
- Esselsteyn
- Estep
- Evans
- Everty
- Evre
- Eysteinsson
- F
- Fairfax
- Faris
- Farmer
- Farnes
- Fauntleroy
- Fawley
- Feldkamp
- Fender
- Fenne
- Fenner
- Ferreolus
- Fetterling
- Fewer
- Feynmour
- Fiennes
- Fifield
- Filmer
- Finch
- Fineux
- Finley
- Finnsdottir
- Firquain
- Fischer
- Fisher
- Fitch
- Fitsigulf
- Fitz-Urse
- Fitz-Winmarc
- fitz Orm
- Fitz Osbern
- Fitz Ralph
- Fitz William
- Fitzalan
- FitzAlan
- Fitzcrinan
- Fitzdolfin
- Fitzforne
- FitzGeoffrey
- FitzGilbert
- FitzHamon
- Fitzharding
- FitzHubert
- Fitzhugh
- FitzJohn
- FitzLewis
- Fitzmaldred
- Fitzpeter
- FitzPiers
- FitzPons
- Fitzralph
- Fitzranulph
- FitzRichard
- Fitzrobert
- FitzRobert
- Fitzroger
- FitzRoger
- Fitzroy
- Fitzsigulf
- Flambard
- Flambert
- Fleet
- Fleete
- Fleming
- Flodder
- Foel
- Fogge
- Fogleman
- Foliot
- Folsom
- Fowler
- Fox
- Francis
- Franckelyn
- Frank
- Frashier
- Fraunceys
- Freeland
- Frei
- Freitag
- Freleux
- Frey
- Frump
- Fry
- Fryer
- Fulks
- Fuller
- Funk
- Furguson
- Fynemore
- G
- Gaby
- Gallo
- Gansevoort
- Gardenier
- Gardner
- Garner
- Gaveston
- Gay
- Gaye
- Gaylord
- Gerard
- Gibbons
- Gibbs
- Gibson
- Giffard
- Giffey
- Gillett
- Glauner
- Gleich
- Glendenning
- Glenn
- Glover
- Gochenauer
- Godfrey
- Goes
- Golden
- Goode
- Goolsby
- Gordon
- Gore
- Gosnold
- Goushill
- Gower
- Grandison
- Grantham
- Graves
- Gray
- Greathouse
- Green
- Greene
- Gregg
- Gregory
- Grey
- Griffin
- Gudrodsson
- Guenand
- Gunn
- Gunsauley
- Gwyn
- Gwynedd
- H
- Hacker
- Hada
- Hagemiester
- Hale
- Halfdansson
- Hall
- Hamelant
- Hamilton
- Hamm
- Hammock
- Hampton
- Hanchett
- Hardesty
- Hardy
- Harkless
- Harmsen
- Harner
- Harp
- Harper
- Harris
- Harrison
- Hart
- Hartz
- Hastings
- Hatch
- Haute
- Hawk
- Hawkins
- Hawkwood
- Hawte
- Hawthorne
- Hay
- Hearndon
- Heaton
- Heckendorn
- Heckert
- Hedney
- Heisler
- Helle
- Henckel
- Hendrickson
- Henley
- Henry
- Herbert
- Hering
- Heriz
- Herndon
- Heron
- Herschi
- Hert
- Herzog
- Herzog von Schlesien
- Hesbain
- Hess
- Hester
- Higgins
- Hilgers
- Hill
- Hinckley
- Hite
- Hixson
- Hobson
- Hogg
- Hogue
- Hohenstaufen
- Hokanson
- Holderby
- Holland
- Hollis
- Holmes
- Holtz
- Holyoke
- Honywood
- Hoo
- Hopkins
- Horne
- Horton
- Hoskins
- Housman
- Howard
- Howe
- Howell
- Howse
- Hubbard
- Huckins
- Hume
- Hummel
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hurl (or Herald)
- Huyect
- I
- I
- Iness
- Ingesdottir
- Ingham
- Ingle
- Inskeep
- Irons
- Ivarsson
- J
- Jaakobs
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jacobs
- Jantzen
- Jean
- Jenks
- Jenney
- Jennings
- Jenour
- Jernegan
- Jerrell
- Jezewski
- Johns
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jordan
- Jorski
- Judd
- K
- Kauffman
- Keagle
- Keator
- Keene
- Kelley
- Kelly
- Kemp
- Kempe
- Kendrick
- Keplinger
- Kerby
- Kerr
- Kerstantsz
- Kessler
- Ketel
- Keuhney
- Key
- Kidd
- Kilbourne
- Kiley
- Killinghall
- Kimbrough
- Kindle
- Kinnett
- Kirby
- Kircher
- Kirk
- Kitchen
- Kittel
- Kittle
- Klimkowski
- Knapp
- Kober
- Koelling
- Koester
- Kool
- Kortright
- Korynta
- Kozak
- Krautlarger
- Krebill
- Kreuger
- Kurtines
- Kusek
- Kuykendaal
- L
- l'Arcedekne
- l'Isle
- la Zouche
- Lackey
- Lacy
- Lafferty
- Lambert
- Lammert
- Lancaster
- Lane
- Langdon
- Langston
- LaRowe
- Larsen
- Lathrop
- Lauten
- Laweson
- Lawesson
- Lawson
- Laymon
- le Bigod
- le Brun
- le Bruyn
- le Conte
- le Despenser
- le Goz
- le Gros
- le Lacer
- le Maitre
- le Scot
- Leach
- Learned
- Lecrone
- Lee
- Leggett
- Lenta
- Leonard
- Lessley
- Lestrange
- Levering
- Lewis
- Lewknor
- Leydecker
- Lichti
- Liggett
- Lilley
- Limonaire
- Lindsey
- Liskey
- Lively
- Livermore
- Lloyd
- Lockwood
- Loe
- Long
- Longespée
- Lookadoo
- Lopez
- Lortz
- Louches
- Lovelace
- Loveless
- Lowman
- Lowry
- Lucas
- Lucombe
- Ludlam
- Ludwick
- Lumley
- Lupton
- Luttman
- Lynch
- Lyon
- M
- Mackie
- Maderis
- Magee
- Mainwaring
- Majka
- Malcolm
- Malone
- Malott
- Maminot
- Mandeville
- Mandru
- Mangum
- Mann
- Manning
- Mansell
- Mansfield
- Mapleden
- Maplesden
- Marinessen
- Markley
- Marquis of Tuscany
- Marsh
- Marshal
- Martel
- Martiau
- Martin
- Martinez
- Martinson
- Massey
- Mast
- Matthews
- Mauldin
- Mauney
- Maury
- Mautravers
- Mawr
- Maxwell
- Maynard
- Mc Elfresh
- Mc Intire
- McAfee
- McCall
- McCart
- McCarty
- McClellan
- McClenechan
- McCollum
- McConnell
- McCormick
- McCoy
- McCracken
- McDermott
- McDonald
- McFerron
- Mcginnis
- McHugh
- McKee
- McLaughlin
- McMannus
- McManus
- McMillen
- McNabb
- McWilliams
- Medaris
- Medearis
- Meharry
- Meijnensz
- Mendel
- Merchant
- Merkle
- Meroving
- Metzker
- Michael
- Michalski
- Miller
- Mills
- Mingael
- Mitchell
- Mixer
- Monomakh
- Monroe
- Monson
- Montagu
- Montague
- Montgomery
- Moody
- Moor
- Moore
- Moradi
- Moreland
- Morgan
- Mormaer of Atholl
- Morris
- Mosley
- Moulton
- Mounts
- Mowbray
- Moyer
- Moyle
- Mull
- Mullenix
- Muniz
- Munson
- Muntz
- Murphey
- Murphy
- N
- Naaldwijc
- Naanes
- Nahoun
- Nanton
- Nash
- Nashley
- Naylor
- Neil
- Nelson
- Nemanja
- Neville
- Newland
- Newman
- Nichols
- Norta
- Norte
- Northumberland
- Nortte
- Nowakowski
- O
- O'Mealey
- Oberlander
- Oblander
- Odegard
- Oem
- of Adithley
- of Alamannia
- of Aldithley
- of Alemannia
- of Alfheim
- of Alsace
- of Altorf
- of Antwerp
- of Aquitaine
- of Arcis-Sur-Aub
- of Arcis-Sur-Aube
- of Ardennes
- of Argengau
- of Arles
- of Asti
- of Austrasia
- of Autun
- of Auvergne
- of Auxerre
- of Avalgau
- of Bamburgh
- of Bar
- of Basse- Lorraine
- of Bavaria
- of Bayeux
- of Bibigny
- of Blois
- of Bohemia
- of Brabant
- of Brionne
- of Brittany
- of Burgundy
- of Carinthia
- of Champaigne
- of Colchester
- of Denmark
- of Devon
- of East Anglia
- of East Franks
- of East Saxony
- of England
- of Essex
- of Evreux
- of Flanders
- of France
- of Franconia
- of Franks
- of Friuli
- of Gaul
- of Gaunt
- of Gepidae
- of Germany
- of Gloucester
- of Hainault
- of Hainaut
- of Haithabu
- of Herstal
- of Hesbain
- of Hesbaye
- of Hiesmer
- of Hungary
- of Huntingdon
- of Iceland
- of Isle of Wight
- of Italy
- of Jutland
- of Kent
- of Kent & Wessex
- of Kevelioc
- of Koeln
- of Lancaster
- of Langley
- of Laon
- of Lieder-Lahngau
- of Limburg
- of Little
- of Lombardy
- of Lorraine
- of Lusignan
- of Luxembourg
- of Maine
- of Massgau
- of Merovinga Franks
- of Metz
- of Montdidier
- of Narbonne
- of Neustria
- of Nieder-Lahngau
- of Nordgau
- of Norgau
- of Normandy
- of Northumberland
- of Northumbria
- of Novgorod
- of Obotrites
- of Orleans
- of Ostrogoths
- of Paris
- of Perracy
- of Poitou
- of Poland
- of Pottiers
- of Prayers
- of Provence
- of Raby
- of Raleigh
- of Ramerupt
- of Rennes
- of Ringelheim
- of Roucy
- of Rouen
- of Russia
- of Saxony
- of Scotland
- of Sens
- of Sjaelland
- of Spoleto
- of Swabia
- of Sweden
- of Thuringia
- of Toulouse
- of Tours
- of Treves
- of Troyes
- of Turin
- of Upper Alsace
- of Verdun
- of Vermandois
- of Vestpold
- of Vexin
- of Vienna
- of Visigoths
- of Vixen
- of Wessex
- of West Franks
- of West Saxons
- of Westmare
- of Westphalia
- of Wetterau
- of Woodstock
- of York
- Ohm
- Olafsson
- Olavsson
- Olejneczak
- Olmstead
- Onstot
- Ooley
- Oothout
- Ormsby
- Ottinger
- Overzee
- P
- Pace
- Pack
- Paddock
- Page
- Palmer
- Parcell
- Parker
- Parriott
- Parrish
- Pashley
- Pate
- Patterson
- Payton
- Peak
- Peake
- Peetom
- Pelham
- Pels
- Pepere
- Percy
- Perkins
- Perrin
- Perry
- Peters
- Pfister
- Pickelman
- Pickett
- Pierce
- Piersey
- Pilicington
- Plank
- Plantagenet
- Platt
- Pool
- Pope
- Porphyrogenitus
- Porter
- Portmess
- Powell
- Poynings
- Prather
- Pratt
- Preston
- Prince
- Pruyn
- Pugh
- Pulse
- Pympe
- R
- Radyon
- Ragnarsson
- Rainey
- Rankin
- Rasmussen
- Raynor
- Reade
- Reasor
- Redinbaugh
- Reese
- Reid
- Reinhard
- Rennolds
- Rentfro
- Retford
- Reve
- Reynolds
- Rhoderick
- Rhonemas
- Rice
- Richard
- Ridel
- Ridgway
- Ridings
- Riggs
- Ring
- Rish
- Risser
- Rizer
- Roads
- Roan
- Roberts
- Robey
- Robinson
- Rodgers
- Roehm
- Roeser
- Rogers
- Roland
- Roosa
- Rosa
- Rose
- Ross
- Roush
- Rowland
- Rowley
- Ruff
- Ruffin
- Rumer
- Russell
- Rutledge
- S
- Samuel
- Sappenfield
- Sawdy
- Say
- Schackley
- Schlabach
- Schmidt
- Schmitz
- Schuermann
- Schultz
- Schuttens
- Schwartz
- Scott
- Scotto
- Sears
- Seelig
- Seibert
- Seimsen
- Sellards
- Sells
- Semur
- Senkowski
- Sergeaux
- Shaffer
- Shaw
- Shenellyn
- Shire
- Shoemaker
- Shoop
- Shottisbrooke
- Shrack
- Shurtz
- Sidnor
- Simkinson
- Simpkins
- Singer
- Sipes
- Six
- Skaggs
- Skeen
- Skinner
- Skipwith
- Skorkosky
- Slagbrellir
- Slinger
- Smart
- Smith
- Smyth
- Smythe
- Snell
- Snodgrass
- Sonner
- Sotheron
- Soule
- Southard
- Sparks
- Sparrow
- Spear
- Spencer
- Spicer
- Spooner
- Springfield
- Squery
- St Leger
- Stacie
- Stafford
- Stanley
- Starnes
- Starr
- Stasyszen
- Staunton
- Stebbins
- Steciak
- Steel
- Steinhoff
- Stephens
- Stevens
- Steward
- Stewart
- Stoker
- Stone
- Stourton
- Stout
- Strange
- Strayhorn
- Strickland
- Strider
- Strother
- Stroup
- Stsaveur
- Stubblefield
- Sturm
- Stynmets
- Styrbjornson
- Sudderth
- Swan
- Swartz
- Swearingen
- Sweynsson
- Swynford
- Syagrius
- Sydnor
- Synadenos
- Szybiak
- T
- Tack
- Tailboys
- Taillefer
- Talbot
- Tallakarne
- Talvas
- Tankersley
- Tarr
- Taverner
- Taylor
- Teboe
- Tedrick
- Tefertiller
- Tenbroeck
- Teter
- Teunissen
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thornbury
- Thorpe
- Thralls
- Thurgovie
- Tillery
- Tolle
- Tooze
- Tosely
- Trask
- Travers
- Travis
- Treakle
- Trekell
- Trent
- Trickle
- Trussebut
- Tryelinson
- Tuchet
- Tudor
- Tuke
- Turstan
- Tweedy
- Tynes
- Tyrell
- U
- V
- V
- Valenti
- van Alen
- Van Alen
- van Alstyne
- Van Alstyne
- van Buren
- Van Buren
- van der Burchgraeff
- Van Deusen
- van Dorp
- Van Etten
- Van Hoesen
- van Kortright
- van Kortrijk
- Van Kuykendaal
- van Maerland
- van Naeldwijc
- Van Ness
- Van Noorstad
- van Noorstrandt
- Van Noorstrant
- Van Pelt
- Van Schaak
- van Schipliede/van Dorp
- van Slyck
- Van Valkenburg
- Van Valkenburgh
- van Voorne
- Van Vredenburgh
- Van Westphalen
- Van Wye
- van Ysselsteyn
- Vance
- Vannice
- Vanzant
- Varner
- Vassar
- Vaughan
- Veddar
- Verdun
- Verhage
- Vernon
- Vest
- Vicomte of Bessin
- Villiers
- Visconti
- Volz
- von Bayern
- von der Rhein
- von Geldern
- von Gleiburg
- von Henneberg
- von Ketel
- von Massgau
- von Passau
- von Saarbrücken
- von Swabia
- von Zelle
- Vrooman
- W
- Wadham
- Waggoner
- Wagner
- Wake
- Waldorf
- Wales
- Walker
- Waller
- Walling
- Walsh
- Walstein
- Walters
- Ware
- Warham
- Warner
- Warren
- Washington
- Wateville
- Watson
- Weaver
- Webb
- Webster
- Weed
- Weeks
- Welle
- Wells
- Wemhover
- Wenger
- Wessels
- Westfall
- Westphal
- Westphalen
- Westrope
- Westvael
- Wetterau
- Whitaker
- White
- Whitlaw
- Wiatt
- Wiggersz
- Wildey
- Wilkes
- Wilkin
- Wilkinson
- Willard
- Williams
- Williamsen
- Willingham
- Willington
- Willoughby
- Wills
- Wilson
- Windebank
- Wingfield
- Winn
- Winslow
- Winters
- Wiot
- Wolfe
- Wolff
- Wolffram
- Wolford
- Woods
- Woolums
- Wormeley
- Worthington
- Wozniak
- Wright
- Wyatt
- Wychingham
- Wydevill
- Wydeville
- Wymarche
- Wyngaart
- Wyskup
- Y
- Yeager
- Yocum
- Yost
- Young
- Yowell
- Z
- <Unknown>
- Harle & Agnes
- Audedert & Alienor
- Saint Vladimir I, Grand Duke of Kiev & Anna
- Lendisius & Berswinde
- Hughes I & Clementina
- Meijns & Coppaerdsdr
- Svyatopolk I, Grand Duke of Kiev & daughter
- Ferreolus, Senator of Narbonne & Saint Dode, Abbess of Saint Pierre de Reims
- Uhtred, Earl of Northumbria & Ecgfrida
- Hugues II & Elisenda
- Cainreach & Ete
- Colban Earl of Buchan & Eve, Countess of Buchan
- Wandregisi & Farahild
- Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor & Fastrada
- Carloman & Gerberga
- Foucauld & Gersinda
- Kol & Gunhild
- Godwine, Earl of Essex & Gytha
- Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor & Hildegarde
- Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor & Himeltrud
- Erchembaldus & Leudefindis
- Humbert & Mathilde
- Williams & Mildred
- Igor I, Grand Duke of Kiev & Saint Olga
- Bodilin & Sigrada (Sigree)
- Ferreolus & Syagria
- Lothar II & Waldrada
- Godefroi
- Odoscer
- Engleran
- Liderie
- Pepin I
- Carloman
- Pepin, 1st Count of Vermandois
- Coppaert & wife
- Harmen Harmense & wife
- Sigulf
- Ivar Halfdansson ("Oplaendinge")
- Bachman & wife
- Luitfried
- Cuthwine
- Cuthwulf
- Ceolwald
- Cenred
- Ingeld
- Eoppa
- Arnulf
- Goert
- Alleaume
- Aripert II
- John
- Thorold Seigneur de Pont-Audemer
- Nes
- William Lord of Leuchars
- Herbert Marquis of Transjuranian Burgundy
- Conrad (the Pacific) Roi de Jurane Bourgogne
- Rudolph II, Roi de Jurane Bourgogne
- Rudolph II, Roi de Jurane Bourgogne
- Conrad II, Holy Roman Emperor
- Heinrich IV, Holy Roman Emperor
- Florent I, Comte de Hollande
- Dirk III, Comte de Hollande
- Arnulf, Comte de Hollande
- Dirk II, Comte de Hollande
- Dirk I, Comte de Hollande
- Amadeo II, Conte di Savoia
- Oddo Conte di Savoia
- Umberto (Whitehands) I, Conte di Savoia
- Euric
- Heinrich III, Holy Roman Emperor
- Thomasine
- Mieszko I, Duke of Poland
- Romanus II, Emperor of Constantinople
- Leo (the Wise) VI, Emperor of Constantinople
- Basil (the Macedonian) I, Emperor of Constantinople
- Svyatolslav I, Grand Duke of Kiev
- Saint Stephen King of Serbia
- Henry
- Cynan
- Iago
- Idwal
- Meurig
- Anarawd
- Aldhun
- Avenal
- Duncan, 5th Earl of Angus
- Gilchrist 4th, Earl of Angus
- Gillbride, 2nd Earl of Angus & partner
- Dufugan 1st Earl of Angus
- Gillbride, 2nd Earl of Angus & partner
- Gospatrick, Earl of Dunbar
- Rognvald, Jarl of Orkney
- Fergus, 4th Earl of Buchan & partner
- Roger, 3rd Earl of Buchan & partner
- Gartnach, 1st Earl of Buchan & partner
- Gilliemathil